4.13.3 Including Presentation Text Objects

The Presentation Text (PTX) structured field is used to specify text data and the 
position, rotation, and fonts to be used when presenting text data. The PTX structured
field was previously known as Composed Text (CTX), but its identifier of X'D3EE9B' 
and all its components remain the same. PTX structured fields are made up of control 
sequences and data. The PTX structured field is described in Presentation Text 
Object Content Architecture Reference, SC31-6803, and provides different functions 
in the form of control sequences. PTX is probably the most frequently used 
structured field in fully composed MO:DCA documents. PTX structured fields can be 
intermixed with line data records so long as a few rules are followed: 

Each PTX structured field becomes a self-contained environment. While PTX 
control sequences can be used to set the line spacing, page margin, data position, 
and font, these settings remain in effect only for the current PTX structured 
field. If a line data record follows a PTX, its placement and font is determined 
by the information in the 
| current Line Descriptor of the active Page Definition. If another PTX 
| structured field follows the PTX, the text environment established by 
| the last-used LND is re-issued before the new PTX is processed. A PTX 
| can affect the printing of line-data records if it contains text 
| control sequences that change inter-character and inter-word spacing, 
| since these characteristics are not controlled by a Page Definition. 

Because the print services software considers line-data files to be mapped total-
ly with a Page Definition, PSF generates IPDS commands containing positioning and 
font information for every record in the file. If a record turns out to be a 
PTX structured field, the information in the PTX is used to create a subsequent 
IPDS Write Text command. If a large number of PTX structured fields are 
included in a line-mode data set, the additional IPDS commands generated by the 
print services software could add an unacceptable amount of processing over-
head when the data set is printed. Page Definition information, PTX information, 
and any additional information contained in objects such as bar code and image 
placed on the page interact, so the programmer must keep careful track of the 
| page position and fonts in effect as records are written. For 
| example, if the text position, text orientation, or font is not 
| defined in a structured field or object, the values specified in the 
| Page Definition for the current line-data record will be used. 
| Depending on the complexity of the application, it may be easier to 
| write fully composed output rather than using a Page Definition to set 
| up the environment. 

   |  Length | X'D3EE9B'| Flag | Sequence|               Data               | 
   |         |          | byte |  number |                                  | 

   Figure 27. Presentation Text Structured Field Using the PTX Structured Field

| The PTX structured field contains PTOCA data, as defined in the 
| Presentation Text Object Content Architecture Reference, SC31-6803. 
| The general format of the PTX structured field is shown in Figure 27 in 
| topic 4.13.3. Either of two types of data can follow the PTX structured 
| field introducer: 

The X'2BD3' escape sequence, followed by one or more text control sequences 

"Free-standing text," which is a series of code points representing data to be 

The first alternative is by far the most common use of PTX. A table of the control 
sequences that can be used with the PTX structured field appears in Figure 
28 in topic 

| The PTOCA Architecture groups control sequences into function sets, or 
| subsets. PT1 is the base subset that is supported by all AFP page 
| printers. PT2 is a superset of PT1 that contains the three additional 
| control sequences Underscore (USC), Overstrike (OVS), and Temporary 
| Baseline Move (TBM). PT3 is a superset of PT2 that contains the Set 
| Extended Text Color (SEC) control sequence for supporting spot colors and 
| process colors in text. See Advanced Function Presentation: Printer Information, 
| G544-3290, for information on which PTOCA subsets are supported by your printer. 

In a PTX structured field, a control sequence immediately follows 
each X'2BD3' escape sequence. Each control sequence can be coded as unchained 
(even-numbered functions) or chained (odd-numbered functions). If unchained 
controls are used, each one must be preceded by the X'2BD3' escape sequence. 
In the chained format, each control sequence immediately follows the 
previous one with no intervening X'2BD3' escape sequence. The last 
control sequence in a chain must have the even-numbered (unchained) 
format to signal the end of the chain. 

| Each text control sequence is a minimum of two bytes long, where the 
| X'2BD3' escape sequence, if present, is not counted as part of the length. 
| The first byte indicates the length of the entire control sequence, 
| including the length byte itself, the function byte, and any parameter bytes. 
| The second byte contains the odd or even function code for the control 
| sequence. A data field ranging from zero to 253 bytes follows. 

One reason why free-standing text is seldom used is that one of the PTX control 
sequences available is Transparent Data, (TRN), which has a string of code points 
as its data field, and thereby provides the actual text to 
| be printed. Use of the TRN allows data whose encoding scheme uses the 
| code points X'2B' or X'D3' to be included in a PTX without having these 
| code points interpreted as an escape sequence. 

| The usual sequence for placing text on a page is as follows: 

| specify the beginning print position using Absolute Move Inline (AMI) 
| and Absolute Move Baseline (AMB) control sequences 

| select the coded font to be used with the Set Coded Font Local (SCFL) 
| control sequence 

| specify the code points of the text to be printed using a Transparent 
| Data (TRN) control sequence. 

Here is an example: 


This example begins with a X'5A' carriage control character, as would 
be required in the System/390 environment. Following this byte in the example 
is a two-byte length field, which provides the length of the entire 
record (27, or X'001B'). The X'5A' character is not included in this count. 
The next three bytes are the Presentation Text identifier (X'D3EE9B'). Following 
that is the X'00' flag byte and the two-byte sequence number (X'0000'). The first 
two bytes of the data are the escape sequence (X'2BD3'), followed by a 
text control sequence that indicates chaining. 

The first control sequence is an Absolute Move Baseline that specifies a 
baseline offset of X'00F0' logical units from the page origin. For a 240 units-
per-inch coordinate system, this indicates an offset of one inch down the page. 

The second control sequence is an Absolute Move Inline that specifies an Inline 
offset of X'B4' or 180 units from the left margin. 

Following this is a Set Coded Font Local that selects the coded font that maps 
to font local ID 1 in the MCF structured field in the Active Environment Group 
for the Data Map. 

The last control sequence is a six-byte-long Transparent Data, which simply contains 
the word "DATA" and ends the chaining sequence because it uses the X'DA' (even) 
function type. 

    ___ Programming Tip ____________________________________________________  
   |                                                                        | 
   | When deciding how to code Presentation Text structured fields, keep in | 
   | mind that it is good programming practice to build as long a PTX       | 
   | structured field as possible, to reduce overhead in the print server   | 
   | associated with reading and processing many short records written by   | 
   | the application.  Text control sequences should be chained wherever    | 
   | possible.  While a string of unchained control sequence pairs will     | 
   | work also, the presence of the X'2BD3' escape sequences can use up     | 
   | many of the 32,759 bytes of the PTX structured field unnecessarily.    | 
   |                                                                        | 
   | Within a fully composed document, the last control sequence in any     | 
   | text object must always indicate end of chaining.  If PTX structured   | 
   | fields are intermixed with line data in a mixed-mode document, the     | 
   | last control sequence in the PTX must also indicate end of chaining.   | 
   | This can be accomplished either by specifying an even function type    | 
   | for the last control sequence, or by ending every PTX with a No        | 
   | Operation control sequence with an even function type (X'02F8').       | 
   |                                                                        | 
   |________________________________________________________________________| Use of Fonts

Either fixed-pitch or proportionally spaced fonts can be used to present text 
with the PTX structured field. Positioning of the first character in a 
string of data contained in the TRN control sequence can be accomplished by 
preceding the TRN with one of the absolute or relative move text controls, as 
shown on page If no move control sequences follow in the same PTX, 
data contained in any subsequent TRN controls will be placed immediately following 
the text in the preceding TRN. Font information stored in the printer is used to 
ensure that data does not overlap. As a result, it is possible to highlight one
 word in a string simply by using a Set Coded Font text control. If the PTX 
record shown on page is extended to print the word "DATA" a second time 
in a different font, as in 


   then the resulting output will look like this: 



   PTOCA Control Sequence Function           Unchained        Chained 
                                             (Even Function)  (Odd Function) 

   PT1 Control Sequences: 

   Absolute Move Baseline                    04D2             04D3 
   Absolute Move Inline                      04C6             04C7 
   Begin Line                                02D8             02D9 
   Begin Suppression                         03F2             03F3 
   Draw Baseline Rule                        07E6             07E7 
   Draw Inline Rule                          07E4             07E5 
   End Suppression                           03F4             03F5 
   No Operation                              xxF8             xxF9 
   Relative Move Baseline                    04D4             04D5 
   Relative Move Inline                      04C8             04C9 
   Repeat String                             xxEE             xxEF 
   Set Baseline Increment                    04D0             04D1 
   Set Coded Font Local                      03F0             03F1 
   Set Intercharacter Increment              04C2             04C3 
   Set Inline Margin                         04C0             04C1 
   Set Text Color                            0574             0575 
   Set Text Orientation                      06F6             06F7 
   Set Variable Space Character Increment    04C4             04C5 
   Transparent Data                          xxDA             xxDB 

   PT2 Control Sequences: 

   Overstrike                                0572             0573 
   Temporary Baseline Move                   xx78             xx79 
   Underscore                                0376             0377 

 | PT3 Control Sequences: 

 | Set Extended Text Color                   xx80             xx81 

   Figure 28. Control Sequences Used in PTX Structured Field 

Right-justification and centering of text cannot be done simply by using PTX 
control sequences. Calculations must be done in the program to place each 
character at the correct position on the page, and this can become fairly 
complex if proportional fonts are used. Boxes and Rules

The Draw Baseline Rule and Draw Inline Rule control sequences may be used to 
draw rules and boxes on the page to highlight information or to separate
 one area of the output from an adjacent area. The length and thickness of 
the rule must be specified in the control sequence, and these values are 
expressed in the units of 
measure specified in the Presentation Text Descriptor (PTD) structured field. 
If the rule is to be drawn in the positive baseline or inline direction (that is, 
from top to bottom or from left to right), the positive number expressing 
the length and thickness is used. If the rules are to be drawn in the direction 
opposite the baseline direction ("up" relative to the data on the page) or the 
direction opposite the inline direction ("backward" relative to the data on the 
page), the line length or thickness must be coded in two's complement form. 

The two's complement of a two-byte hexadecimal number is obtained by inverting each 
bit of the number and adding a one to the low-order bit position. For example, a 
one-inch rule is 240 logical units long, or X'F0' L-units, when using 240 units 
per inch. This value can be placed directly in a Draw Inline Rule control sequence. 
To obtain the value to use when drawing this rule in the opposite direction, you 
calculate the two's complement of X'F0' by inverting to get X'FF0F' and then 
adding X'0001'. The result is X'FF10'. The full, chained control sequence that
will draw a 3-unit thick rule one inch long in the "backward" direction 
is X'07E5FF10000300'. 

The third and fourth data bytes of the draw rule control sequence specify the 
thickness of the rule. To determine whether a positive number or the two's complement 
number is needed, you should decide in which direction to add pels, starting from 
the initial print position. For inline rules, a positive thickness value adds 
pels from top to bottom, while a two's complement value adds pels from bottom 
to top. For baseline rules, pels are added to the right if the thickness value 
is positive, and to the left if the thickness is expressed as a two's complement 
(negative) number. 

These details come into play when drawing boxes with mitred corners. To make the box 
outline complete and not have a gap between the end of a baseline rule and the start 
of an inline rule beneath it, you may have to change the origin point of the rule, 
the length of the rule, or the rule thickness from positive to negative. Gaps 
between inline and baseline rules become increasingly visible as the thickness of 
the rules increase. 

Figure 29 illustrates a text-control sequence to draw a box one inch high by two 
inches wide. The rules that generate the box are four pels thick, so the lengths 
of the rules in the Draw Rule control sequences have been extended by 4 pels 
where necessary to make sure the corners are complete. 


            |                           | 
            |                           | 
            |                           | 
            |                           | 
            |                           | 

        ... 04C7000F04D300F007E501E000040007E700F0000400... 
            < AMI  >< AMB  > 
                             (bottom side) (left side) 

        ... 04C901E004D500F007E5FE20FFFC0007E6FF10FFFC00 
            < RMI  >< RMB  > 
                             (top side)    (right side) 

   Figure 29. Text Controls to Draw a Box 

Calculating negative lengths:
1. take the value & subtract it from 100000 the from size varies, but it will 
match the size of the field subtracting from.
Example: 0000400 negative counter part is 0FFFC00.
next step;
         0FFFC00      Negative Hex 0000400

Print this Document
Print this Document

Dealing with Binary Numbers (parameters for absolute & relative moves.

Working Storage of Fields involved


Code Involved:

002421 * Modifing CTX area for 1st part of Message * 002422 MOVE X'03' TO MSG-TXT3-CONTROL-SCFPRM 002423 COMPUTE WS-WORK2 = 002424 ((WS-BLDSTRNG-STRT(WS-SS3) - WS-LNESTRNG-STRT(WS-SS2)) - 3) 002425 END-COMPUTE 002426 MOVE WS-WORK2 TO WS-WORK-LGTH 002427 ADD 2 TO WS-WORK-LGTH END-ADD 002428 MOVE WS-WORK-LGTH-R(2:1) 002429 TO MSG-TXT3-CONTROL-NOPCDE(1:1) 002430 MOVE X'DB' TO MSG-TXT3-CONTROL-NOPCDE(2:1) 002431 002432 * Populating 1st Part of Message * 002433 MOVE WS-LNESTRNG-STRT(WS-SS2) TO WS-WORK1 002434 MOVE WS-STRG-AREA(WS-WORK1:WS-WORK2) 002435 TO MSG-TXT3-FREEFORM(1:WS-WORK2) 002436

Note Units for CTX records are PELs.

Sample CTX Entries

Sample CTX Records Display .ÎLÓº....L.L.Õ.G.u.1./¹PO BOX 1090 CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1090 .ÎLÓº....L.L.Ä.G.-.1./¹* Moving? Save time connecting phone, cable, Internet with .ÎLÓº....L.L.».G.-.1./¹ XXXX XXXXX Connections. .ÎLÓº....L.L.•.G.-.1./¹* Draft your electric bill from your bank account. It's s free! .ÎLÓº....L.L.û.G.-.1./¹ Call 1-999-999-9999. .ÎLÓº....L.L...G.-.1./¹* Free e-Bill service. Enroll at www.dukepower.com. …. …. .ÎLÓº....L.L.Õ.G.u.1./¹PO BOX 9999 CHARLOTTE NC 99999-9999 .iLÓº....L.L.Ä.G.-.1..ûMy name is .I...1. ûMaximus Decimus Merridius. Commander of the Armies of the North.I...1..¹, General of .ÎLÓº....L.L.».G.-.1./¹the Fearless Legion loyal servant to the true emperor “Marcus Orilius", Father to a murdered .ÎLÓº....L.L.•.G.-.1./¹son, Husband to a murdered wife and I will have my vengence in his life or the next. HEX .ÎLÓº....L.L.Õ.G.u.1./¹PO BOX 1090 CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1090 07DE90002D0D0E0C0A0F06DDD4CDE4FFFF4CCCDDDEEC4DC4FFFFF6FFFF4444444444444444444444 063EB001B3436F47143131A760267010900381936335053028201010900000000000000000000000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .iLÓº....L.L.Ä.G.-.1..ûMy name is .I...1. ûMaximus Decimus Merridius.Commander o 08DE90002D0D060C060F00DDA4989848A40C010F04DD8A89AA4C8889AA4D899888AA4C9998988949 093EB001B343534700313DB4805145092049003140B4179442045394420459994942B36441545906 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .ÎLÓº....L.L.».G.-.1./¹the Fearless Legion loyal servant to the true emperor "Ma 07DE90002D0D080C060F06DA884C88998AA4D88899499A894A89A89A4A94A884A9A84899899947D8 063EB002B3435B47003131A385065193522035796503681302595153036038503945054759690F41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .ÎLÓº....L.L.•.G.-.1./¹son, Husband to a murdered wife and I will have my vengen 07DE90002D0D0B0C060F06DA9964CAA88984A94849A9889884A88848984C4A899488A849A4A89889 063EB003B3435347003131A265B08422154036010449459540696501540906933081550480555755 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Continued 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --------------------------------------------------------------------- f the Armies of the North.I...1..¹, General of 84A884C9988A4984A884D99A80C010F00D64C898989498444444444444444444444444 60385019495206603850569384900313FAB07555913066000000000000000000000000 --------------------------------------------------------------------- rcus Orilius", Father to a murdered 98AA4D9898AA764C8A8894A94849A98898844444444444444444444444444444444444 934206993942FB06138590360104494595400000000000000000000000000000000000 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ce in this life or the next. 884894A88A498884994A88498AA4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 350950389203965069038505573B000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Note Units for CTX records are PELs.

Mixing CTX Records,Page Defs, OverLays & AFP structured records.

Sample Mixed Print Records: 502LINDA S MABE PO BOX 1408 ..L®¬...S1REFUND..-..Û .ÎLÓº....L.L.].G.u.1./¹PO BOX 1090 CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1090 .ÎLÓº....L.L...G.0.1./¹* Moving? Save time connecting phone, cable, Internet wi .ÎLÓº....L.L. .G.0.1./¹ Duke Power Connections. .ÎLÓº....L.L.Ç.G.0.1./¹* Draft your electric bill from your bank account. It's .ÎLÓº....L.L.°.G.0.1./¹ Call 1-800-943-7585. .ÎLÓº....L.L.½.G.0.1./¹* Free e-Bill service. Enroll at www.dukepower.com. 00010001092338 RT - Residential Srv,TOU 00010002 Customer Charge 00010003 314.50 327.00 1 12.5KW On-Peak Actual Demand(Sum 00010004 12.5KW On-Peak Billing Demand 00010005 18553 19501 1 948KWHOn-Peak Energy(Summer) 00010006 52575 57206 1 3,683KWHOff-Peak Energy 00010007 Prior Balance Due 00010008 Sales Tax

CTX Records expanded:

.ÎLÓº....L.L.].G.u.1./¹PO BOX 1090 CHARLOTTE NC 28201-1090 07DE90002D0D0B0C0A0F06DDD4CDE4FFFF4CCCDDDEEC4DC4FFFFF6FFFF4444444444444444444444 063EB001B3436D47143131A760267010900381936335053028201010900000000000000000000000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .ÎLÓº....L.L...G.0.1./¹* Moving? Save time connecting phone, cable, Internet wi 07DE90002D0D010C0F0F06D544D9A89864E8A84A8984899988A898498998648889864C9A8998A4A8 063EB001B3435847003141AC00465957F021550394503655533957078655B031235B095359553069 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .ÎLÓº....L.L. .G.0.1./¹ Duke Power Connections. 07DE90002D0D040C0F0F06D444CA984D9A894C99988A899A44444444444444444444444444444444 063EB002B3435047003131A0004425076659036555339652B0000000000000000000000000000000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .ÎLÓº....L.L.Ç.G.0.1./¹* Draft your electric bill from your bank account. It's 07DE90002D0D060C0F0F06D544C988A4A9A948988A98848899489994A9A94889948889A9A44CA7A4 063EB003B3435847003131AC0049163086490535339930293306964086490215201336453B093D20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Include PageSegment Records expanded:

..L®¬...S1REFUND..-..Û 01DA5000EFDCCEDC00600F4 063FF0012195645400004B0
Page segment state State that allows page segment data to be stored in the printer. The printer enters page segment state from home state on receiving a Begin Page Segment command and exits on an End Page command. In page segment state, the printer can receive Write Text commands that position text on the logical page and can enter a block state to write image, bar code, and graphics blocks. 5.16.1 IPS (X'D3AF5F') Syntax _______________________________________________ | Structured Field Introducer | ____________ _____________ _______ ____________ ________________________ | SF Length | ID = | Flags | Reserved; | Structured Field Data | | (2B) | X'D3AF5F' | (1B) | X'0000' | | ____________ _____________ _______ ____________ ________________________ Offset Type Name Meaning
0-7 CHAR PsegName Name of page Segment
8-10 SBIN IpsOset I-axis origin for the page segment Use I-axis position specified by current LND or RCD
11-13 SBIN BpsOset B-axis origin for the page, Use B-axis position specified by current LND or RCD

Font Selection for CTX Records:

000019	        SETUNITS  12 CPI  8 LPI  LINESP  8  LPI;
000020	        PAGEDEF BILPX6
000021	                WIDTH    7.25
000022	                HEIGHT  11.00
000023	                LINEONE  0  0
000024	                DIRECTION ACROSS
000025	                REPLACE YES;
000027	           FONT  FONT1  H22A01;
000028	           FONT  FONT2  H42081;
000029	           FONT  FONT3  H2109C;
000030	           FONT  FONT4  H510AC;
000031	           FONT  FONT5  H2107C;
000032	           FONT  FONT6  H2106C;
000033	           FONT  FONT7  H2108C;
000034	           FONT  FONT8  H4108C;
000035	           FONT  FONT9  H310DC;
000036	           FONT  FONT10 H410AC;
000037	           FONT  FONT11 H3109C;
000038	           FONT  FONT12 H310AC;
000039	           FONT  FONT13 H4109C;
000040	           FONT  FONT14 H5109C;
000041	           FONT  FONT15 CR15;
000042	           FONT  FONT16 CB15;
000043	           FONT  FONT17 POSB;
000044	           FONT  FONT18 BILL;
000045	           FONT  FONT19 CB08;
000046	           FONT  FONT20 CB12;
000047	           FONT  FONT21 CE12;
000048	           FONT  FONT22 CREK;
000049	           FONT  FONT23 GT2B;
000050	           FONT  FONT24 ELR9;
000051	           FONT  FONT25 GLEJ;
000052	           FONT  FONT26 A055AC;
000053	           FONT  FONT27 ELTR;
000054	           FONT  FONT28 EBTR;
000055	           FONT  FONT29 H0DA;
000056	           FONT  FONT30 BITR;
000057	           FONT  FONT31 GU10;
000058	           FONT  FONT32 TU10;
000059	           FONT  FONT33 EITR;
000061	           PAGEFORMAT MASTER
000062	             WIDTH    7.25 IN
000063	             HEIGHT  11.00 IN
000064	             DIRECTION ACROSS;
000071	           PRINTLINE CHANNEL 1;
000073	           CONDITION DRAW
000074	              START    01
000075	              LENGTH   03
000076	              WHEN EQ '101'  BEFORE SUBPAGE
000077	                   COPYGROUP CONTRA
000078	                   PAGEFORMAT CONTRA
000079	              WHEN EQ '102'  BEFORE SUBPAGE
000080	                    COPYGROUP CONTRD
000081	                    PAGEFORMAT CONTRD

CTX record used to generate print lines:
#LÓº  ::L:L:::G 0:1:/¹*	 Moving? Save time connecting phone, cable, Internet wi
Font11 TRCREF 3, 4th TRCREF entry 
 #LÓº  ::L:L: :G 0:1:/¹   Duke Power Connections.
Font3  TRCREF 1, 3rd TRCREF entry 
 #LÓº  ::L:L:Ç:G 0:1:/¹*  Draft your electric bill from your bank account. It's
 #LÓº  ::L:L:°:G 0:1:/¹   Call 1-800-943-7585.
 #LÓº  ::L:L:½:G 0:1:/¹*  Free e-Bill service. Enroll at www.dukepower.com.

#LӺ  ::L:L:::G 0:1:ùMy	name is Maximus Decimus Merridius.
Font14  TRCREF 0, 1st TRCREF entry 

 #LÓº  ::L:L: :G 0:1:/¹Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Fear
 #LÓº  ::L:L:Ç:G 0:1:/¹emperor "Marcus Orilius", Father to a murdered son, Husba
 #LÓº  ::L:L:°:G 0:1:/¹vengence in this life or the next.
 :L®¬  :S1REFUND  - :C
:L®¬  :S1REFUND  - :C
 #LӺ  ::L:L:\:G 0:1:ùWe make choices everyday of our lives.
Font13  TRCREF 1, 2nd TRCREF entry 

 #LÓº  ::L:L:::G 0:1:/¹Each choice opens the door for other choices... and for b
 #LÓº  ::L:L:::G 0:1:/¹we offer you a glimpse of what your life may hold in stor
 #LÓº  ::L:L:ì:G 0:1:/¹make today will have a effect on your tommorow.

Print Troubleshooting

Incorrect Output

Printing of the job output occurs independently from job execution. Typically, problems which interfere with a job printing, such as resource not found, result in the job output being flagged as unprintable and an error listing being produced. If there are problems with the default resources associated with the printer, then messages may appear in the system log for the FSS (Functional Subsystem) associated with the printer.

The error listing typically includes a description of the problem, information about what resources were involved and the active printing environment. Typical problems are:

Often, for performance reasons, error reporting for some printer-detected error conditions may be disabled. The printer defaults can be overridden with an OUTPUT statement: see the description of the DATACK option.

Normally, a well-behaved AFP printer should not lose output even under catastrophic circumstances. Some AFP emulation products may not exhibit this behaviour.

The ACIF utility can be used to combine print data with AFP resources. It can be useful as a diagnostic aid since it performs similar processing to PSF without actually communicating with a printer. It can detect problems related to missing or incorrect AFP resources.

SDSF can be useful for inspecting the datastream being generated by the application.

No Response

If all else fails, it may be worthwhile stopping the printer or forcing the FSA (in extreme cases) and doing a power-on reset for the printer. In particular, IPDS printers connected over TCP/IP seem to get into situations where this is the only remedy.

The NETSTAT command can be used to display active TCP/IP connections. For example,

NETSTAT CONN (CLI FSS* would show connections to address spaces with names beginning with FSS.
z/OS, PSF and AFP are trademarks of IBM Corporation.

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