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Fan fics


Jasmine Carr took the usual route she did when she walked to Angel Grove University, she shifts the strap of her bag on her shoulder and walked through the gate of the university she looked up at it size like she did every morning. For a seventeen year old she was excelling really fast in her work and well with her immortally and years of knowledge she knew it helped.

She walked in to the halls past a group of people in their late teens standing around talking, Jazz new who they were, she recognised one of them immediately, but it was one of the other guys that spoke.
“And to top it off he says that I hade better leave his crystal skull alone, man I wish I could change rooms!” He sighs and looks at his friend.

Jazz saw her African American friend Donnatello run up to her and complete three full handsprings then in to a tuck flip and land on his feet she laughed and he scruffled her hair.
“Morning Donny.” She remarked laughing.
He grinned at her and lifted her up in to a bear hug, she let out a squeal, and he placed her on the ground. “Man I got a date with this real hottie!” Donny announced.
Jazz nodded and looked at him, she tossed her mid back red and black streaked length hair over her shoulder. “Well?” She question.
“Min Park, damn man babe-a-lish-ious.” He remarked.
“Very drool worthy I take it?” Jazz asked.
She rolled her crystal green eyes skyward.
Donny nodded wildly and then grinned again.
“So girl why you here so early?” He asks.
Jazz pulled a letter out of her pocket and held it up.
“John sent me on a errand, give this to Tommy.” She replied.
Donny looks over at the group as Tommy approached them. “Well girl get you A in to G.” He remarked.

Jazz walked up to the group and thrust the letter n his hand and walked off, Tommy looked at the letter then at Jazz walking off.
“Polite ain’t she?” One of his friends drooled.
Jazz looked over her shoulder glaring at the guy.
Donny grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her off, unaware a pair of eyes were watching her.


Tommy waved a hand in front of his face, and then clicked his fingers several times.
“Hello? Adam earth to Adam?” Tommy asks.
Suddenly with great speed and hardly and movement Adam had Tommy’s writs in his hand and twisted it back looking at his friend, Adam just suddenly let go.
“You like her don’t you?” Tommy asked.
Adam shook his head and looked at Tommy.
“No I just feel I’ve seen her before.” Adam replied.
Tommy nodded and looked at Rocky who just shrugged.
“Could it be? Adam’s finally noticing the opposite sex?” Rocky joked.
Adam rolled his eyes and looked round to see her come out of a classroom with a sheet of paper and she walked past the group to drop her books off at her locker, Adam watched her walk past and she smiled at him and glared at Rocky.
Tommy just chuckled and shook his head, he smiled as his girlfriend Katherine walked up to them. “There’s a party tonight at Jack’s place guys, what do you think, I’m going what about you guys?” She asked then planted a kiss on her boyfriend’s cheek.
“Sounds good.” Rocky replied, “Hey Adam she might be there.” He added.
Adam just looked at Rocky and rolled his eyes.


The party was in full swing and Jazz sat on the couch annoyed at Donny dragging her to this party, sure college parties were cool, fun and a typical place to get drunk. But it would of been nice he’d stayed with her instead of wondering off.
She was too busy examining under her nails to notice a shadow loom over her and she looked up and gasped at a tall familiar blonde looking man in a suit.
“Bandera.” She remarked.
He smiled and sat down next to her.
“I’ve come to take your power Jazz.”
Jazz leapt to her feet and shook her head.
“No way!” She cried.
She ran from the room with Bandera following.
Although the house was packed it seemed to empty for what felt like a chase scene from a really bad horror movie, she could feel him behind her walking casually Jazz grabbed hold of one door and pulled it open she shut it again.
“Damn Donny I had to find you now.” She breathed heavily.
Jazz heard Bandera’s footsteps and she took off running in to a figure she fell back the figure grabbed her beofre she hit the ground and pulled her up to her feet, she looked at him.
“Ah thanks.” She said.
He looked at her curiously.
“What or who are you running from?” He asked.
“I can’t say, but I’ve got to find somewhere to hide.” She replied.
He pulled her in to a room across the hall and shut the door.

The footsteps came slow and careful, Jazz’s amulet began to glow as they stopped outside the door, she looked at the guy who had tried to save her, ‘he’s quite cute.’ She thought.
She pushed the thought from her mind as the door handle began to turn.
“The Venturan Power Jasmine I will have it and you will be my evil green ranger, and when you fall, I will go after the princess then the other two.” He says.

Adam looked at the girl ‘green ranger?’ He thought then he looked at her, panic, fear and everything else filled her face, she was trapped.
“Make the change.” He encouraged.
She looked at him stunned, he knew the deal with the whole ranger thing, she didn’t hesitate.
Her right arm moved across her chest in an inward block her wrist turned round and it shot out in a three quarter punch and a ring on her finger glowed green.
“The Cheetah, Power Up!” She called.

Adam watched in amazement as her suit pieces flew in to the room she leapt in to the air and the suit attached itself to her and she landed like a cat on the ground morphed.

The door swung open and the man stepped in he looked at the two of them Jazz had made the change, he thought she wouldn’t in a place full of people, it looked like he’d have to wait another time. He growled. “Next time Jasmine.” He scowled and vanished in to thin air.

Adam looked at the green ranger a girl called Jasmine, she stood up and looked at him.
“Arrrg itchy!” She remarked.
Adam chuckled. “Power down.” She added.
Adam looked at her and smiled.
“Ah hi I’m Adam Park.” He introduced sticking his hand out.
She smiled and accepted it and shook his hand.
“Jasmine Carr.” She replied.
Silence filled the room and they could hear the music pounding downstairs.
Adam shifted nervously racking his mind to say something to her.
“Um... do you want to go downstairs to dance?” He asked.
Jasmine smiled. “sure.” She replied and they left the room.
