CATEGORY: Missing scene
SPOILERS: Singularity
SUMMARY: We all know what happened to Cassandra after she left her home planet. But what was her life like before?
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Stargate; it owns me. It actually belongs to various people who are richer than me, and aren't going to sue, because I'll return everyone in original packaging, and I'll even give Junior a bath. Aren't I nice?
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I always wondered how Cassandra's life was like before she came to Earth. After all, she wouldn't have been able to read, write, she would have worked fields (ok, I'm going by what a history teacher told me about peasants), and I always wondered why there has not been a fanfic about her life pre earth. So I wrote one. I hope you like it. Thanks to Mrs Ashcroft for peasant information. Feedback? Please? With cheese and an Asgard on top?
I can't think what has possessed me to write this, only Janet says that it would be good practice, as I have only been writing in English for a year or so. She says that it might be nice of I wrote about my daily life back on my… home. I don't really call it that anymore, to be honest. My home is here, on Earth, and that will never change, well, until I join as SG team.
There I go again, babbling! I'm supposed to be writing about life back home, so I might as well get on with it.
I was just an ordinary child, back home. By Earths standards, I would have been very poor, but I was fairly well off, when you compare me to my friend, Rhiannon. She was my cousin, and we were very close. I didn't have too many family members. I only had two brothers, as my sister died when she was born. Rhiannon had six brothers and one sister, can you believe it!
In some ways, it was an advantage. On Earth, the children aren't allowed to work, which I always found strange at first. At home, school was only for the sons of the rich. Rich girls got to sew, embroider, and never had to cook.
Not for us poor girls. We were up at the rising of the second sun, and we had to work only an hour later. We would work the fields until the setting of the first sun. The crops were very different compared to here. We had something similar to corn, and our daily meals were centred on this. Though I finished working the fields at the setting of the first sun, my brothers and my father would work until the setting of the second sun. In the time between settings, my mother would teach me how to cook, how to make clothes, and other essential things girls of my age should have been able to do. I was eleven when I left, but I can cook better than Janet most times! Another important thing about life back home was the difference between men and women. Men and women were treated very differently. I would have been married this year, and here on Earth it would be illegal! I had a fairly nice life, I suppose. I can work a lot harder than all of the people in my class put together. But then…
Well, then it happened. Everyone started to get sick. It happened just after the SG team had arrived, and we all blamed them, until they got sick too. It all happened so quickly….
Then they came. The Jaffa, I mean. Not everyone was ill then, not compared to what it was like when I came back. You see, the Jaffa took me, back to that ship, and I can't really remember anything too clearly. I seemed to be fine when I came back to my village. But everyone was dead or ill. My whole family was dead. I ran to Rhiannon, and she was sick too. And she died before my very eyes, that was how quickly it happened. My mother had died while tending the fields. Rhiannon's father told me this, before he died too. When I saw here, she was holding the scythe I had so often used. It had taken her while she was ill in the fields, and only a few hours later, she was dead. That was how quickly that the disease took us all.
Then Sam arrived, like an angel. And I think Janet knows the rest. I hope she'll be pleased with this, I know it makes her proud when I write something. Cassandra Fraiser, 13
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