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Mentor Information

Venturan Rangers - None:
Their powers were handed down through time, and now the immortal board feel it's time they accepted their role and begin their duty to protect Ventura from more evil, and more importantly protect the princess, Dulcia's daughter.

Power Rangers - Zordon:
Yep the big floating head himself, we brought him back just for this RPG. ::grins:: You guys don't really need a background because we ALL know about Zordon...right?

Space Defenders - Galaxy:
A wise American Indian woman, she choose the new Defenders after the last team started to move on with their lives, and because their band hit AG's top number one list, they could not turn down tour oppertunities.

Galaxy Defenders - Raven:
Now it would just seem normal that the Galaxy Defenders were run by Galaxy. History they were, but Galaxy ran so many superhero groups she decided it would be proper to hand it on, and so Raven got the job. Raven has jet black raven hair, and well he has a talking raven that is perched on his shoulder, he is spanish looking.

Star Knights - Neptune:
Now this guy is very blue and well he's a walking water man, hense the name Neptune. He is very old and very wise, he lives in the Star Knight's head quarters, he can't leave due to the atmosphere change.

Power Ranger Knights - Athena:
Not the Goddess but a wise woman named after her, she appears any time and any place but only to the chosen Power Ranger Knights, she informs them of any up coming dangers, and their mission. After they were sent back in the past they used an old warehouse for their headquarters, Athena set up a security system way beyond any century, even 61st century, where the Knights come from. So no-one can enter with out holding the power of the Knights.

Each of them have their own Alpha's or Mentor's right hands, it's just up to the teams to decide.