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Author | Topic: Death -- Last part and Epilogue |
Jeanne Lieutenant Posts: 702 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here's the next part. The next one is the epilogue. And by the way it's my new nick. I'm lizaëlia, L'aphaule, Nianjarul etc...etc... New e-mail et tout le pataclan!!! Syd : Je sais pas si tu te rappelle tes cours de français de 3e secondaire mais moi, bon disons que c'est relativement frais dans ma mémoire, et on étudie la grammaire. Tout ça pour dire qu'en français 'On' exclu la personne qui parle. Je m'en rappelle, mes amis me disent toujours, pour niaiser, : On t'aime Jeanne!!! Merci quand même c'est l'intention qui compte. ¤ He raised the hand and waved open the door of Zo'or chamber. The Taelon was still in his energy stream, resting. He seemed to not saw Liam's enter. The young Kimera ran his fingers on the soft surface of the paper in his pocket. He felt invading Zo'or's privacy by not knock on the door or tell him he was coming. He approached closer of the chair. The Taelon was lying in the reclined chair, surrounded by a mist of blue-white energy. Liam advanced an hand and putted it in the energy stream. He felt a curious shiver ran through his body. He was Kimera, fully and totally now. The energy had the same influence on him than on the Taelons. He felt the energy travel in every cells of his body, still aching from his transformation. He could not resist and stepped in the energy stream, letting the delicious feeling continue. He had reagined his greenish Kimera form. It formed a strange mix with the pink one of Zo'or. His burst in his energy stream seemed to brought the Synod Leader back to reality. Liam pulled off his coat and kneeled beside Zo'or lying body. The Taelon was still weak. The energy patern were slow, unusually slow. He had dispenced a great amount of energy when he had helped Liam by a sharing. Liam almost smiled at the memory. Zo'or began to agitate in his sleep, like doing a nightmare. His hand clunched on the armchairs. His fingers were crisped and he was whispering Taelon words in his sleep. Liam understood Da'an name a couple of time. Liam hesitated a while and finally took Zo'or hand between his own. It seemed to brought Zo'or back to reality but not enough to awake him. His hand was crisped on Liam's, almost hurting him. What a night mare can make you act like this in your sleep, Liam thought. He was wondering if it was just for Da'an's death or if Zo'or had constantly those dreams. Poor child, the Kimera thought again. He raised his other hand slowly and brushed Zo'or's cheek. The touch made Zo'or jerk in his sleep. He awoke violently, breathing fastly. He tried to pull away from Liam. "Hey it's me, Zo'or. Calm yourself." Liam whispered in the Taelon's ear. Zo'or relaxed and leaned back in his chair, sighing longly. He suddenly realized that Liam's hand was on his cheek, stroking it gently. Liam too seemed to realize what he was doing. He regain his human appearance quickly and stepped down from Zo'or's chair, blushing slightly. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to awake you." Liam whispered, confused. "But you did…" Zo'or tone was angry, "…and I thank you." The tone was charged with the same coldness as before but not anger anymore. Zo'or had a reputation to preserve, after all. The thought almost made Liam smiling again. His hand was still in the Taelon's one. Zo'or stopped the energy emission with one wave of his graceful white hand. Zo'or still wore the long gray dress he was wearing the last time Liam had seen him. The graceful form of the alien was visible beneath it. Liam liked it better than the usual purple jumpsuit. It made Zo'or looking more feminine. Liam finally spoke, breaking a cold silence. "I found what Da'an had let for…us," he stopped, carefully pulled out his hand out of Zo'or's "but not just that." Liam added, breaking the stare of hope in the Taelon's eyes. "What happened?" asked Zo'or moving his fingers nervously. "You said that Da'an was dead naturally," a look of fear started to appear in Zo'or's eyes, "You were wrong. He died from a Kryss overdose." Liam whispered. Zo'or lowered the head and sighed angrily : "I had told him that his next dose would kill him." "He knew it Zo'or. He did not do it by himself. You know who his pusher was?" Zo'or shooked the head. He did not understand what Liam meant. "It was Sandoval. He gave him the Kryss. His last dose. The dose which killed him." "I will see his dead body." Zo'or said in an almost unhearable tone. Liam never told him how Sandoval gave Kryss to Da'an, it was better like this. Who know what Zo'or would have done. "It's already done, the creature of the Embassy killed him." Zo'or looked at Liam doubtly. "You don't know?" asked a surprised Liam. He smiled and took Zo'or hand, he approached the mothership wall and pressed Zo'or's hand against it. -- Entity Zo'or. We recognize but never speak. Being/Entity Liam. -- -- Hi -- Zo'or undo Liam's grip on his hand abruptly and took a step back, truly amazed. Liam had still one hand on the wall, eyes closed. He smiled a last time and turned to Zo'or. "You did not know they were everywhere? I thought you would know." "I don't. I did not till today." Zo'or stopped and thought for a second, "But I remember what Da'an told me once, that they were everywhere, that they would protect us. I know for sure that my race is linked to them. I feel somewhat like an accustumance to them…" Zo'or was amazed. He touched tentatively the wall with his hand and sensed once again the faint presence at the edge of his mind. When he tried to go toward it, it vanished. -- Don't be too aventurous with them. They are still scared. -- -- Entity Zo'or, welcome within us. -- When Zo'or stopped the contact he had a smile on his lips, the first true smile Liam would remember. Not a bad smile like always. No. A true smile. Liam thought how many he was like Da'an, for a second time. "They took care of Sandoval. They considered Da'an as a part of them. And they were…chocked by his death and by Sandoval participation in it." "He was still your own father, Major." Zo'or whispered, he did not finished his statement. The meaning was very clear. "The only thing we had in common was blood, nothing more. I did not considered him as my father anymore. Not after what he did to Da'an." Liam whispered slowly. Neither Zo'or than him spoke for a while. "I suppose that your true identity is not Major Liam Kincaid. Do you have a name at least?" Zo'or asked totally out subject. Liam smiled and lowered the eyes. "No you're all right. I'm not the Major Liam Kincaid but Liam is still my name. It's the only one I have. You can call me like that." Liam said while pulling out the two letters of his coat pocket. "I found that at the Embassy," he said handing the two letters to Zo'or. "You can read it?" Zo'or looked attentively at the two papers, longly. "I don't think I can," he said after a moment of studying, "It's the Kimeran language, like the latin of the Humans. I learned it, like all the others Taelons, long ago. I suppose you can read it." Liam sighed and sat, fell, in a near chair. Zo'or sat beside him, the closer the Taelon could sat of a Human. The Kimera opened the letter with his name in human character on it. It was handwriting, graceful and soft like Da'an was. It was very much like chinese writing or something like that. He had often seen Taelon language, on a computer screen. But he had never seen Kimeran language, on paper. He discovered he could read it with a minimum of efforts with Ha'gel's memory. It was a part of him, since his morphing into a total Kimera being. He read entirely, blushing often, and then turned to stare at Zo'or. "He wanted you to read it, if I could show you…" he sighed softly. He turned his palm toward the alien, in a offer to share. Zo'or looked at him gravely and finally put his palm on Liam's. He saw with Liam's eyes, he read what he read. It was short. Liam, I apologize Liam. I'm sorry for all I have done to you. I have betrayed your trust more than one time. I apologize. You trusted me. You put life of your friends, of person you cared for, in my hands. And I've betrayed you. I would have stayed longer with you if I could. I feel my death. I feel it coming. Day after day, I'm much weak. I'm more and more dependant of Kryss. It will kill me. I wish I could have done differently. But what is don… is done, like the Humans say. I wish for you to continue what I've started Liam. I had a friend once. He believed in me. Him, too, misplaced his trust. I'm sure you believe now that I hate humanity and that I fight only for my race's survival. But I know, and I know you too know it, that the Taelons cannot survive without humanity's help. Neither than you without the Taelons. You must try Liam. Try to convince them. You can change mentality. Now that I'm dead, only you can change things, you're the only one who can save both our species Liam. Please I'm asking this a last time. I ask you to believe me a last time Liam Maybe I ask too much to you. Do what you believe is right for both our people Liam. And…please, I know that Sandoval is not to be trusted. I hate him. Please take him away from Zo'or. If you read this, both of you then you know all. I want you to protect Zo'or Liam. Please. A last favor. I have always considered and loved you like my own child. Protect my other child please Liam. Your are not fully matured, Liam. When you will, you'll understand. When you will have a child, you'll understand. I hope you'll understand my actions, one day. Sinaui Enhura Liam, Zo'or withdraw his palm from Liam, shocked. He did not believe that the young one and his parent were so close of each others. He lowered the head looking down at his feet. He, understood entirely why Da'an had did what he did. He knew perfectly his parent motives. Da'an had changed a lot since they had crossed humanity's fate, but Zo'or was still his child and they were not so different at all. "Please…Liam can I see the other one." the Synod Leader whispered, with like sobs in his voice. Liam hesitated a little than handed him the letter. The Taelon read it fastly, it was shorter than the one for Liam. Before the young hybrid could place one word, Zo'or raised up his own palm to share the contains of the letter. Liam hesitated "You're sure. You're not forced to do this." "He wished it." said Zo'or gently, still staring down at the paper. Liam's brought his own palm up for meet Zo'or's. Zo'or, I'm dying and I know it. If you find this it's because I'm dead. And that you had Liam's help. Only him could take it. Please. I ask you to trust him. He's the only hope for our survival. He would change into a new form soon, if I'm right. I ask you to take him as your protector. He will protect you well. He can understand and help us. I have done many things to you and my other in the past. I'm sure that now, as yourself a leader, you could understand what my motives were. We are more alike that what you might think Zo'or. Remember this. It's the only thing I ask from you. You're still and will ever be my child Zo'or, my beloved child. Sinaui Enhura my child, Zo'or pulled his hand away from Liam's one. The Taelon went to the window, let his forehead against it. His shoulders were shaking slightly, like if he was crying. Liam knew Taelons could not cry. He put back the paper in the pocket of his coat. Zo'or had his own letter in his hand. He just closed his hand into fist. The paper broke with a soft noise. He let it fall to the ground and crossed his arms on his chest. Just when he was the most tired to be what he was, Da'an let him with the burden of all his people on his shoulders. "I will not be able to do it Da'an, I will not, I'm so sorry, I'm too weak for do it…" he whispered. He had completly forgotten Liam's presence. The hybrid eyes were filled with sadness. It was hard to him to see Zo'or like this. Broken. Zo'or was totally broken by his parent's death. He had always seen Zo'or as a leader, a true leader, cold and heartless, ready to do anything for the survival of his race. But he could not handle to see him like this. "Yes, yes you'll be able." The words escaped Liam's mouth almost despite himself. Zo'or almost jumped in surprise. He believed he was alone, Liam thought. The Taelon turned to him. Liam had never seen a Taelon to seems so near to cry. Zo'or shooked the head despairedly. Liam went to him and gave a little squeeze to Zo'or's shoulder. The Taelon covered the human's hand with his white own. "Do you accept to be my protector?" Zo'or asked tentatively. Nothing to do with the usual hearthless, cold Synod Leader. "Of course Zo'or. My job was to protect Da'an…I have no one to protect now." replied Liam amused a little. Zo'or turned toward him, smiled lightly. He was returned in his cold usual facade. "He have shown us the way Liam. The only thing we need to do now is to follow it." Zo'or turned toward the window, losing his gaze in the stars. Liam pulled his hand off the Taelon's shoulder. Liam's global buzzed. "Kincaid here." he said automatically. Mélinda face appeared on the screen. "Zo'or and you are requested on the bridge, Major." He shot a look to Zo'or. The Taelon nodded in agreement. "We're coming." he said before cutting the line. He turned toward Zo'or. "You will keep this on?" he asked to the Taelon. "I simply honor the traditions. I understood that the Humans was dressed in black when they were remembering someone's death. The Taelons wear this." he said showing his gray dress. "You're better accostumate to it Liam, I will wear it for the next thirty a'eks." the Synod Leader added, shooting Liam a strange look. "Hummm…" Liam said, a smile on the lips. "For the next thrity a'eks. For the next 50 terran years…" Zo'or raised non-existants eyesbrows. "It's good. You're not bad in it at all…" Liam whispered, in a totally human manner. Zo'or shot him a serious cold look. Liam flushed a bright green under his false human skin and turned to leave. "I'll wait for you on the bridge I think." he added. "Liam," the young man stopped when he heard the Taelon voice, "Thank you." ¤ Hope you liked it! The next part will be...hum...how I can say it? Different...No. No spoilers. IP: Logged |
Seven O'Nine Lieutenant Posts: 4069 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I LOVE IT! *sobs* Love the letters *sobs* Can't wait for the epilogue... IP: Logged |
Kishi Tala Lieutenant Posts: 287 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is wonderful! Looking forward to the epilogue! ![]() IP: Logged |
Nessa Lieutenant Posts: 815 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() beautiful. IP: Logged |
Anastasia Lieutenant Posts: 615 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() *sigh* Wonderful, Jeanne!!! ![]() I'm curious how the epilogue will be!!! IP: Logged |
KC Lieutenant Posts: 143 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wonderful! ![]() I don't know why but I love this Zo'or. IP: Logged |
Holo Kat Lieutenant Posts: 2241 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Fantastic, Jeanne. ![]() IP: Logged |
Jeanne Lieutenant Posts: 702 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Taelon mothership, Exactly 100 human years after Da'an's death or 64 A.C. (After Council) Where to start, there are so many things to tell. Let's start by the beginning then. After the death of Da'an and their discovering of the circumstance of it, Liam officially became Zo'or's protector. Liam was a fully matured Kimera at this time. After the discovery of an old Kimeran colony, he became the Kimeran Embassador on Earth. Zo'or stayed Synod Leader. Vorjak and Arial spoke for the Jaridian people. And the President Joshua Doors was the representative of the Human race. I said I would start from the beginning. 35 Terran years after Da'an's death, the Jaridian people came to Earth. Vorjak was their Leader now with his daughter Arial first Jaridian, Human, Taelon hybrid. They came not with war intention, but pleading for help. Their race was dying too, like the Taelons were. They despairedly needed Human plasma for stabilize the fiew Jaridian children who have been born a couple of month ago, in a special project started by Lili just before her death. The Taelons had ever thought the Jaridians were many and stronger than them. But when they arrived to Earth, they were not more than about ten thousand. All the survivors of a dying people. The Taelons were almost the same number. Finally after many deliberations, the Humans accepted to give them a chance to survive. But it was not the same for the Taelon race. They needed energy for survive. The only ones who were able to give them that were the Kimeras. They also accepted. Both the Taelon, the Jaridian, the Kimera and the Human race lived in peace now. They had many times need to become ally for face a common enemy. Generations after generations the Human race became more and more advanced, they started space exploration. The Taelons let them do. They had want they wanted. They did not need to hide or lie for preserve themself anymore. But still after that the four races lived in a relative conflict state. 64 years after Da'an's death, the Council began. They decided to do a last attempt of instoring the peace between their people. Four representative were chose for each people. Zo'or, the Synod Leader; Vorjak, the Jaridian Leader; Liam La'gel Beckett, was designed as the Kimera representative and finally Joshua Doors, oldest American President. They reunited on a neutral place, on the MoonBase Human-Taelon complex. All the personal was evacuated for the occasion. They stayed two Terran months locked in a room, discussing, arguing, making the peace. When they finally exited from it, all was okay. The conflict was no longer existing. All aspects had been talked of, and an arrangement had been took for all little things. Taelons concealed territory to Jaridian, the Jaridians apologized for the attacks they had sent on Taelons base etc… After this all their people lived in a total peace. Surely it had still some politicals conflict, Embassador vs Embassador, but no longer people against people. More personnally now. Renée Palmer and Joshua Doors got married. Augur vanished suddenly and some rumors told he had restarted his life in a Human colony on a planet far away from Earth. It was amazed like how the things couls change in some years. Liam and Zo'or became closer and closer. No one was surprised when they officially announced that they were lovers. Zo'or is still Synod Leader. Liam is no longer is protector. But his mate. It had shocked some people, within the Humans mostly, at first when they had learned of this first union between species which had been separated since century if it's not millinium. After the Council, Liam officially dismissed from his Kimera representative post. Stayed as an Embassador would contribute to start rumors about political corruption and favoritism… But let's see what's going on. ¤ Zo'or and Lar'mal were walking down the mothership corridors. They were just returned from a meeting with the new Kimera representative Om'sea. Lar'mal was one of the many Human-Taelon hybrids who was created many years ago. The Taelons were not steriles anymore grace to the human DNA, but a generation of hybrids had still be born. Zo'or was the one who had carried Lar'mal. They were very close. Zo'or was his adoptive parent at the same time of his kind of sister. Lar'mal was the result of the mix of Ma'el, Da'an and Boone DNA. They were close friends. "It's hard to see someone other than Liam as Kimeran Embassador on Earth." said Lar'mal softly. He was much alike Da'an. "I must agree." replied Zo'or in the same tone. She had never stopped wearing the long gray dress, for honor her parent memory. She too found it quite annoying to think to the Kimeran representative as another one of Liam. How clearly she remembered how all this had started. She remembered every moves, every words she had said or done this day, this fatal day. The feelings were the most vivids in her memory. What she had felt the first time when Liam had touched her hand with his, the feelings of their first sharing or their first joining, and of their first kiss. She smiled at this memory. How surprised she was when he had kissed her for the first time. And her feelings at Lar'mal birth. The pain mixed with joy and extasy when she had brought him in this world. She always needed to remember that he was not her child. That it was Da'an's child, like she was and is still. She had still carried him during two years within her and born him. He considered himself as her child anyway. "Zo'or?" The voice of Lar'mal rebrought her to reality. "You're all right?" "Yes. Yes I am. I was just lost in thoughts." she responded with a tender smile. The younger Taelon was hesitating as if he wanted to speak of someone but unsure of what may happen if he did. Zo'or was still very alike she was before Da'an's death, cold and ruthless sometimes. It was a personal matter probably. "I wish to speak of something personal with you, Zo'or." he finished by saying slowly. The Synod Leader made his way toward her personal chamber. Again this remained her of the discovery of Liam's heritage. She knew her pupil spoke with that serious tone only when it was truly and very important. Once the door was locked behind them, Lar'mal spoke : "I've sensed something different in you those times Zo'or. Your energy paterns are slightly modified since two weeks and it's getting worst day after day." Lar'mal said nervously. Zo'or just smiled. "I know. You don't need to worry for me. I'm well," she slipped an hand on her lower abdomen. "We are both." Lar'mal jaw looked about to fall on the ground. "You…are carrying a child?" he asked finally. Zo'or nodded. "Yes, Liam's the other parent." Lar'mal came to Zo'or slowly. "May I…?" he asked softly. Zo'or don't let him finish his sentence. She catched his hand between hers and placed it on her abdomen. Lar'mal blushed a deep shade of blue as he entered in contact with the child's mind. The child was young, very young. He had been conceived only two or three days before. But his strong Kimeran qualities were undoubtable. His mind was one of a one year old complete Taelon child. Lar'mal broke the contact. He looked up to Zo'or. "I congratulate you Zo'or. Does Liam know?" he asked a smile on the corner of his lips. Zo'or shooked her head. No Liam knew not of the existence of their child. Despite the fact that Zo'or knew it for the first second which follow the moment of his conception. Lar'mal made the Taelon salute and exited the room. Zo'or sat back in her chair. She let her head fall between her hands. If she were younger, she woulds have ridiculised the human women who suffer anxiety when they are pregnant. But now she understood totally. How stressful it was. She did not know why, but she was stressed by the idea of announcing that to Liam. She jumped down, carefully. The child development was faster than a normal Taelon child. There was not the only difference. The child would also have a gender, unlike the Taelons, it was from the Kimera and the human part. He, male gender, would be the first Taelon-Kimera-Human hybrid. Strangely the human part of Liam was vivid in the child body. He would still have a energy body but his human appearance would be more stable. Anyway Zo'or could not have hide it much longer. Her lower abdomen started to round a little, and despite her dress, it was getting evident. She also walked more slowly than usual. She was prudent. She needed to protect her child now. Something buzzed in the room, interrupting her thoughts. She waved open the energy stream with her right hand, keeping her left one in contact with her abdomen, with the child. Liam's face appeared on the screen. He smiled kindly to her. "I will return the mothership in five minutes Zo'or." he said with his usual soft voice. She smiled back "I'll be waiting for you Liam." Liam bowed and cut the line. She took a deep breath and left her chamber for the principal bridge, returning to her Synod Leader buisness. ¤ Liam boarded his shuttle. He went directly toward the main bridge. He knew that Zo'or would be here. He was worry for her. She was hiding something from him. He could sense through their link that something was different with her. He passed quickly the volunteers who guarded the bridge entrance, dropping his human facade for let no doubt about his identity. The y let him pass without asking anymore proof. He entered the bridge. Zo'or was sat in her throne speaking of Taelon buisnees with a Jaridian scientist. She was speaking in her usual harshly tone, she used with everyone for her political things. If only they could knew how different she truly is, he thought amused. But this was a part of her personality, of her attractive personality. She would not be a so much good Synod Leader if she was not like that. He sent her a small comforting smile from the other side of the room. She could not do anything but sent him back a tender look and greet him mentally through their private link. The Jaridian scientist interceptate the exchange of greetings and with a smile said : "I will call you back later." He cut the line. Everyone who had once buisness with Zo'or or Liam or both of the two knew of their special relation. Zo'or was cold in public and everyone found amusing that she had a so special relationship with Liam. Zo'or waved off the energy stream and stepped down of her chair. Like of an collective decision all the volunteers had vanished from the bridge. They went toward each others. Liam opened his arms and hugged Zo'or to his chest longly. The Taelon let her head fall on her mate's shoulder. Liam rubbed her back gently. "Where were you?" asked Zo'or still pressed against Liam. "On Earth. A Jaridian scientist, Kir'ort, have disapear in a portal accident. I have gone for help them a bit. " he said, responding her. She extended her arms and clutched her hands behind his neck. She raised the head for look in his deep green eyes. He had a smile she knew too well on his lips. "I suppose that you truly have nothing to do with this mysterious disapearance?" he asked her, apparently don't believing what he had just said. She sent him a look from the corners of her eyes. "I think I'm not going to answer this question Major Kincaid," she said absolutly not serious. He let his forehead against hers. "You organize this 'portal accident' Zo'or don't you?" he asked not more serious than she was. "He was truly annoying Liam. He spoke of ending our hybridation project and I could not let him do so. I'm still the Taelon Synod Leader, remember Kincaid?" she had spoke in a faked harsh tone and insisted on the name Kincaid. She often called him like that. He leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips, feeling the usual link opening between them. "You're bad Zo'or," she smiled like if he had just complimented her "And I love you like that," he finished fixing a tender gaze on her. She hesitated a long moment and then finally decided to tell him. "I've something to tell you Liam," she said. She took a step back, broking his embrace but still holding his hands in hers. "Our last…joining, had unexpected consequence," she started. A look of worry appeared in Liam's eyes. "I'm well, don't fear Liam." She smiled and put his hands on her lower abdomen, letting him enter in contact with the child's mind. She opened her mind freely to him, showing the events of the past days. He took off his hands from her and looked at her gravely "Zo'or I…". She simply put a finger on his lips, silenced all his words. He covered her hand with his own and brought it to his lips, he kissed it softly. "I love you," he whispered. They kissed passionatly, shared their love for each others with their child. "You did well my child...both of you…" said Da'an looking at the two energy gren-blue forms on the bridge. He could not stay here a long time. He concentrated a little and returned where he needed to be. FIN ¤ Hey!!!!!It's my first finished story!!! I hope that you liked that as much as I liked writing it!!! Thank you for all your comments it helped a lot. Get ready for my next story in the same style will be named Danielle. But I will finish Ma'el's dream and a couple of others before starting that. IP: Logged |
Holo Kat Lieutenant Posts: 2241 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Beautiful, Jeanne. This was a wonderful fic, congratulations on the amazing job. ![]() ![]() IP: Logged |
Seven O'Nine Lieutenant Posts: 4069 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That is SOOOOOOOOOOOO darn beautiful! Great ending! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() IP: Logged |
Seven O'Nine Lieutenant Posts: 4069 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Just reread last note: PLEASE write vignettes at some point! IP: Logged |
Nessa Lieutenant Posts: 815 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bravo!!!!!!!!! This was a wonderful fic. I enjoyed it ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() IP: Logged |
KC Lieutenant Posts: 143 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh!It's so...I'm so...LOVE this beautiful story ending!!!That's the E:FC's ending which I truly want! In S1, I thought E:FC can become an openmind SF show. Although have many difficult problems and many crises, we, Human, Taelon, and Jaridian, and other species, can live together peaceful. But after S2, I only saw that "Taelon(or alien ) is evil, we Human have to fight them! Kill them!" this narrow view. It make me feel very sad and horrible for this old, Human is the hero of saving universe, sotry line. Finally, I found that the reason why I still watch E:FC just is that DA'AN IS STILL ALIVE!!! I truly hope E:FC can go to a better way, a beeter ending, and let every species survival. And, PEACE TRULY COME!!! Thank you for this beautiful story!!! ![]() IP: Logged |
Kishi Tala Lieutenant Posts: 287 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That was great! I would also like to see the vignettes sometime too ![]() IP: Logged |
Anastasia Lieutenant Posts: 615 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() WOW!! That was so fantastic!!! ![]() ![]() I loved the end with Liam and Zo'or, their conversation LoL ![]() ![]() Wonderful first fanfic, Jeanne!!! ![]() IP: Logged |
Ma'hal Lieutenant Posts: 65 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I read this story today - the whole story without a break, because it was so GREAT!!! WOW!!!!! IP: Logged |
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