CATEGORY: Reflections
SPOILERS: Forever in a Day, The Gamekeeper
SUMMARY: The geeky archaeologist, by a hard-nosed Colonel
DISCLAIMER: Surprise surprise, I don't own Stargate. Bet you didn't see that one coming! I promise I'll return them once I've finished with them, all bathed and washed.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hello, I'm Scott Mills, a Radio 1 DJ. Listen to me in the morning on Radio 1! Feedback? We at radio 1 like it so much...
God, but that boy makes me want to scream sometimes. He sits there, blinking through his overlarge glasses, shocked beyond belief at the thought that we might not go.
He's always so innocent; always thinks that we should help out. And he shouldn't be so innocent, that's one of the problems. At 34, you'd think that he might have hardened up a little bit, but no. And the things he's been through in his life, he should be the most thick-skinned man in the world. Parents killed in front of his eyes at eight. Going from foster home to foster home, never finding a permanent place. Probably had hell in school, with him being- well, yeah, a complete and utter geek. Wife killed in front of his eyes by one of his best friends. And that was because his wife was trying to kill him. Some damn nasty experiences more recently. But... maybe that's why he's so innocent. If you look deep enough into those crystalline blue eyes, you see a piece of ice, a piece of him that it'll never melt. But that part stuck deep down, so that he can still look upon the world, with the innocence of a child. Always fighting to save life, generally not his own, unless he's in the infirmary yet again.
'Yeah, but those poor people! They might not be able to eat properly unless we help them!'
Oh, he's talking about eating properly. I don't believe him sometimes, I really don't. I give him a closer look, and he has black circles under his eyes. Again. When will he learn that coffee, however helpful, is not a food group? Once more, he's staying up all night, leafing through twelve books, as well as trying out five websites, trying to come up with convincing arguments. And the only thing he will have touched for nourishment is a coffee pot. My money, he hasn't eaten for the past twelve hours, and hasn't slept for the past twenty four.
Why does he always put other people before himself? I know it's a very lovely quality, but its going to end up killing him.
'We have a strict policy, you know that we do. We can't help those people. I'm sorry. Really.'
He sighs, and stalks out of the room, pushing his way too long hair out of his eyes. I sigh as well. It's almost like having a small puppy that you constantly have to stay no to.
Maybe I should smack him across the nose with some rolled up newspaper.
He can even do the puppy dog eyes as well. And does. A lot. Unlike most of us, he's not militery. He never has done, and never will grasp the chain of command. It's frustrating, especially when you're almost at the top of that command chain. You like to think that someone's actually listening but no...
Maybe it's good that he's here, I know, I know. Hey, he got this entire project off the ground. And besides, every base should have a resident geeky archaeologist!
I wander over to where he was standing, and yup, he wasn't listening. Like that's anything new. Scribbled on his paper I can see little doodles, notes, stuff I don't understand mostly. Hey, I'm just a Colonel. I don't do "cross polymerisations of ancient blah-di-blah" you know. Not my job.
Argh, he makes me sooo angry sometimes. He's a genius, yes, I'll be the first to admit it, but like all geniuses, he can't concentrate on any less than twenty things at one time.
Major sigh.
I don't know why he annoys me so much. But then, he's one of the only people who's able to get away with it.
He is my best friend, after all.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hi, I'm the author of this fic, and I'm not Scott Mills. I'm actually Hathor. This was put in his name so I might win a DVD player (Stargate DVD's...). Good old radio DJ's... So any feedback, this is Hathor writing. I promise. EDIT: Well, I didn't win. But I kept the author's notes anyway. They amused me.
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