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Fan Fics

The Power

6099 Angel Grove the De Fuego home.

Mirashia De Fuego awoke in the morning to screams from familiar voices, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and yawned she looked at her younger brother Dagan standing in the doorway.
The fourteen year old boy just looked at her and two twins run down the hall screaming chasing after each other.
The two boys making much more noise than humanely possible.
Mirashia rolled her eyes skyward and Dagan looked at her.
“You better make breakfast to shut them up.” Dagan remarked.
Mirashia looked at her brother.
“Make it yourself I have to get ready to go to the shelter.” Mirashia remarked.
Dagan shrugged and walked out.
“If you want them to behave, make breakfast!” He called over his shoulder.
Mirashia growled under her breath and pulls on her fluffy red bath robe over her red floor length shoe string strap night gown.

She placed her feet in her slippers and padded down the stairs to the kitchen where she starts cooking breakfast.
“Okay Bruno has Captain crunch cereal, fruit no juice, with milk. Paris has, oatmeal porridge, lots of brown sugar, and syrup. Dagan has toast with chocolate spread, and Ashe has bacon with fried eggs.” Mirashia remembered out a loud as she began cooking the breakfast for the family that day.

As she placed the food down on the table all her siblings enter the kitchen and scoff the food, down, Ashe looks at her and he handed her they keys to his Red MG hover sports car and Mirashia looked at him.
“I am not taking them to school Ashe.” She protested.
Ashe just grinned at her the nineteen year old male once had his mind set on something there was nothing any body could do to change it.

* * *

Mirashia dropped the kids off to school and she frowned as she pulled the car up outside the house, with the door wide open she leaps from the car and runs inside to see the house a mess, she had only leaned it that morning and Ashe couldn’t make a mess even if he tired.
“Ashe!!” She called.
She heard robotic noise come from upstairs and she tenderly stepped up the stairs to see her brother lying face down in the floor with two robots hovering over him.
She let out a startled gasp and Ashe looked up at her weakly.
“Ashe?” She asks her blue eys filled up with worry.
Ashe just smiles at her from behind his warm brown eyes.
“Mirashia it’s time for me to join the slave mines,” He remarks weakly, “you never know I might see mom and dad there.” He smiled, but it was weak.
Mirashia rushed to his side and dropped to her knees and hugged him tight.
“I’ll get you out Ashe I promise I will.” She vows to her self out aloud.
Ashe nods, “You’ve always been the smart one of the family Dagan I know you will.”
And with that the two robots hauled him to his feet and dragged him out of the room.
“Go to the shelter and tell them what’s happening!” He called back over his shoulder.
The robots making clicking noises and jab at Ashe sparking him he stumbles forward, he was going to be exhausted by the time he reached the slave mines.

No body knew what they were digging up there, or rebuilding but it was under the castle that had been built for Armac, the new ruler of Earth.

* * *

Angel Grove Shelter.

Mirashia arrived at the shelter and rushed in she looked at her friends seated round a table, the youth center and shelter had been combined in to one, now that Ashe was gone, Mirashia new she would have to move the family here for safety, she couldn’t afford to pay the bills, it was always Ashe who had paid the bills.
Her friends look at her as she slumps down in her seat each of them sat round the table Mirashia noticed ironically it was color coded, she scratches her head, she had always liked the color red, but she never knew why, she knew it had to do with something that had happened a long time ago.

* * *

Angel Grove Castle Tower.

Armac looks at the ice tubes in front of him and he grins at the five figure trapped inside he rubs his hands together and looks at his golden winged warrior Chipz.
“Break it open!” He orders.
Armac’s face was pale with black eyes, blue pupils, long silver hair tied back, pointed ears and he wore a blood red cape.
Armac had been the general of Bandera’s army until Bandera had vanished from sight, Armac had then taken over. Defeating the original Power Rangers and taken over Earth.

Chipz cut at the first ice cube with his sword and finally a figure in blue overalls and a black tank top fell to the floor.
Armac smiles. “Meal number one.” He remarked, “Gotta love frozen food.” He added. Armac bore his teeth and was down on the figure faster that Chipz had cut him out.
Armac rose with a deep breath and the figure gasped for breath and struggled as Armac a day walking vampire feed from him.

Chipz curled his monkey shaped face up at Armac’s feeding habits they were definitely one not of grace or style.

Armac stood up and looked as his robot slaves brought a human male up to him a man in his late teens, Armac smiled and nodded.
“Ah Ashe De Fuego the oldest child of Rocker and Mimla De Fuego, welcome to your new home as my slave.” He said.
Ashe spat at his feet. “I hope you choke on blood you vampire.” Ashe spat at him coldly.
Armac smiled impressed. “Typical from a De Santos descendent, I have a little proposal then.”
Ashe glared at him, “Forget it!” He snapped.
“Your sister, give her to me and I will allow you to stay and watch over your family uninterrupted.” He remarked grinning at Ashe.
Ashe shakes his head. “Never!” He cried.

Chipz brought the handle down across the back of Ashe’s head. Ashe fell to the ground and Armac stood over him and smiled evilly.
“Well then you’ll go to the slave mines and I will just take Mirashia then.” Armac remarked.

Ashe was pulled to his feet and dragged off, he was trying his best to fight the robots.
He had to escape and warn his sister but there was no way possible... Unless she found the lost power of the Power Rangers... then earth would have a chance... at least to fight for it’s right to be free.

“Freedom will come to us Armac and you will go down!” Ashe called as he was dragged out.

Armac just waved his hand ignoring the crying words of freedom from the newest member of his adult slave mines that was being used to rebuild the lost Power Ranger Zords.
Armac knew their powers were in his castle some where but he still had to locate them some how.

* * *

Angel Grove Shelter.

Mirashia had just finished telling her friends all that had happened to her brother that she had seen, but she remained strong,she pulled her shoulder length jet black hair back from her face absent mindly, and she clung on to hope that she could find a way to free her parents and her older brother, when panicking cries came from outside and a young African American teenager rushed in.
“Armac’s robots!” Ronnie Taylor cried.
Mirashia leapt to her feet startled.

The robots hovered in and they looked round, Mirashia felt herself tremble from head to foot and she looked at the robots hard in the face she knew they wanted her for some reason, she looked back at he friends who seemed to shake their heads.
“Mirashia De Fuego come with us and we will not destroy the shelter.” One of the robots beeped out.
A hand grabbed on to Mirashia’s arm and she looked at her male friend and sighed.
“I have to go I can’t let them destroy this place.” She remarked before he could speak.
And with that she broke his grip and walked up to the robots.
“I’m here.” She remarked.
The robots grabbed either side of her and took her out.

Her friends looked at each other stunned.
“We’re going after her!” One of them remarked.
Although no-one knew how they were going to do this the four teenagers nodded.

* * *

Angel Grove Castle Tower.

Mirashia was thrown to the ground in front of Armac and she looked up at him, he just smiled down on her an evil crooked smile.
“Mirashia, my dear, I want you to rule by my side.” He remarked.
She laughed surprising Armac, “Listen buddy I will never rule by your side.” She remarks.
Her eyes scanned the area quickly for a quick exit but they fell on four life sized ice cubes instead and a figure inside one of them caught her view.
“Rocky?” She questions to herself.
She then watched as a body was coming through on the ground, the male shakes his head stunned and she gasped as she recognised him from the history book of Power Rangers as Billy Cranston the first blue Ranger of the 1990’s.

She knew Armac was grinning at her now, and she dropped tot he ground sweeping Chipz’s feet out from under him the large warrior collapsed on the robots crushing them she ran to the ex-ranger grabbed his hand and pulled him out in to the hallway.
He looked baffled and uncertain.
“Billy?” She asks.
He looked at her confused on how she knew his name.
But he nodded, he still didn’t speak though.
“I need a way out of here, help me.” She remarked.
Billy nodded. “There’s a secret passage way behind that tapestry.” He remarks.

Mirashia smiled and dragged him behind the tapestry, they entered the secret passage way, they wondered through for what felt like hours until they emerged again behind the throne in the main room. Mirashia saw, the ice had melted and chained up was none other than ex rangers Zack Taylor, Trini Kwan, Kimberely Hart and Rocky De Santos. Rocky’s eyes flickered open and Billy slipped up to him and broke the chains.
Armoured clanks were heard in the hallway passing the throne room.
Rocky looked at Mirashia, “Who’s she?” Rocky asks.
Billy just shrugs, Mirashia stepped forward and looked at Rocky.
“Mirashia De Fuego, I’m your descendent.” She introduced herself.
Rocky looked absolutely stunned and become instantly speechless.

The armoured noises became louder and Rocky and Billy look at her.
“Go back in to that tunnel kid, get out of here, we’ll hold them off.” Rocky remarks.
Mirashia nodded and didn’t argue and slipped back in to the tunnel she heard the sounds of battle die out behind her as she ran when she bumped in to a figure and she gasped and looked up and let out a relieved sigh as she saw her friends.
“This way.” The other girl remarked.
Mirashia nodded and followed they passed many passages along the way and at the end of the tunnel a golden light shinned brightly and they looked at each other and entered the room.

* * *

Power Ranger Knights Head Quarters.

Once in the room the five teenagers found they were looking at a bright shinning woman of golden in an almost Goddess like figure.
“I am Athena.” She says.
Mirashia nods. “Yes that’s nice, can you point us to the exit and we’ll be on our way.”
“You have found the Power Ranger head quarters.” Athena remarks.
Surprised gasps came from the mouths of the teenagers.
“You five have now been chosen.” She adds.
Mirashia swallows, “Chosen for what?” She asks.
Athena steps aside and a pentagram shaped crystal shone brightly.
“Touch the crystal and you five will create a new age and become the new generation of Power Rangers of which to fight against Armac and free Earth from his evil hold.” Athena explains.
The teenagers stepped up to the crystal and placed a hand on a side of the crystal each and a bright golden light filled the room then died down. The teenagers stepped back and looked at each other, each of them wore a power rangers suit but with a difference chain mail and armour.
“You are now the Power Ranger Knights.” Athena remarked.
The teenagers nod, and Athena smiled.
“Now each one of you has a special power and a Knight who you are to call upon to gain your powers.” She explained and goes on to explain their powers quickly.

Mirashia took note that her power came from Tristram and she was the Red Ranger, one by one their powers and animals were explained to them.

Athena then looked at them once she’d finished explaining.
“Now go and begin your first battle with Armac’s warriors, and my the power be with you.”
With that the light faded and the Power Ranger Knights looked round themselves and nodded.
“To battle!” One of them cried.
“To battle!” They echoed and in rainbow colored fog each of them vanished.

* * *

Angel Grove Castle Tower.

They arrived in the throne room, the ex-rangers were no where to be seen but that didn’t matter, the armoured baddies were there and Armac took one look at the rangers and his expression was one of pure anger.
“Time hole!” He called, suddenly a large black hole opened and the rangers were pulled through it and back in time landing in Angel Grove Park in the late 1990’s early 2000’s.

But they weren’t the only ones that happened to be pulled through the hole...

* * *

You can e-mail her here.