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I wrote this one while driving across the Canadian Prairies (umm, no, I actually wasn’t the one riving). I wrote it for Nemesiz, since she loves those “Kathryn-likes-it hard” stories. It didn’t quite turn out the way I wanted...but you still love me don’t you baby??!! : )

Rating: R

Disclaimer: Paramount owns Janeway and Chakotay. But they don’t do enough with them, dammit!!!!

by Kait

It was ironic how things were, Chakotay reflected. Less than a week ago, he’d been in her bed, making sweet love to her all night. Her much-smaller body had writhed beneath him in ecstasy, her hands in his hair and her lips seeking his. She’s been so open and loving and willing, his lover, his equal...even someone he felt he had to protect, as she’d cuddled close into his big chest in the aftermath of her orgasm. A kiss had put her to sleep.

And now here she stood in his doorframe, her arms crossed and lips set in a thin line, exuding a power that her diminutive frame denied. He looked into her eyes, no longer softened with love but hardened blue. It was the first he’d seen of her in two days.

“So, has my period of penance finally ended?” he asked her, a slight bitterness in his voice.

“Chakotay...” she started. “May I sit down?” she said then, interrupting herself. Chaktoay gestured for her to go ahead and so she did, sitting down in a chair across from his sofa. “Chakotay,” she said. “I want you to understand why I confined you to your quarters.”

“I do understand.” Chakotay said. “Because I didn’t agree with your decision to release Verok to the Kallan.”

“No,” Janeway said. “Because you defied my authority in front of the Kallan.”

“ ‘Defied your authority’?!” Chakotay repeated. “I asked_ you if you were sure you wanted to do this. I requested to speak with you before you handed him over.”

“You undermined their perception of my control!” Janeway told him angrily, standing up.

“Well, you_ didn’t give me a chance to consult with you on this issue,” Chakotay returned just as angrily. “You were upset you didn’t have my agreement, so you went ahead and made the decision yourself!”

“I_ am the Captain.” Janeway said, her voice deadly calm.

“I’m not disputing that.” Chakotay told her. “But I_ am the First Officer. We’re supposed to work together. But if ever I don’t see things exactly_ your way, you just shut me out!”

Hearing this truth spoken, Janeway simply turned her back to him. She didn’t have a reply. He got up from the sofa and advanced towards her.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have questioned you in front of the Kallan,” he said. “But dammit, Kathryn, you made a decision that affected a man’s life!”

Janeway turned around to face him, and her eyes showed a mix of hurt and anger. “Yes, I did, Chakotay,” she retorted. “I have to make decisions that affect people’s lives every day. And it would be nice if my first officer would support me!"

Her eyes were bright with tears by now, and although he was still upset with her, Chakotay actually felt sorry for her, too.

“There’s a difference between ‘agreement’ and ‘support’, Kathryn,” he told her gently. “I may not always agree with you, but I will always support you.”

Janeway had turned around again momentarily, hoping Chakotay hadn’t seen she was starting to cry. She was upset, but she forced herself to speak icily. “I didn’t come here for an English lesson, Chakotay. I came here to inform you that you are never to question a command decision of mine in front of guests again. Is that understood?” she stated reather than asked.

Chakotay squared his shoulders. “Permission to speak freely.” he requested.

“Denied!” Janeway snapped. She spun on her heel and headed towards the door. “Fine, Chakotay, you can stay_ in here!”

Chakotay lunged after her and grabbed her wrist. “You can lock me in here for eternity, Kathryn, but it’s not going to change you_. And that’s what this whole thing is about. You, and your obsession with control!”

Janeway tried to pull her arm away, but he had a firm grasp. “Let me go!” she yelled.

Chakotay ignored her demand. “You’re so afraid of losing a drop of your authority that you make life impossible for both of us!” he shouted. “Open your eyes, Kathryn!” he said, yanking her closer to his face. “Admit that you can’t do everything all by yourself.!”

Janeway was glaring at him furiously, her face only inches from his. And for a moment, their eyes locked and time stood still, the only sound being their breathing. They’d never had an argument that’d become so heated.

Chakotay still squeezed her wrist, and he knew that she was enraged at being restrained, but he was angry, too. She was so stubborn sometimes he could just throttle her. Like now, as she looked at him with no intention to give in.

He looked back at her, and he saw so many things. His Captain, his friend, his lover. How angry she could make him, yet how much he loved her. Her cheeks, softened with age. Her eyes, a gray-blue. Her lips, so delicate. He just stared at her a moment. He could see her looking back at him, now unsure, almost afraid of what was going to come next.

And suddenly, impulsively, to Janeway’s surprise and his own, he leaned in and kissed her, hard. He released her wrist and back her up against the wall. “Besides,” he said, the act of kissing her softening him up already, “You’re so much more beautiful when you lose some of that control.” He leaned in and gave her another long, deep kiss.

Janeway stiffened at this, her gasped breath drawn from his mouth. She knew she should resist. She wanted_ to resist. But her hands that pushed at him did so very weakly. It could have something to do with the fact that he was turning her insides to jelly with the way his tongue probed her.

For his part, Chakotay couldn’t deny that as angry he’d been in the past few days, a good part of the anger had been for the fact that he’d wanted her. He’d wanted her, and it was she who’d confined him, depriving him of her. The lines between anger and lust had become blurred, and they still were. He pressed his body into hers, wanting her to feel his growing erection as he held her tightly. He pushed back her hair with his hand and began kissing her face all over with aggressive abandon.

Janeway could feel his stiff penis poking into her belly through both their uniforms and the wet kisses he was plastering on her face. She was dizzied with arousal but she tried desperately to retain her self-control. “Stop...” she murmured. “Chakotay, that’s enough...” But her protests sounded like disguised pleas for continuance, which they probably were. She made a few attempts to move her face away, but he soon captured her mouth again with his own. And when he hand roughly cupped her breast, massaging it...she couldn’t help the small moan she released into his mouth.

Janeway knew in her mind that she was past the point of no return, but still a little part of her held anger, and she wished to release it. If Chakotay was going to take her, if she was going to let him...he was going to know that she still harbored some resentment towards him for making her lose control...again.

When his mouth finally broke the passionate kiss, Janeway pulled back, looking at him and breathing hard. “Fuck you, Chakotay!” she gasped, her chest heaving.

In response to this, Chakotay had merely mashed his mouth over hers again, and pushed her legs apart with one knee. He pulled her closer and down on him, pressing his knee against the wall. Janeway now straddled his thigh, her feet off the floor. This was pressure on her tingling clit, a little welcome stimulation. She fought the urge to rock herself on him, to let him know just how hot he made her. But when he put his hands on her buttocks and pulled her closer, she could feel the friction between her legs and she whimpered helplessly.

Knowing full well he was driving her crazy, Chakotay kept his hands on her behind and pressed her there rhythmically, and the rough Starfleet fabric rubbed her just the right way. He kissed her as he did so, and Janeway thought she would pass out. To her agony, though, it didn’t last, he lifted her into his arms and began to carry her into his bedroom.

He kissed and sucked at her neck at he did so, and fondled her breast at the same time. “I know you want this, Kathryn,” he murmured between nibbles. “I know you want this as much as I do. You’re just too goddamned stubborn to admit it.” Damn straight, Janeway thought to herself but the only thing to escape her lips was a pleasured whimper as he moved his hand down and rubbed his palm between her legs.

They reached his bedroom and he lay her down on his bed. He did nothing then, but looked at his aroused Captain/lover. Her eyes met his, and she trembled with barely-concealed anticipation. Her eyes dropped to gaze at the straining bulge in his pants, and she couldn’t look away. God, she wanted him inside of her.

But Chakotay had other ideas, first. Hovering over her, he stripped her of her uniform. She lay like a rag doll, allowing him to remover her jacket, shirt, and bra without comment. She couldn’t, however, stifle her cry when he suckled eack of her nipples. He then pulled off her pants and panties. As she lay there naked, he sat down beside her and put his hands in between her legs. Janeway moaned as his fingers found her swollen clit within her damp folds.

“So wet, Kathryn...” Chakotay murmured. “You’ve been into this far longer than you let on.” He began to masturbate her, and Janeway squeezed her eyes shut. His fingers slid easily within her vulva due to her excitement, and it felt fantastic. She writhed beneath him, lifting her hips off the bed.

When he stopped then, it took every ounce of self-control Kathryn Janeway had not to reach down and finish the job herself. She glared at him with hostile eyes...he had her imprisoned with arousal.

But Chakotay was busy removing his own clothes, revealing his huge once he took off his pants. Naked, he climbed on top of her on all fours. Janeway could seehis penis straining, pointing at her. A bead of semen was formed at the tip, and Janeway almost wept, she wanted him so badly by now.

Chakotay understood. He kissed her lips for a moment, then began to position himself inside of her. Janeway gasped at the feel of him filling her, and she spread her legs wider to accomodate him. He eased himself into her, and Janeway whimpered.

Chakotay embraced Janeway and began to thrust into her, gently at first but soon with more speed and intensity. Janeway counterthrusted...her mind was no match for her body at this point. Their naked bodies ground against one another; they were fighting each other on the bed, moving harshly. Janeway could see his dark eyes and she pushed harder against him, like it was a battle between them.

But her body was about to climax, and she began to feel a soft throbbing between her legs and she gave herself to him... “Chakotay, Chakotay...” she gasped, feeling stars behind her eyes and the motion of him still moving against her. too, a burst of warmth deep within her.

They were still for a few minutes, the only sound being their ragged breath as their damp skin clung together. Then Chakotay gently tugged Kathryn over with him as he lay on his back, with her on his stomach. In a wave of post-coital affection he began to lovingly kiss her and kiss her, all over her face.

At this tender act, though, Janeway suddenly burst into tears. “Kathryn, Kathryn...” Chakotay murmured, tasting tears on his lips. “What’s the matter, baby?” He kissed her a few more times gently, then held her face in his hands, stroking her hair back.

Janeway was just overcome with emotion, consumed with tears as she looked into her lover’s concerned face. She had so much to say to him, so many truths and secrets and fears she wanted him to know...but all she could manage was, a whimpered, “I’m sorry, Chakotay...I love you.”

Chakotay smiled, almost laughed. “I love you, too.” he informed her, kissing her nose. “And I forgive you. And...I’m sorry, too, for questioning you, and for the things I said. I love you, much. More than anything.

Janeway cried now, with relief for his reassuring words. She reached down and cupped his face in her hands, gazing at him despite her tears.

He reached up and traced her trembling lips. “You know what the worst part was about the last two days?” he asked her. She shook her head slightly, and he responded, “Being without you.”

Janeway was about to start bawling again when he quickly pulled her down to his side and cuddled her close, kissing her face again. Something about the act calmed her, and she began to kiss him back. She stopped only long enough to murmur into his ear, “Let’s not fight anymore, Chakotay.”

“Agreed,” Chakotay responded, kissing her nose. “Let’s just kiss.”

And they did.

The End
