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Secret Rangers

Character profile for Power Ranger RPG

Name: Maggie Quinn

Age: 14 years

D.O.B: 30 May 1984

Star sign: Gemini

Birth place: Tokyo, Japan.

Description: Although born in Japan, Maggie as snow white skin and shoulder length light brown hair and sparkling eyes, which are a colour somewhere in between green and brown.
She is a rather quiet 14 year old, who mostly keeps to herself, and puts full effort into her job at the Angel Grove Zoo or her archery training.
She speaks both Japanese and English, but settle nicely for just speaking English. Her favourite school subject is Zoology

History:Maggie Quinn is the only daughter of Xavier and Sophie Quinn. Her parents were on business in Japan when Sophie found she was with child, and instead of calling their business short, they decided to have their baby in Japan.
When they had their baby daughter, they were a little disapointed as they both wanted a baby boy so that he could carry on the ranger line. But, forgetting about that, they made sure Maggie kne she was loved.
Once she had reached the age of 12, Maggie was handed a small silver chain with a blue stone on the end of it. And was told that it held a great power, and that it would protect her whenever she needed protection. And there, Maggie Quinn became the Blue Secret Ranger, the protector of the Blue Lion. Which fit in rather nicely with her job at the local zoo.

Quote: "I am the lion, hear my roar!"