CATEGORY: Angst, missing scene
SPOILERS: Huge, huge spoilers for Cold Lazarus, small ones for Stargate the movie
SUMMARY: Sara looked down at her husband, wondering what was going on. For he was convulsing, on the floor, bolts of blue energy blasting through him…
DISCLAIMER: Don't own Stargate; it owns me. I promise to return everyone in mint condition, just let Teal'c and Janet, Daniel and Sam, and Jack and Sara get together first. (Anyone else feel I'm desperate?)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: When I saw Cold Lazarus, I just cried through the whole thing, and was in trauma for a week. It was so sad! But I always wondered how Sara must have felt, waiting outside the hospital while her ex husband was convulsing, with bolts of blue energy running through him. I'm just surprised no one wrote a fanfic (OK, they probably did, I just missed it). Feedback always goes down well; you should know that by now!
I turned, and there he was; my ex husband. I hadn't seen him since…since it happened. He looked lost, and I thought he had gone insane, when he started calling for Charlie. I was surprised; after all, it had been me who had spent months after…it happened walking around, trying to find him. It was me couldn't accept facts. It was me who left him, when he went off to do that top-secret mission, whatever it was. Oh, I knew it was classified. It had ruled our lives, ever since we had first married. I thought it was exciting, to be married to a man who was in the Special Forces. And I'll be honest, that uniform sparked off Charlie's conception!
I sent him upstairs, the place I often went when I felt a need to talk to Charlie, which was more than I ever admitted to my Dad, or friends, or anyone, for that matter. I went up again a while later, and I found him, hugging onto Charlie's things. Though I hadn't felt friendly towards Jack since…the event, seeing him there, crying, for once letting out all his emotions instead of bottling them all up, made my heart break in two.
We talked, for a long time, and for a few moments, I felt the old spark between us flying. If he had gotten down on one knee, and proposed, there and then, I would have accepted like a shot.
You see, I had never really gotten over Jack. I had left him, while he was away in that country in the Far East (or so I had found out through some of his friends, Kawalsky and the like), but I hadn't really gone. Six months or so later, I was asked on a date, and I declined, saying I was still married. That was what made me angry. I had left Jack to see if he still loved me enough to come and find me. He obviously didn't. For him, our marriage had died when Charlie… did that thing.
He was obviously still in a kind of shock, babbling about Stargate's, and the like. I didn't understand, but we soon moved onto another topic.
We went out to the park, needed some fresh air. Jack was looking around, as if the world was fresh and new to him. I suppose in a way it was. When I finally accepted what had happened, the world seemed new, fresh. Oh, I didn't stop mourning. I never will. We were sitting down on a bench, discussing things, and that Stargate doohickey came up again. I tried to steer the conversation away, but then Jack fell to the floor. He had some weird energy stuff going through him; I didn't know what to do. He was muttering about his energy running out, so all I could do was get him to the hospital.
I waited for ages there, in that cold place, the same place where Charlie…went away. Jack seemed to be getting worse, and every time that… stuff went through him, the hospital lights went funny. Then we were all evacuated, except Jack. I wanted to stay inside, I didn't want someone else to die in that place, and me not be there. Charlie was on an operating table when he…passed on; I wasn't there. I didn't want Jack to die without me there as well. Then the milatery came rushing in. I don't know what happened in there, but when I came out there was Jack, looking fine, in milatery fatigues. But he was holding onto someone else.
Charlie. My son, my dead son.
I stood there for what seemed like an age, and for a minute, it was like old times. Me, Jack and Charlie, a family again.
Then the fantasy ended. I realised what was going on, and after hugging…Charlie?…I looked up at Jack, tears streaming down my face. Then I realised where they were taking my son.
Back through the Stargate.
I didn't know how I knew, I just did. It seemed to fit. I asked Jack, and he nodded, and he walked away, taking my son with him.
I knew than that Charlie was dead. No more pretended, no more hoping it was a hideous mistake. But because I had that, one, last memory of Charlie clinging onto Jack's hand.
Oh, Jack came back to me a while later, mad explained what had happened. I knew that it was some dreadful, illegal government thing, which had attacked the real Jack, and stolen his memories. He also said that it was classified, and that I should never tell anyone what had happened, but I wouldn't anyway.
Because I'm scared that if I tell anyone, I might stop realising that Charlie is alive. In my heart, and in Jack's.
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