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Cara was a little more than 16 (year 1597), when she awoke from a troubling dream, in which she was told that she was to become one of the four Venturan Rangers, and a guard to the Princess.
She sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she had had strange dreams in the past, but this one really took the cake. For, even she knew that there was no Princess and that the Venturan Rangers were long dead. “I really must cease drinking so much honey tea before I retire for the night.” She decided out loud.
Climbing out of her huge bed, she walked over toward her dressing table and reached out her hand to pick up her ivory comb. But instead, her hand touched two rings that were sitting there. ‘To Cara,’ the note under the rings read, ‘wear these and always remember me. Love Father.
Her face lit up as she slipped the rings on, one on her index finger and the other on her ring finger, she then picked up the card. Turning it over, her eyes scanned the neat handwriting on the back of the card. ‘These rings name you; the Venturan Princess and the Red Venturan Ranger.’ Her hand flew to her mouth as she continued to read. ‘The reason you have received both rings will be revealed when you are called before the Immortal Board. But tell no one of the rings, especially not Lord Bandera. I will always love you, and forever watch over you . If ever in need, just call my name…
Her head snapped up as she heard the door open and her maid walked in. “Ye’s already up milady.” The woman then scurried over to Cara’s closet. “An’ what’ll ye be wearin’ today?”
Cara rolled her eyes and bit back a snide remark, and instead replied. “My gold and red dress will do.” She then watched as the maid carefully took the floor-length dress out and laid it across the bed.
“The Lord Max will melt when he sees ye in this.” The woman said as she stepped up behind her young Mistress.
“Bet,” she began as she lifted her arms so that the other woman could remove her night dress and place a slip over her head, “do you think I’m fat?”
Really milady.” Bet replied as she moved around so that she was facing Cara. “If anyone says such a thing, ye just tell old Bet, an’ I’ll sort ’em out.” She then walked over to the bed and picked the dress up. “Ye is as beautiful as a rose. An’ will live much longer than one too.”
Cara couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Thank you Bet, it’s nice to hear you say that.” She turned in a full circle once she was dressed and caught sight of the brown envelope sitting on her pillow. “You may leave now.” She said. “Tell Lord Bandera that I will be a bit late this morning.”
“Very well, milady.” She said as she dropped a curtsy and hurried out of the room. Turning quickly, Cara hurried over and picked up the envelope. Upon opening it, a dimension gateway opened and Cara stepped through.
“Cara-Jean Alyssa Kitchi.” Zordon said as the girl stepped through the gateway.
“Daughter of Mikoto and Dulcea Kitchi. We have summoned you for a reason.”
Cara nodded her head as she gave a deep curtsy, but she remained silent.
“You received tow rings today, the reason you are your own guard, is to keep the Princess’ identity a secret as there are many people who wish to destroy the Venturan bloodline, and we fear for your safety.”
Cara nodded her head again.
“When in dire need you need only to call on the phoenix and you will morph into the armour of the Red Ranger. Tell no one of this. Your ring can only be used for good , if ever it is used for bad purposes, you will lose it. You are free to go.” Cara nodded again and gave another deep curtsy, before walking back through the gateway and into her bedroom.
Cara then hurried down the stairs and swept gracefully into the dinning hall and gave a radient smile to Lord Bandera and Lord Max. “Good Morn’ my Lords.” She said sweetly as she took her seat.
“What kept you, my child?” Bandera asked as he lifted his cup. “Your food will be cold.”
“I am most sorry, my Lord.” She replied as she picked up her fork. “I couldn’t find my favourite pair of slippers, and I felt that I had to find them before I forgot about them.” Cara then smile to the two men again and began eating. Bandera was right, her food was cold, but she wasn’t going to let that spoil her mood.

Later that day, Cara was out in the stables, petting her mare. Thinking over all that had happened that morning: First she found out that her was a Princess and then she found out she was a Ranger as well, and lastly, she finds out that people want her dead. “Do you think that’s why Father doesn’t want me to tell Lord Bandera about my ring, Swallow?” She asked as she rubbed the mare’s nose.
Swallow nodded in return and then began sniffing her Mistresses pockets for something sweet.
“Not today I’m sorry.” She said. “Well, I had better go inside, before his Lordship send one of the gurads out to get me.” And with a final pat, she hurried inside, her mind still spinning about what had happened that day. She still couldn’t belive that she had been chosen.