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      > Mazorha From Behind the Wall
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Registered User
(2/20/01 9:52:44 pm)
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Re: Mazorha From Behind the Wall

Now what!

(as much as I abhore the idea of the Kimera being evil, what can I say - I'm an optimist - MORE!)

Registered User
(2/21/01 5:20:18 am)
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Re: Mazorha From Behind the Wall
I'm on the edge of my seat Jeanne! More, soon as you can?

Registered User
(2/21/01 6:56:37 am)
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Re: Mazorha From Behind the Wall
It's surprised me! Wow!...:D
Jeanne! More more more! Please!!!!

Registered User
(2/21/01 11:49:03 am)
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Re: Mazorha From Behind the Wall
This story is amazing! I love it!!! :)

Registered User
(2/22/01 12:26:43 am)
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Re: Mazorha From Behind the Wall
RE-reply from 2001/02/21:

What a wonderful birthday present!
I could not reply sooner because the web was so slow.
Thank you for that new bit. MORE! PLEASE!


Registered User
(2/23/01 9:30:53 pm)
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Re: Mazorha From Behind the Wall
This story is great!!! More soon?

Registered User
(2/24/01 5:33:56 am)
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Re: Mazorha From Behind the Wall
XVII – Avengers

Lockell felt despite herself a feeling of pride and immense power grow inside of her troath. The ones she had searched for during all her life, the ones who had destroyed her people, the ones who had, until now, always manage to escape her, were now at her mercy. A wild smile curled her lips, slowly showing the edge of her teeth. But if someone had seen the anger, the hatred, that burned in her eyes, he would probably have been affraid. The kimeran warrior had only lived all her life long on the hope of kill them, on the hope of kill them all. She had already the taste of death on her tongue.

Insane. Perhaps. Yes, perhaps. But say this to someone who had lived all her life surrounded by such an insanity. She had grown as she could, learning quickly to kill for live if necessary, to lie, to trust no one. She had seen her parents, her brothers, her sisters, her friends, being killed. And the only thing she perfectly remembered, the only thing all of them had taught her, to fear, to curse, to hate if must. The Taelons. Herself had not known this battle, this war of theirs, that had finally ended up with the Kimeras being almost destroyed as a race, and the Taelons escaping, again. Always running away. Bastards. Cowards. Today, she was happy of it. There was the need of someone that had survived with the mission to punish them, to kill them, to do to them what they had done to her people.

Their ship entered in Earth’s orbit just beside the taelon mothership. They had not evolved much. Or at least, not since the last time they had met. The same kind of vessel, if not the same vessel. They were knwon all around in the galaxy as the ‘Death in blue’, but when you knew what were their weak points, they were pretty easy to defeat. Their ships were not in numerous number, very easy to wound, not much defensives weapons, no strategy, no army, they were not ready. That was their weak point, they were so certain that no one would attack them, only by the power of the reputation they had, that they wer enot even defending. Pitiful.

Lockell felt their fear. As something she could perceive, something she could sense, almost phisically, that surrounded their whole ship. Better and better. Then, they knew it was her, and what kind of ideas she had for them. At least she would not have to explain them.

She announced the capture of the taelon ship to the ship’s staff, as the taelon vessel, that appeared so small beside the kimera cruiser, was just absorbed inside the ship itself.

She turned toward one of her subordinates, she did not even know his name. “Bring to me all the ones who are on the central bridge and maintain all other members of their staff in straight guard. Understood?” She received a brief, sharp nod and the lower officer exited hurriedly the bridge, carrying the orders as rapidly as he could. She allowed herself a mocking smirk and left the bridge using another door, hurrying to the docking bay, where she would meet her prisonners. She would have her vengeance after all.

Registered User
(2/24/01 6:44:52 am)
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Re: Mazorha From Behind the Wall
I love this Zo'or, she is so beautiful, and so poor.
Avenger...very suits her.:D

Registered User
(2/24/01 7:28:45 am)
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Wow! That is a BIG ship!!! What happens next?!?

Seven ONine
(2/24/01 10:06:39 pm)
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Re: MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE let there be a happy (or semi-happy) ending!

Registered User
(2/25/01 3:09:13 am)
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Re: MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very exciting!!! :)

Registered User
(2/25/01 4:00:10 am)
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Re: MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, happy please!!!!!!!


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