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Venturan Rangers

Character profile for Power Ranger RPG

Name: Jasmine Jessica Carr (Ross)

Age: 17 years mortally (417 years immortally)

D.O.B: 31st of October 1581

Star sign: Scorpio

Birthplace: Edinburgh, Scotland

Description: The middle child of Chinese, Korean immortal parents Taylor and Dia Ross / Carr.
Who were burnt at the stake in 1656 in Castle Hill Edinburgh, Scotland.
Jazz was raised by her older half Hispanic Chinese brother Jamie, and lost in time her younger brother Stone.

She is currently living at the Oliver residence while Tommy is off at College.
But she plans to move away from the restrictions A.S.A.P.
Jazz had a brief but worth while fling with Adam Park, while he was in college, but it did not last for the immortal board wished her to marry an immortal, she turned down the offer but broke still broke up with Adam.

Jazz inherited her father’s powerful power teacher amulet, and his Green Phados Ranger Ring, and calling upon the power of ‘the cheetah’ she morphs in to yet another GREEN RANGER (the last thing everybody needs).

As an immortal she has access to the immortal gateway (second dimension), a walk way through the real world without actually being seen, morphed or unmorphed.
She has yet to discover the power of her father’s amulet (which can only be accessed while in the green spandex suit).

Quote: "The Cheetah Power Up!"