Weekly Tasks in Detail

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Personal Tasks

Visual Explain Master
Java Certification
Installed WSAD/Elipse in to Laptop.
Installed Apache/TomCat Server
Reviewed Java Server Pages
Install MySQL
Create & Work with Java Beans, in progress.
Weekly Projects

Personal Tasks
ELIPSE Loaded into personal laptop, tested ability to create & run java Packages & Classes.
Point Elipse work area to APACHE server on LapTop form continued testing of JSP.
MySQL get it workable for continued JSP testing.

Product Change Request ID LRV09652-19, Investigate why duplicate rows are being set up in PXCAA388. Under Analysis, ChangeMan Package # YCPS011839. Need to know why we are getting the -803.
- As oppossed to changing PXCAA388 to only send back one row, I'm changing PXCAT205 to ignore the -803 when it occurs. Since -803 do not cause roll backs the cursor doesn't need to be re-opened, and the job will keep on trucking. We need to do some more investigation as to why PXCAA388 is processing the way it is. It may not be able to be changed and therefore this -803 fix will have to remain in place. However, if we can get PXCAA388 to send back the data only once, then we can remove the -803 fix in PXCAT205. With all the key people from DPA out today and some next week, it may a while before this can be throroughly looked at.

Product Change Request ID DMR07628-22, Java PCR, literal change & Config file modifications (blam.xml, config.xml & admin.xml). Components checked out & returned, unmodified 7/30. Verify with RM then check out of SS

Product Change Request ID AWK09480-19, Resurrected retesting required, U037BS jobs not reporting -913 error. Verify step showed there was no accounts to process but the error was not reported. CM package YCPS011607

Project ID NBS10553-28, Tracking PCR for Port CBIS Begin/End - DPCO040684. Seven wrapper programs assigned, seven complete (GUI & Call code not tested to date).
- 06/16/2005 Wrapper PXDST129 not passing back error messages from PXDST130. investigate. Problem corrected IDed problem via XPED.

Inactive PCR's Purple Font
Current PCR Activity Red Font
PCRs slated for monthly prod move Blue Font

Lessons Learnt:
1. Never resurrect a Tracking PCR
2. When XPeditor gets hung up, session times out while in the middle of XP, resources tied up & unable to gain access to XP session. Solution go to IOF & delete running job.

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Layout, design & revisions David E. Huenger