The Reign of Terror

Serial H, in 6 parts

Written by: Dennis Spooner
Produced by: Verity Lambert
Directed by: Henric Hirsch, John Gorrie (3)

Mini-Reviews and Quotes:

"The Reign of Terror was three hours long, six half hour episodes, and you know there are going to be places in episode two where you don't want to go further into the story because you don't want that to happen until episode four. So if you can introduce a character with an element of humor than it becomes a marvelous way of padding the show without boring the audience or breaking up the plot. The audience will always watch a 'funny bit' and quite like it." - Dennis Spooner on his comic goaler character, as quoted in Doctor Who: The Unfolding Text by John Tulloch and Manuel Alvarado (St. Martin's Press: 1983)

"Rather different in style from the earlier historical stories, relying less on historical detail and more on humor and adventure, The Reign of Terror is a highly enjoyable tale, full of exciting incident and well-drawn characters." - The Handbook: The First Doctor by Howe, Stammers, and Walker (Virgin: 1994).

The Brian Review:

Hope you enjoyed the quotes, because I don't have much to add! The Reign of Terror is, sadly, another "lost" episode that no longer exists in the BBC archives. I read Ian Marter's novelisation and enjoyed it, but I think he darkened the tone of Spooner's story considerably, so I don't feel brave enough to project my feelings about the book onto the televised story. The notion of a "funny" take on a bloody historical period doesn't sound quite right to me, but then again the rest of the first season is great stuff...