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Venturan Rangers

Character profile for Power Ranger RPG

Name: Cara-Jean Alyssa Kitchi

Age: 16 years (mortally) 420 (immortally)

D.O.B: 20 September 1579

Star sign: Virgo

Birth place: Edinburgh, Scotland.

Description: Cara has the American Indian looks of her mother with cat-like blueish-yellow eyes. She stands at roughly 5 feet and one inch, and not growing.
She is a ralitively bubbly 16 year old, who has a passion for; animals (mostly of the horse kind), her guitar and songwriting. As she used to be the lead singer in a school band.
She has been almost everywhere around the world and can speak a number a languages.

History:Cara-Jean Alyssa was born in 1579 as the middle child of John and Tiger's-Eye Oliver.
John's immortal power was divided between his three children. But Cara, for some unknown reason, was given the majority of it. Which would make Cara a very powerful little girl when she comes of an age where she can properly use it. The ammount of power the gril holds, also gives her access to the family's "Big Black Blank Book", a Book of Shadows which holds all of the Oliver family secrets since the beginning of time and space.
Cara was brought up by Mikoto and Dulcea Kitchi, as John was told that the three children would be the the death of him if they stayed. So, Cara was brought to believe that Mikoto was her true father and that john was her uncle.

She was also given a ring during her life which named her the Red Venturan Ranger, guard to the Venturan Princess. So whenever she called out "Phoenix", she would morph and it would call the other two Rangers. The only part of this that confused her is that fact that she is the Princess.
Cara is now on her third immortal life and is preparing to take the throne of Inlibia. Where Tiger's-Eye has been the Queen for the last few hundreds of years. But with also being Dulcea's adopted daughter, it gives her the rights to the throne of Ventura as well.

After the death of her beloved parents, she had spent her entire life trying to find where she belonged. And now that she's back home with her real father and brother, she is still trying to work out who she really is and where she really belongs.

Quote: "Phoenix! Power up!"