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A bit about the teams

Venturan Rangers:-
Originally three rangers but a forth has been added to the team to help protect the princess of Ventura. They call upon their protectors Phoenix, Dolphin, Cheetah and Scorpian to fight evil.

Power Rangers:-
A team of elite teenagers choosen by Zordon to help protect the Earth against the likes of all evil. they call upon their Zords. Those who want to join this team can choose what season they want from mmpr season to Turbo. nothing higher as it is based on earth, unless voted upon.

Secret Rangers:-
Not much is known about these three hense Secret so it is purely up to the team what they want to do here. But they ride three large animals, a Dragon, a Bull and a Lion

Space Defenders:-
They call upon their animals to protect them and help try to rid the planet Sarkar from all the evil their trying to threaten the immortal souls at rest.

Galaxy Defenders:-
They protect the planet of Inlibia and are assigned to protect the Queen of Inlibia as well.

Star Knights:-
They call upon constilations or planets to gain their power through mighty armour.

Power Ranger Knights:-
They call upon five of the Knights from the round table to gain their power. These Rangers are from far in to the future.

The Galaxy Defenders, Space Defenders, Secret Rangers, can choose upon wht type of powers they want but must be voted in amongst the team. And all votes must be sent to us once decided. Although they protect other planets in different solar systems and time, they all live on earth.