Author | Comment | Jehanne Registered User (1/24/01 4:46:04 am) Reply | Edit | Del All | Liam Kincaid's Marriage
“Liam Kincaid, do you accept to take as spouse Renée Palmer, and to love her during your whole life until the death break this?”
Liam exchanged an amorous stare with his fiance. “Yes.”
He took the ring. Liam took Renée’s small white hand in his and passed the ring in her finger.
“You may kiss the bride.”
He slowly pulled back the translucent net that covered her face and let it on her golden hair. Renée melted her fingers with his. Liam sttroked her cheek with the back of his hand slowly. She locked eyes with him and smiled softly as he pressed his lips against hers. It was exactly like their first kiss, the same feeling of liberation, of pure wonder, with all the unrevealed feelings in it, all the words they had never said. The hurrays, acclamations and applause exploded in the room behind them as Liam passes his arms tightly around Renée’s waist and kissed her longly and passionatly.
Even Da’an smiled and applaused a couple of times. He knew how Liam had suffered in the past years, it was time that he had finally access to this joy he had waited so long for.
Zo’or did not know that only one gesture could break all he had hoped in the past three years. Something broke within him, more Liam smiled beside Renée, now legaly his wife, more he had the feeling that something crushed what he was inside. He saw everyone applause, smile around him. But this was too much for him. He had felt so bad when he had known that they were fiances, and to accept the invitation. But this, stay there and seeing Liam kissing the one he loved. No it was too much. He turned on his heels and exited the church without a word, under Da’an’s surprised stare.
Zo’or’s thoughts were whirling in his head, like a maelstrom, preventing him to sense anything but sadness. He knew that this day would come. That Liam could not stay unmarried forever. He had always thought that he would hate Renée Palmer for this, but no. He was only… sad. Sad. And despaired. Perhaps than, in another world, things could have been different.
He felt weak suddenly, his legs staggered. He sat on a bench and let the human facade fall. He knew now what the human expression ‘to have a broken heart’. A well-known voice sounded behind him:
“You had feelings for him, did you not?”
Da’an. The last he could have hoped to see now.
“I forbid you to even suppose such a thing Da’an,” he said dryly. He had hid his emotions from Da’an since he was very young, this would certainly not change now.
He saw vaguely his fellow taelon sit beside him. He so wanted to tell him to go away, to reject him, to flee from him, to flee from them all, that they let him alone in peace for one time in your life.
“Let me alone Da’an! Go away!” he said again. Despite that he did his best for keep his toen and voice staedy and regular, it was weak and shaking.
“Zo’or, you will not be able to run away from him for the rest of your life…” murmured Da’an, placing his hand on Zo’or’s arm.
The young taelon shievered and tensed as if Da’an’s hand was burning. “And you believe that I do not know that…” he whispered finally.
“Liam is linked to this woman now Zo’or. You can do nothing against it,” said Da’an, trying to bring him back to reality in a way or another.
“You do not have to remind me of that,” was the response. Zo’or had found his cold and harsh tone again.
“How long?”
Zo’or turned away for not see Da’an’s curious stare fixed on him. Did he know since how long? He only knew that his respect for this human had slowly changed to admiration then some kind of frienship, some kind of understanding had developed between them, until he had started to feel affection for the young man. Since this time, he avoided him, he run away from him. Zo’or had hidden his feelings to everyone, even to Liam. If someone discovered, his feelings, very non-Taelon like, it would be his end. And Liam had announced his marriage with Renée Palmer.
“I should not have come. I will return on the mothership,” he said coldly, raising.
Before Da’an was able to place a word, he was walking toward the shuttle and the Volunteer who would bring him back.
Just some seconds before he had reached his goal, “So Zo’or you think you’re going to escape without saying good bye?” asked a familiar voice. Zo’or put back his human appearance and breathed longly, trying to make all feelings disapear from his face.
“I am needed on the mothership, for a meeting with the Synod. I must leave at once,” he said. His voice was normal, just enough neutrality toward Liam and the whole situation, very well, he mentally noted, relieved.
Liam was despite all, one of the only humans with who he had spent more time. No one knew him better, but Da’an maybe. The young man frowned. “Something’s wrong?” he asked visibly worried.
Zo’or hesitated. “No, all his well Major.”
This caught Liam attention more. Zo’or called him ‘major’ only when it was for reproach him something or because he hid him something. “You’re sure?”
“Yes.” The Taelon saw, from the corner of his eyes, Da’an take the Volunteer, that waited in the shuttle, away with him
“I just wanted to tell you good bye and thank you for coming,” responded Liam, the doubt still hearable in his voice.
“It was a honor for me.” Zo’or pressed his lips together after saying that. He hated those moments while no one spoke.
Liam and Zo’or were now completly alone.
Finally, seeing that neither him or Liam would speak first, Zo’or raised his hand, palm turned toward the man. Liam exchanged a long stare with the Taelon and placed his hand against Zo’or’s. All this had happened without any word spoken.
Zo’or lost his human facade. He opened freely the shields that protected his mind and let Liam enter in, opposing no resistance. But he would not do the same thing that Liam now did, just seeing for memories in his mind, surrounded by the feelings of each other. No, he simply entered in Liam’s mind and looked at nothing. Slowly, painfully a little, like you take your time on old souvenir, he took back all part of himself he had given Liam before. All the memories he had gave him, each time they had touched, each time they had shared in the past. After that, ignoring Liam’s astonishment, he gave to Liam his memories back.
Once his hard task was finished, Zo’or let go of Liam’s hand, turned away and was goign to climb in the shuttle, when the strong grip of Liam’s fingers around his wrist stopped his moves. The young man brought the Taelon closer to him.
Zo’or locked his eyes in Liam’s and stroked his fingers with the back of his hand, just letting him see, for less than a second, the feelings he had had for him. Words were not used. Liam, completly startled, released Zo’or. The Taelon climbed in the shuttle, never looking back.
‘So shameful! Disgusting! What the Synod will think now! I must leave. I will go, he will never see me again. I will never see him again. I promise.’ Zo’or thought. His feelings for what he had just done were very strange. On a side, disgusted to have let a human see so much of what he felt for him. And on the other side, he felt relieved after telling the truth finally. But he would never see Liam Kincaid again, this was clear in his mind.
Liam stayed there, he did not know since how much time. He heard at the same time Renée’s footsteps behind him and the noise of the shuttle passing into ID
“Liam! You’re there! I was searching for you,” the one that was now his wife excalmed, joyful.
“Yes, I’m coming,” he said distractly, shooking the head.
“Hey, are you okay?” she asked.
“Yes, yes.” He smiled to her and passed his arms around her waist, bringing her closer. “I was saying good bye to Zo’or, that’s all.”
“I’ve never understood how you could stand him,” she answered.
He lifted his shoulders in only response and kissed Renée lightly on the lips. He loved Renée Palmer. He loved the human being that was his wife. But never he could forgot what Zo’or had shown him today.
Two weeks later,
Liam entered in the Washington Embassy after a two weeks break that Da’an had given him for his honey moon.
“Hi Sandoval,” he said simply, entering.
“Kincaid,” just answered Sandoval bowing his head.
Then Liam entered in Da’an’s office. “Hi Da’an.”
“Good morning Liam,” responded the Taelon, non-looking off his energystream.
“Missed me?” asked Liam, smiling.
“You cannot know how much,” sighed Da’an. Liam was so preoccupied by the reading of his mails that he did not saw the dark stare in Da’an’s eyes. “No Volunteer can take your palce Liam. Since all this time, you should know it.”
The young man sat in his chair and made a move to push on the power button of his computer, but a thought stopping his gesture. “While I’m thinking, do you think I could have an audience with Zo’or today?” he asked. What had happened after his marriage was still very odd in his mind. He needed to have a good talk with Zo’or. He knew very well that the Taelon never joked about anything.
“You’ve not watched the news, I suppose?” demanded Da’an, turning toward his protector, a serious stare in the eyes.
“No, why?” retorted Liam, maybe a little worry in his voice.
Da’an jumped down his throne, “Liam. Zo’or has dismissed from his Synod Leader post. He has returned on the mother planet.”
“What?!?” exclamed Liam. He did not believe what he had heard. Zo’or had preferd to run away from him again than look at him in the eyes another time.
“Zo’or is gone Liam,” repeated Da’an.
Da’an turned back to his work. All the day, Liam concentrated fine on his work but something missed. Zo’or. ‘He will come back. He will not hide from me forever. I will see him again,’ thought Liam.
To Be Continued
| Seven ONine ezOP (1/24/01 7:07:46 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Liam Kincaid's Marriage I love it! (Poor baby...) Please more...
| Yshyn Registered User (1/24/01 8:55:37 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Liam Kincaid's Marriage You're stopping there? You can't stop there! MORE!
| DANA Unregistered User (1/24/01 9:18:27 am) Reply | Edit | Del | LOVE THIS I love it!!!!!!!!
and i want more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| Lonie Registered User (1/24/01 10:36:33 am) Reply | Edit | Del | ....Liam's Marriage Ooohhh, this was sweet...
*Holds up gigantic bowl* More please
Lonie (TheGutter's Sunshine
| Holo Kat Registered User (1/24/01 10:52:32 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Liam Kincaid's Marriage How did I miss reading this? It was great!
| Kelana Registered User (1/24/01 3:22:14 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | OH... Hi,
Poor Zo'or. Am I the only one who think Renee must... disappear ; )
Wonderful story
More, please
| Adrienne Registered User (1/24/01 3:34:36 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Liam Kincaid's Marriage More, soon?
| newsyd Registered User (1/26/01 8:08:17 am) Reply | Edit | Del | Liam Kincaid's Marriage Interesting!!!
| Yvory Registered User (1/26/01 1:06:16 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Liam Kincaid's Marriage OWWWWWWW! How sad. But very good.
| Duchess Registered User (1/27/01 2:09:10 pm) Reply | Edit | Del | Re: Liam Kincaid's Marriage Hey now THAT'S a new twist! I like it Jeanne!
I want more of this one too. When you get the chance.
Edited by: Duchess at: 1/27/01 2:11:52 pm
| Reme Unregistered User (2/1/01 9:30:49 am) Reply | Edit | Del | liam Kinkaid's marriage I was reading this and said, ' whoa." Did not realise until I got the end it was you Jeanne. Gee. I agree. Renee must go! Poor Zo'or. It seems I always have some sympathy for him in these fics. I even have sympathy for the tragic grouch he is on the show. Poor, poor Zo'or. Give him a hug.