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Power Ranger Knights

Character profile for Power Ranger RPG

Name: Adamm Rodriguez.

Age: 19 yrs old.

D.O.B: August the 3rd 6080.

Starsign: Leo

Birthplace: San Diego, California

Description: Adamm is Spanish looking but he is Korean in ancestory. He still has some features that show he is decended from Adam Park. Chin length wavy hair, deep brown eyes.
He is shy, quiet and mysterious. He's quite funny and talkative around his friends but not too too much and around strangers he's polite and ready to answer any questions. He is the only child of parents Roman and Rudy Rodriguez, his father is Korean and his mother Puerto Rican. He is an excellent martial artist, with flips in his training style. He does Tae Kwon Do self taught mainly. And in his free time he likes to do Skateboarding, listening to techno, martial arts and watch Japanese Animations.

Morphin' Quote: "Power Ranger Knights Gawain!".