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Author's not: First of I want to apologies to Chakotay, sorry love! Then I want to tell everyone that this one's entirely Nemesiz fault, she just about orderd me to write a f/f story . . . and my couriosity got the better out of me *s* And this is my first f/f ever, so please don't juged me to hard.

Disclaimer: Someone sure owns these people, if only I could remember who . . .

Rating; NC-17. I should warn those that's under age but since I now that they couldn't care less I'm just gonna jump over that part! *lol*


Sleepless Nights
by; Kait

After six months on Voyager, Seven of Nine had regained a considerable degree of her humanity. She had learned to eat again, to converse with crew members, and to perform specialized duties in the area of Astrometrics. Her transition from drone back to human had not been easy, and it was far from finished. Yet despite the difficulties, Seven of Nine had one very important thing in her favor. She had been granted a special place in the heart of Kathryn Janeway.

It was 0645, and Captain Janeway was heading for the Astrometrics lab. She was curious about how the latest experiment with Seven had gone. Last night was the night that Seven had attempted to sleep, in a bed, all through the night.

Janeway buzzed the door and it opened. Always very punctual, Seven was of course in the lab before her shift began. But she did not look happy, Janeway noticed. Seven was walking around the room rapidly, punching buttons on consoles and slamming a PADD down on the counter. "Seven?" Janeway asked, puzzled. Seven merely looked up at her, but continued her stalking. "Seven, what's the matter?" Janeway asked again.

Seven regarded her momentarily, then looked down at the console she had stopped at. "I do not wish to discuss the matter." she said coldly.

"Is it about you night of sleep?" Janeway queried, stepping closer to Seven and putting her arm up on the bulkhead beside Seven.

"Yes." Seven almost snapped. "I did not enjoy the act of sleeping."

Janeway covered her mouth discreetly to stifle a laugh. "Seven," she said, straightening up. "You're not supposed to enjoy are not conscious to enjoy it or not. That's the point."

Seven merely scowled at her. "It is a pointless excercise." she almost mumbled. "There are far more efficient ways to spend one's time."

"Agreed." Janeway said, nodding. "But a better way to describe sleep would be 'necessary'. If you don't sleep, you won't be able to perform efficiently in other aspects of life. Like yesterday afternoon's meeting of the senior staff..."

Seven glared at Janeway for this reminder. The staff had gathered to discuss tactics on avoiding an upcoming nebula, and Seven had fallen asleep.

Slowly her head had drooped until B'Elanna started staring at her, unable to believe her eyes. The rest of the staff had followed suit til Tom Paris had given her a gentle poke to see if she was alright. She awoke with a gasp, and there were titters all around the table. Janeway had sworn that the Borg had actually looked embarrased.

"Yesterday was...a mistake." Seven said, almost defensively. "I apologize to you Captain, and I assure you, I will not make anymore mistakes."

Janeway just sighed as she looked at Seven. "Do you plan on never sleeping again?" she asked wryly.

"Yes." Seven replied.

"Well, I'll talk to the Doctor." Janeway said. "Perhaps he can alter your alcove to lessen the amount of sleep you need...but really Seven, you're probably going to have to accept the fact that as a human need sleep, just as much as the rest of us."

Seven didn't reply to this, she didn't even look at Janeway. This was reason for Janeway to pause, gazing at the young Borg. "Is there something you're not telling, me, Seven?" she asked quietly.

Seven glanced at her once, almost nervously. She then went back to stabbing keys on the console. "I found sleeping to be not only ineffecient, but...frightening. I did not enjoy the darkness or the solitude. The hours passed slowly, and I was unable to feel at ease." she admitted, not looking at Janeway.

"You were scared?" Janeway asked softly. Somehow, Seven could always tug on her heartstrings.

"Yes." Seven said testily.

Janeway just looked at her with concerned eyes. "I'll talk to The Doctor, okay?" she said, putting a hand to Seven's back comfortingly. "We'll see what he says."

Seven merely raised her eyebrows. "Thank you, Captain." she said.


"I'm sorry Captain," The Doctor said crisply. "Seven of Nine may be intelligent and gifted...not to mention a talent musical protegé..." -he smiled to himself at this and Janeway rolled her eyes- "but she is also a human being, no less in need of a good night's rest than anyone else on this ship. Except me, of course." he added.

Janeway smiled tolerantly. "Of course." she repeated. "But still, is there anything you would prescribe to help her?" She had already described the situation to him.

"Short of a night light and a teddy" The Doctor said kindly.

Janeway sighed. Somehow, she didn't think a teddy bear would do Seven that much good. "Thanks, Doctor," she said, turning to leave Sickbay.


It was not till later that afternoon she found occaision to see Seven again; they'd met up in the hallway on Deck 3. She'd gestured for Seven to follow her into her ready room, and Seven complied. At the Captain's beckoning, she'd joined Janeway on the couch, and that was where they sat as Janeway told her what The Doctor had said.

"Unfortunately, Seven, there's not another option," she gently. "You're just going to have to get used to it."

"I do not wish to sleep again!" Seven said, her voice almost rising with panic. Her skin was paler than usual and her blue eyes darted nervously around the room.

"Hey, hey,'s okay," Janeway tried to soothe her, rubbing her forearm. "Calm down, Seven...listen to me." Seven focused her eyes on the Captain's, as Janeway began to speak again. "Honey, I know you were frightened last night, and the prospect of spending all your nights like that is unsettling to you."

"Yes." Seven concurred.

"Well, then," Janeway said, "Why don't you come to my quarters tonight, and stay with me? Perhaps you would feel better if you weren't alone."

Seven raised her eyebrows at this possibility. "Perhaps." she said cautiously. "Just for tonight?" she queried, looking at Janeway.

"Well, for as long as you need." Janeway said. "You may find it's not so bad after awhile."

"That is an...acceptable arrangement." Seven said. "What time shall I come to your quarters?"

" about 2300 or so?" Janeway suggested. "And bring your pj's." she added playfully to Seven.

" 'Pj's'?" Seven asked in confusion.

"Pajamas." Janeway explained, surprised Seven was unaware of their existence. "The comfortable clothes you wear to bed."

"I'm afraid I do not posses any 'pj's'." Seven enunciated carefully.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to replicate you some." Janeway said, smiling at Seven.

"Very well." Seven said, getting up. "I will see you at 2300, Captain."

She exited the room, and Janeway watched her future bedmate retreat. This was going to be interesting, if nothing else.


At 2245, Janeway had already had her shower and dressed in her cream silk dressing gown and matching robe. She was brushing out her hair when the her door rang. "Come in!" she called.

Seven of Nine entered. "I am prepared to sleep." she announced.

Janeway smiled fondly at her. "No you're not, silly." she said affectionately. "No wonder you had such a tough time last night. Come here." Seven complied, and Janeway set down her hairbrush and picked up several garments from the back of a chair. "You can choose one of these." she said. There were a pair of soft red pajamas with a v-neck collar, and a silky pink camisole dressing gown, much like her own.

"Sufficient." Seven nodded her approval. "Either garment will do." Janeway handed over the pajamas.

"Do you wish to bathe?" she asked Seven.

The Borg regarded her strangely. "I am not dirty. And a sonic shower would be much more efficient."

Janeway shrugged a little. "Sometimes a soak in a warm tub helps you relax," she tried to explain, but Seven's blue eyes merely regarded her imperviously. Kathryn decided to let this one go. "It's okay...another time, maybe. Here. Go put these on." She handed Seven the pajamas and gave a little push towards the bathroom.

As Seven changed into the clothes, Janeway pulled back the covers on her bed and turned on her reading light, and in tandem the room lights automatically dimmed. She climbed into the bed and pulled out a PADD from her bedside table. A few moments later, Seven emerged from the bathroom, and Janeway nodded in satisfaction. The pajamas fit Seven, if they were a bit baggy. Janeway winced at how thin Seven was.

"I am now prepared to sleep." Seven said again.

Janeway laughed lovingly. "Not quite, sweetie." she informed the drone.

"Come to me." Seven complied, sitting down on the bed beside Janeway. Janeway smiled at her and reached up to undo the pins in her hair, letting loose Seven's ever-present French twist. Her blond hair spilled softly over her shoulder, and Janeway smoothed the hair from her face. "There you go." she said gently. "Now, you're ready to sleep." As Seven gingerly put her feet under the bedcovers, Janeway abandoned her PADD, setting it on her night table. She turned off her reading lamp and settled down into bed as they were absorbed into darkness, save for a small nightlight Janeway had replicated, on the far side of the room.

Janeway turned to Seven. The Borg was lying down facing her, her eyes wide open. "Now, is this so bad?" she asked Seven teasingly.

"It is acceptable." Seven replied.

Kathryn smiled, and impulsively leaned over and gave Seven a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, honey." she said affectionately.

"Goodnight, Captain." Seven responded.

Feeling peaceful having her Borg sleeping next to her, Kathryn quickly drifted off to sleep.


She awoke some time later to someone touching her shoulder. She raised her head off the pillow groggily and here eyes widened momentarily as she saw Seven sitting up in her bed. Then she remembered everything, and slumped back down on her pillow. "What's the matter?" she asked tiredly.

"I cannot sleep." Seven informed her. "It has been 42 minutes since you fell asleep and I do not even feel tired."

"Well, you're not giving it much of a chance, are you?" Janeway said.

"You're sitting up in bed, not relaxed..." But she almost pitied Seven, who truly wanted to sleep, and besides that looked so sweet sitting up in her bed, in her new pajamas and with her bare feet tucked under her. A wave of affection for this creature washed over her, and she sat up herself and gave Seven a tug down. "Come on. I'll rub your back." she offered. She eased Seven over onto her stomach, then got more comfortable herself, sitting alongside Seven. She lifted the younger woman's shirt up from her back, pulling it up to her shoulder blades. Using her right hand, she began to gently stroke large circles over Seven's back.

"There...there you go," she murmured. "Does that feel good, sweetheart?" Seven just nodded. Janeway stroked her back, touching the smooth pale skin with her palm. "Now just close your eyes, honey..." she instructed. "And relax, okay?" Seven complied, and Janeway continued to rub her gently.

It took a lot longer than Janeway thought, but eventually Seven murmured, "I think I'm starting to feel tired, Captain..." Janeway smiled at the sleepy voice, and leaned down to kiss Seven's temple. "Goodnight." she whispered as Seven drifted off to sleep.

Janeway lay down beside Seven again, and closed her eyes. She could hear Seven's breathing deeply and evenly, and it made her feel very relaxed. The sweet sound coupled with the warmth of Seven soon lulled Janeway to sleep herself.


It was 4am when Janeway awoke again, to the sound of crying. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. What was that sound? "Seven," she breathed suddenly. Indeed, Seven was curled up next to her, moaning softly and whimpering into her pillow. Her limbs were moving weakly, as if trying to fight something. Janeway's hand went out instinctively to comfort her, but Seven was asleep.

Janeway drew in a breath. She knew what this was. Night terrors. Poor Seven, she thought feelingly to herself. Though not conscious, the Borg was terrified. In the shadows Janeway could see her face contort as another cry escaped her lips, and she fleetingly considered waking her. But Seven had had so much trouble getting to sleep in the first place...

Impulsively, then, Janeway put her arms around Seven and drew her close, murmuring soft words to the Borg in her sleep. "It's okay, sweetie, I'm here, I'm here_... I won't let anyone hurt you, baby, I promise." She kissed Seven's temple. Seven whimpered softly, and Janeway held her closer to her body, rocking her. She held Seven's head tightly and stroked her hair. "Shh, Seven, shh..." she murmured. "It's all right..."

And by some miracle Seven's cries ceased, and Janeway felt a wave of relief. She was back to sleeping peacefully, her nighttime terror gone. Janeway suddenly felt very close to the Borg, and her eyes filled up with tears. Seven had stopped crying because of her. It was quite a revelation to Janeway, one that made her never want to let Seven go. Feeling affectionate love swell in her heart, she hugged Seven tightly, kissing her cheeks. She then drew Seven's head to her breast, and tucked her face under her chin. She could feel Seven's breath, sweet and warm against her neck. Janeway kept a hold on her, cuddling her close to her body till she finally fell asleep herself again.


Janeway awoke the next morning to her chronometer. "The time is 0600." the computer voice said monotonously. Janeway, who'd turned over in her sleep, turned back to look at Seven. The Borg was still sleeping soundly, and Janeway smiled to herself. So Seven was a deep sleeper. Janeway debated letting her sleep a bit longer, but quickly decided against it. While it'd been a bit of a difficult night, Seven would be annoyed if she were to be late for her duties. So, before getting up herself, Janeway decided to wake her.

"Seven?" she whispered. "Seven?" The drone didn't respond. "Seven, honey, it's 0600. Time to get up." Janeway said to her, touching her cheek lightly. She then shook Seven slightly. Seven opened her eyes and regarded Janeway. "Good morning, Seven," Janeway said, smiling at her. She hadn't forgotten the closeness she'd had with the frightened Borg in the night.

"Good morning, Captain." Seven responded. She yawned. Janeway giggled and covered her mouth. There were a few bits of etiquette Seven had yet to learn. Seven didn't question her actions, though...she still looked rather sleepy.

"How do you feel?" Janeway asked her, running a hand through her soft hair. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes." Seven responded. "Although I still feel tired now. I wish to sleep longer."

Janeway's cheeks turned up in an involuntary smile. "Many of us feel that way when we wake up in the morning." she informed Seven. "But we have to get up to do our job. However...since this is your first real night of sleep...I'm sure we can make an exception for you."

Seven frowned. "No, I will get up." she said decidedly. "I have much work to do today."

Janeway watched as Seven got up from the bed, rubbing her eyes tiredly as she headed for the bathroom. "Captain..." she said suddenly, turning around. "Has this proved to be an acceptable arrangement for you?" she queried.

Janeway smiled at her. "Yes, Seven, it's perfectly acceptable for me." she said fondly.

Seven nodded. "All right, then, I will return to sleep here again tonight." she said.

Janeway nodded. "I'll look forward to it." she replied.


The second night that Seven spent with Janeway started off much the same at the first, except that Seven chose to wear the pink camisole with a v-neck front. She looked absolutely lovely, Janeway thought as she emerged from the bathroom. She smiled at the Borg and set down her book. "Come in," she welcomed, holding up the covers for Seven. Seven climbed into bed with her and lay down beside her. Janeway called for lights out.

"Now, would you like another backrub?" she offered.

"I believe I would." Seven replied.

"All right, then, honey, turn over." Janeway said, sitting up. Seven complied, and Janeway began to stroke her back tenderly. "This put you to sleep last time." she noted to Seven.

Seven nodded. "It is very relaxing." she informed Janeway.

"Good..." Janeway said, continuing her task and moving up to massage Seven's neck.

"That feels very pleasant, Captain." Seven noted. "Why is is that your touch feels so good?" she queried, truly curious.

Janeway smiled. "Oh, I don't know, Seven," she said. "Your neck muscles are probably a little sore. And whether you'd like to admit it or not, physical closeness to another person is quite gratifying." she said this a little teasingly, and she could see Seven raise her eyebrows, in consideration of this.

"Perhaps you are right, Captain." she said. "I am not often close to people. Since I was disengaged from the Borg, I have lacked a certain degree of companionship, then sensation to being 'one'. And I have not sought to reestablish that sensation with anyone else abouard Voyager. But I do enjoy closeness with are familiar to me." She said all this matter-of-factly to Janeway, but Janeway was so touched that her eyes filled with tears.

"Seven, if you don't get up and give me a hug right now I'm going to start bawling," she informed Seven, through tears sparkling in her eyes. Looking a bit surprised, Seven slowly raised herself up in bed and looked at Janeway nervously. Janeway took no heed though and put her arms around Seven, hugging her tightly. She rocked the Borg where they both sat up bed, and gave her a kiss to her temple. "I can't tell you how much it means to me to hear you say that." she whispered into Seven's hair. She wanted to say more, but she was overcome with tears. Squeezing her eyes tightly shut, she hugged Seven closer, and didn't let her go for a long moment. When she finally let her go, she upped Seven's chin in her hand, and her lip trembled. Seven looked slightly afraid at this emotional reaction she'd caused the Captain to have, and she swallowed nervously. This was not lost on Janeway. "I'm so glad you're here." Janeway whispered, kissing her once more. "Now lie down before I start crying again." she instructed, laughing a bit.

Seven complied, and Janeway rubbed her back peacefully, thinking about what Seven had said to her. There was a joy in her heart.


Janeway awoke at around 0400 to the sound of gasping. It was Seven of Nine, who was sitting up in bed, breathing hard, with fear in her eyes.

"Seven...Seven?! What's the matter?" Janeway asked her.

Seven shook her head. "I am sure I have not moved from this bed." she stated, her voice quavering a little. "But I am equally sure that the Borg were just here, trying to reassimilate me!" She looked at Janeway, terror in her big blue eyes.

"Oh, Seven," Janeway said feelingly. "You had a nightmare. It's okay, darling, it's okay. It wasn't real." She patted Seven's knee through the blankets.

"It was not real?" Seven queried, still breathing hard.

"No, sweetie, it wasn't real. They happen to everybody. Sometimes your mind takes your fears and plays them over in your head at night. It's perfectly normal."

Seven nodded at this response. Janeway touched her forearm reassuringly, and noticed that it was clammy. Poor Seven was soaked in sweat. "Oh, honey, you're all sweaty." she said concernedly. "Let me get you a cloth."

She began to get up from the bed, but then in a surprising move, Seven lunged across the bed and grabbed her.

"Do not leave me, Captain!" she said, sounding panicked.

Janeway's heart went out to the still-terrified Borg. "I'm not leaving you anywhere, sweetheart." she told her in concern. "I'm just getting a washcloth from the bathroom."

"I do not wish to be alone!" Seven whimpered, and Janeway was afraid she might start to cry.

"All right, all right...come with me." Janeway said. She was intrigued by Seven's fear, and felt very gratified that Seven desired such nearness to her. She held Seven's hand as she began to walk towards the bathroom.

"Computer, lights on!" Seven said, her voice shaking slightly.

Janeway's heart went out to her. Seven of Nine, their beautiful, stubborn, unflappable former Borg drone was scared of the dark. "It's okay, Seven." she comforted her. "Don't be afraid. I'm right here with you."

Still clasping Seven's hand in her own, she went into the bathroom and opened a cupboard door, extracting a white washcloth. "Okay, back to bed now." she said, tugging Seven away. Seven followed her, and crawled into bed next to Janeway, a little closer than usual. Janeway sat up beside her and began to wipe Seven's damp face. Her hairline was even a bit sweaty from her nighttime fright. "Poor thing." Janeway murmured. She moved down to Seven's neck, and then reached into Seven's cleavage to wipe the sweat between her breasts and underneath them. Seven watched her, her eyes trusting, as Janeway tended to her.

When she was finished, Janeway didn't bother throwing the cloth into the laundry chute; she didn't want to leave Seven alone right now. She just tossed it onto the floor and turned to look at Seven. "If I cuddled you close, do you think we could turn out the lights?" she asked softly. Seven nodded. And so Janeway called for lights out, and she gave Seven a tug. She put her arms around the drone, and felt Seven clasp her back in return. Seven's cheek was on her pillow, and Janeway could just slightly make out her features in the darkness. Seven's eyes were wide open.

"Sleep, my love," Janeway whispered. "No one will hurt you...and I won't leave you. I promise."

And Kathryn Janeway kept her promise. She and Seven slept with their arms around each other till morning.


The closeness they'd shared in the night was not lost on either of them. Janeway felt very warmly towards the younger woman, and very touched that she'd been able to comfort her in her time of fear.

Seven, in turn, had expressed her feelings that afternoon in the Captain's ready room. She'd been talking to Janeway about some Astrometrics issue, and before she left she'd tentatively put her arms out. "Do you require closeness?" Janeway had teased her. "Yes." had been Seven's response. So Janeway had pacified her with a hug and and a promise there would be more closeness that night.

Indeed, they had gone through the same ritual that night, with a backrub and then a hug to fall asleep in. Janeway knew that routine was important to Seven, and she complied with her wishes. She enjoyed the routine herself, in truth.

Seven fell asleep before Janeway that night. Janeway didn't feel tired, somehow. She lay awake for a long time, and her thoughts turned to Seven. Janeway turned over on her side to look at the Borg, who slept so peacefully in bed next to her. The covers rested just up to Seven's stomach, and her arms lay over it. Her eyes fell on Seven's breasts, and Janeway just gazed a moment. They were absolutely beautiful, ample and perfectly curved. And her nipples were erect, two hardened points pressed against pink silk. It was a lovely sight.

As she watched Seven's breasts rise and fall under the thin silk of her nightdress, Kathryn realized she was just the teensiest bit aroused at what she was seeing. But she didn't fight it, didn't even chastise herself. Instead she began to imagine what those breasts looked like without the nightgown to cover them. Soft and rounded, pale with rosy nipples... Kathryn imagined taking one into her mouth, and sucking gently, eliciting soft moans from the younger woman. She imagined her hand trailing down Seven's stomach and slipping between her legs, touching her center of pleasure, her hand finding a warm wetness; and kissing Seven who began thrust herself against Janeway's hand, begging for stimulation. The pleasured groans of passion filling Kathryn's ears as she began to comply with Seven's wishes...

At this point, Kathryn's own panties were soaked with excitement. Breathing heavily at her fantasy, Janeway lay back on her pillow and slipped her hand between her own legs, seeking her own clit, and rubbing it forgivingly.

It felt somehow deliciously naughty what she was doing, masturbating beside the sleeping Seven. And it was incredibly arousing. Janeway stroked herself, harder and faster, her breath coming in little gasps. It didn't take long and as she sent herself over the edge, she stiffened and bit her lip to keep from moaning.

And in the aftermath, she desired greatly to be affectionate with Seven, she looked at her and all she wanted was to gather her up in her arms and kiss her, never let her go. Despite that Seven had not shared in her experience, had only been in her fantasy, this is what she wanted. But intead, she gazed at Seven, at her beautiful face, and leaned over, giving her a simple, sweet kiss to her cheek. It was so chaste, but for now it would have to do.


Kathryn Janeway spent the next day puzzling a bit over her nocturnal arousal, and trying not to look at Seven's breasts, which had caused her such excitemement in her bed last night. She had never been attracted to another female before...what on earth had posessed her to do what she'd done? Granted, Seven was a very beautiful woman; but there were many beautiful women in the galaxy. Perhaps it was the fact that Seven needed her so. Janeway didn't know. Still, she couldn't deny that she'd liked what she felt. And she looked forward to spending another night with Seven.

That night, Seven had requested to have a sonic shower. Janeway had agreed, and then busied herself preparing for bed. Soon, though, she heard a call from the bathroom. "Captain? I require you asistance." It was Seven, of course. So Kathryn had gone to the bathroom, not at all expecting to see what she saw. Seven of Nine was standing in the shower stall, stark naked. Her breasts hung loose, ad her nipples were the same color Janeway had imagined last night. She was leaning over, trying to work the control panel. Her long, lean legs were bent at the knees and Janeway could see the curve of her buttocks. Kathryn swallowed, feeling her heartbeat quicken with excitement at the sight.

"Captain, I was attempting to activate the sonic shower but I only suceeded in activating your water shower." Seven explained, looking at Janeway and seeming completely oblivious to the fact she was naked, not embarrased at all. Kathryn walked closer to her. Sure enough, Seven's body was covered in droplets of water...cold water, by the looks of it. Her arms were covered in goosebumps, and her nipples were erect. Janeway's knees went weak and she felt herself getting wet. Seven didn't seem to notice, though, and somehow Janeway managed to change the shower's setting to emit sonic waves rather than water. "Thank you, Captain." Seven replied automatically, and began to take her shower. Still in shock, Kathryn turned and left the bathroom.

She beeped the door shut behind her and headed for her bed. There was a little something she had to take care of...or else she was going to end up pouncing the younger woman as soon as she climbed into her bed.

Janeway had managed to satiate herself and was calmly reading a book by the time Seven came into bed with her, wearing the nightgown this time. "Hi, honey." she said, shifting over a bit. "Do you want your backrub now?"

"Yes." Seven replied. So Janeway turned out the light and massaged Seven's back for awhile, till she became sleepy. She tried to not to concentrate on the bare skin beneath her hands. But after the bckrub, when Seven expected her embrace and nightly kiss...that was where Kathryn ran into trouble. She could feel Seven's body pressed closely against hers, and she was so aroused she didn't know what to do. When she went to kiss Seven goodnight, the kisses were not just sweet little pecks but longer kisses, all over Seven's face and her lips. Janeway couldn't help herself. Seven's face was soft and it was so close to her, she didn't want to let her go. She didn't hardly think of how Seven would respond, she just wanted her so badly she was focused on herself. So she kissed and she kissed Seven, feeling a warm pleasure wash over her whole body.

Seven seemed a bit puzzled to these lengthy kisses, but enjoying the closeness, she began to offer Kathryn kisses right back. Janeway could feel Seven kissing her lips in response, and she thought she'd die with pleasure. The two kissed for several minutes, embracing each other in bed.

Finally, though, Kathryn stopped, and simply held Seven close. It wasn't easy but she had to give this some time. She was ready to ravage Seven's body, take her...but she couldn't not yet. So instead she just lovingly cradled Seven to her breast, and held her throughout the night.


The next night it was the same thing. Backrub, embrace...and shared kisses. They kissed for so long that Janeway went dizzy. She had to stop for a bit, putting her head back on her pillow and breathing hard. Curiously, Seven had put her head up, and leaned over Kathryn, and started kissing her more. This was too much. Janeway guided Seven's head back to her own pillow and leaned up above her, kissing her deeply, overwhelmed with arousal. She pulled back the covers and lifted Seven's nightdress up to her breasts. She placed her hand on Seven's stomach and she began to caress the smooth skin, her finger feeling out her belly button. Her hand lingered over the flat surface for a moment, and then slowly dipped further down, til she was touching the elastic of Seven's panties. She let her hand slide underneath, over the thicket of curly hair. And she left her hand there a moment, simply cupping Seven's vulva in her hand, kissing her still. Seven responded to the kisses eagerly. The Borg didn't know where this was going but she liked it.

For her part, Janeway was quite content in this delicious moment...she knew there was more to come yet it was decadent just to pause the moment, feeling the wet kisses she was sharing with Seven and holding her sex in her hand, massaging the whole area gently.

But eventually aroused curiousity got the best of her and her middle finger slid between the hidden folds, finding the most sensitive part of Seven. Seven gasped as Kathryn touched her there, circling the nub with her finger. She moved in for a deeper kiss as her fingers began to stroke Seven gently. The Borg whimpered with pleasure, never having known this sensation before. Janeway quickened her ministrations as she continued to kiss Seven, but found soon that Seven could no longer even kiss she was so caught up in what Kathryn was doing to her. Her body had stiffened and her breathing was ragged. And Kathryn's hand was getting very wet.

Kathryn pressed a few kisses to Seven's cheek and watched her intently as she worked. Seven's eyes were glassy and her lip was between her teeth, her fists clenched at her sides. Kathryn watched her flushed face twist with pleasure as she sent her over the edge...Seven cried out as she climaxed, sounding achingly human. Her body then went limp, and Janeway slowed her pace to a halt.

She slipped her moist hand out of Seven's panties and carefully pulled them back on properly. She then put her arm over Seven, stroking her forearm. "Did you enjoy that?" she murmured. Seven was breathing hard and beyond words, she merely nodded to Janeway. Her eyes closed a little, and Janeway tugged her closer to hold her. Seven was limp and she let herself be drawn to Janeway. Janeway cradled her slightly sweaty body close to her own, letting Seven's face fall into her neck. The Borg was absolutely exhausted, Janeway realized, nearly asleep after experiencing her first orgasm. Endeared, Janeway kissed Seven's cheek lovingly, and, embracing the younger woman, fell into a pleasured sleep herself.

And so that night marked the beginning of their sexual relationship, and Janeway could think of little else. All day, sll she wanted was for it to be 2300 hours again. The day dragged on but finally, finally it was that time and Seven was in her bed, kissing with her. Janeway, in her arousal, had slipped into bed naked and Seven had followed suit. They kissed with a passion, and Janeway's hand went down, masturbating Seven again. Seven loved it, she orgasmed and then begged for more, peading, "Touch, me, Captain..."

"Kathryn." Janeway murmured aginst her lips. "Call me Kathryn when we do this."

"Touch me...Kathryn_." Seven begged. And so Janeway complied, rubbing Seven to climax again. Kathryn loved stimulating Seven, and didn't think she minded for now only recieving kisses from the former Borg. But she was an arousing surprise to feel Seven lean up and over her, her mouth seeking out Janeway's breast. Kathryn groaned, and put her hand between Seven's legs, cupped her soft folds as Seven suckled her breast. She had no idea where the Borg had gotten the idea to do that, but she was loving it. Seven suckled both her breasts and then went back to her mouth, kissing her with abandon.

" is very wet, between my legs." Seven murmured, a little breathless.

"Mmmm...that's normal." Janeway told her, kissing her back. "You're aroused...that happens when you're being stimulated."

"It happens at other times, too." Seven informed her. "Today I was in Astrometrics cataloguing data, and as my thoughts turned to you I experienced the same sensation. When I saw you in the mess hall today it was the same phenomenon."

Janeway almost laughed, she was so pleased that Seven had such a reaction to her. "Well, I'm flattered," she whispered, kissing her nose.

"Do you experience a wetness between your legs in my presence, Captain?" Seven queried, almost innocently.

"Oh yes, Seven." Janeway murmured. "Feel." she took Seven's hand and pressed it between her legs. Seven felt, and then began to play there like it was new to her. "Oh, Seven, Seven..." Janeway moaned, as Seven stimulated her, quite by accident. She bit her lip and whimpered as Seven roughly massaged her. Seven was doing this quite out of curiousity, though, and soon she stopped, and returned to suckling Janeway's breast. Janeway loved this too but she was wildly aroused with Seven touching her clit, and began to pleasure herself as Seven suckled her. She stroked harder and faster, aware of Seven's tongue swirling around her nipple, and soon she was writhing in ecstasy underneath Seven. Seven then reached down her her hand to where Kathryn's was, and began to feel her again. "You are very_ wet, Kathryn," she observed. "Very aroused."

"Oh, you have no idea..." Janeway murmured, and even as her orgasm ebbed away she was starting to feel excitement in her veins again. "Keep you hand there, Seven. That's an order." she said easingly.

Seven played with her awhile, not skilled in the practice of masturbation but Janeway was enjoying the sensations very much. She and Seven kissed and hugged, and Seven continued to touch her. Janeway almost felt that area going numb when she mumured, "Okay, Seven, that's enough, let me do you."

Seven then lay flat on her back, eager for Janeway's hand. Janeway kissed her belly for awhile first, then put her lips to Seven's pale breast, pressing her lips over the rounded flesh, Seven's nipple hardened, a soft peak in Kathryn's mouth. Suckling her breast, she began to masturbate Seven. Seven cried out, then whimpered as she recovered. Janeway kissed her cheeks and her eyelids reassuringly, then watched as the Borg slipped into an exhausted sleep.

And Janeway return to Seven's breast, quite enjoying herself. Her hand between her legs, she suckled the sleeping Seven as she pleasured herself into a sweet slumber.


The next night, Kathryn decided to break from routine a bit. After giving Seven her necessary the time she was in Kathryn's bed the young Borg was always quivering with arousal...she held and kissed Seven a bit, then climbed out of bed above Seven's mumured protests.

Naked, Kathryn stood at the foot of her bed and looked down at Seven, who watched her curiously. Kathryn reached down and opened Seven's legs. She stared at Seven's pink clit a moment, vowing to give it some personal attention a bit later. She then slowly lowered herself down over Seven, hugging her tummy as her breasts pushed against her vulva. She could feel the lower part of her breast was sticky with Seven's excitement, and she began to kiss and lick Seven's belly. Seven squirmed at the ticklish sensation on her belly and at the intimate feeling of Kathryn's breast between her legs. "Kathryn..." she whimpered. Janeway came up to respond to her little cry, kissing her lips lovingly and hushing her. She slipped her hand between Seven's legs and circled her finger around the little button of flesh. Curious, Kathryn decided to change her position so she could watch what she did to Seven. She actually sat between Seven's open thighs, having an arousing view of her sex, of the irresistble pink clit just begging to be touched.

And so Kathryn began to stroke her, it was a little difficult for the position, but she made it work, Seven's intense enjoyment drove her satisfy the younger woman. It was very arousing to Kathryn, too, to watch what she was doing. Seven whimpered and rocked her hips under Kathryn's ministrations, and Kathryn stroked her steadily. Seven pushed her vulva up to Kathryn's hand, wanting more, faster...and suddenly she came, moaning, "Kathryn, Kathryn..." and Janeway stroked her gently as she calmed.

Janeway then clambered up the length of Seven's body and began to kiss her lips. She was very aroused herself by now, and she parted her legs over one of Seven's and began to rub herself gently on Seven's leg as they kissed. Her other leg pushed gently into Seven's wet sex, and their bellies and breasts were together.

Eventually, Janeway tugged Seven up from the bed, and they stood like this, slowly rubbing themselves on each other's legs pleasurably. Janeway felt Seven grip her buttocks and she did the same, and their friction increased. Janeway felt a tiny orgasm build within her, and she rubbed just a little harder to bring it to the surface. She knew Seven was experiencing the same thing, judging from her little whimpers. Seven never could keep quiet while she orgasmed. Janeway smiled at this thought and she came, gasping and pressing her lips to Seven's. Seven moaned into her mouth in response, and then the two stumbled back into Janeway's bed, exhausted.

Janeway fell asleep after this, but was woken up a bit later by a squirming Seven, desperate to be stimulated again. "Kathryn, I need you, I want you..." she was murmuring, kissing Janeway's lips. Though she was feeling a little tired, Janeway complied. Seven could be irresistible at times. She thought this especially after Seven climaxed...the younger woman cuddled up close to her in the aftermath of her orgasm, wanting to now be held. Janeway lovingly complied, stroking Seven's blond head. She kissed Seven adoringly, and slipped back to sleep herself.

The newness of nightly passions were exhilerating, but their mornings were becoming very special, too. Janeway would set her chronometer half an hour early so that she and Seven could have some time together. They spent the time hugging and holding one another, frequently suckling one anothers's breasts and then showering together. They'd have a lengthy goodbye at Janeway's door, with kisses and promises of further loving that night.

It was wonderful, but in a way it made it harder to get through the day. And sometimes...they couldn't.


"It's happening again, Captain." Seven said to Janeway, the next day in the Captain's ready room. "I am becoming aroused in your presence. I cannot help myself...I desire you. I want us to kiss while you stimulate me." She said this matter of factly, and had she not said it Janeway would have never guessed. She knew, she KNEW it was a very bad idea, but the truth was that she was incredibly hot herself at being told those things by their she allowed it to happen. She started to kiss Seven in her ready room.

Seven responded eagerly, and Janeway put her arms around Seven's waist, tugging her over to the sofa. She sat with Seven perched on her knee, and she took one hand and began touching Seven through her uniform. Janeway was lost in the passion of the moment when her combadge beeped.

"Tuvok to Janeway." came her security chief's voice.

Janeway started, her kiss with Seven abruptly stopped. "Janeway here." she said, very much shook up.

"Captain, our guests are ready to be transported." came Tuvok's voice.

"Acknowledged." Janeway said, almost desperately. She looked at the aroused crew member she held and suddenly almost jumped out of her skin.

"We can't be doing this, Seven," she said, shaking her head and helping Seven up.

"You do not wish to be intimate?" Seven asked, looking slightly wounded.

"Oh, yes, Seven, I do..." Janeway said pleadingly. "But I can't... Honey, I'll see you tonight, alright?"

"Yes, Captain." Seven replied. She leaned in for one more kiss, and Janeway gave it to her, only reluctantly letting her go.


That night, Seven was the one initiating contact. As soon as Kathryn crawled into bed she was bombarded by Seven, who was kissing her lips and pressing herself close to her. "You want it, don't you..." Kathryn mumured into her mouth and her cheek. "Yes, Captain...Kathryn." Seven corrected herself, still kissing Janeway's face all over in anticipation. Her nightdress was lifted and her panties were down. And soon enough, Kathryn reached down and parted her lips, thumbing her clit lovingly.

And so it went, they kissed and kissed and kissed, and Kathryn let her fingers play with Seven's genitals as they kissed. She loved how Seven would writhe under her touch, and it made her so hot that occasionally her hand would have to slip between her own legs, masturbating herself.

Eventually, Seven began to pull her hand back posessively, demandingly. Kathryn loved how she wanted it. She kissed Seven a few more times and then sat up, her hands lightly brushing her breasts and then cupping her face.

"Love, you can do that yourself, you know..." Janeway murmured. "Here, let me help you." She let her hands linger on Seven's face for a moment, then gently took her wrist and tugged her hand down between her legs. She then separated Seven's middle finger from the rest and began to guide it over her clit, rubbing up and down in a gentle motion.

"You see, Seven?" Janeway asked, watching her face. She let go of Seven's hand and allowed the Borg to attempt the stimulation herself. Seven was a little awkward at first, her hand moving too much, but soon she found her own rhythm and then was rubbing herself hard, her hips raised off the bed and her neck taut. Kathryn gazed in fascination at the look of concentration on Seven's face, at her pinkened cheeks. She wanted so much to kiss those cheeks...but she left Seven, and simply watched. Seven was rubbing herself harder and faster, and Kathryn envied the Borg technology in her hand...her speed was incredible. And suddenly Seven came, her body jerked a little and she gasped, breathing hard.

As Seven's hand slowed Kathryn couldn't help herself...she leaned down and began to kiss Seven's stomach lovingly, feeling the still-quaking tummy beneath her lips. Her skin was moist and salty, and Kathryn reveled in the taste. She began to kiss a line up from Seven's belly button, through the valley of her breasts and up her neck and her chin, eventually reaching her lips again. She laughed softly at Seven who was still recovering from her experience.

"So what did you think of that, Seven?" she asked, kissing her still-flushed cheeks.

"I enjoyed it very much." Seven replied. "Self-stimulation is very...efficient."

Kathryn laughed again. "Isn't it, though..." she murmured into Seven's mouth, seeking a probing kiss. Seven responded, her hand sneaking down between her legs again.


It was perhaps a bad idea to teach Seven the art of, not a bad one, Kathryn reflected, it had just...suddenly become a salient part of Seven's humanity, a very new facet she seemed to enjoy in the extreme. And Kathryn couldn't say she didn't enjoy it either...

The next night as Janeway headed back to her quarters, it was with surprise she found Seven there already, it was only 2225. Seven was stark naked, wandering around with her hand between her legs. This stopped Janeway dead in her tracks. She just stared at the very aroused Seven of Nine.

Upon seeing the Captain, Seven rushed into her arms, letting go of herself momentarily to throw her arms around Janeway's neck. She hung off her and kissed her, and Janeway kissed her back. She usually liked to relax before such an encounter with Seven to get herself in the mood, but Seven's actions had her quite excited already.

She cupped Seven's bottom with her hand, and pulled her up straddling her leg as she leaned against the wall beside the door. She could feel Seven's excitement already soaking through her uniform, and it dizzied her.

"You're a little excited, hmm?" she murmured between kisses.

"I desire you..." Seven said, with fair passion from a Borg. She began to tug at Janeway's uniform, pulling if off enough to access her breast. She took one hardened nipple into her mouth, and Kathryn groaned, feeling Seven's tongue suckle and caress. With her hands on Seven's hips she began to pull her back and forth gently, stimulating Seven a little on her leg. Seven suckled and rocked herself, and Janeway kept a hold on her. Seven eventually abandoned Kathryn's breast to kiss her lips, and Janeway put her hands in Seven's hair, ruffling and pulling her head closer, making the kisses close and intense. Seven made herself come on Janeway's leg, and her cries were absorbed into Janeway's mouth. She continued to kiss Janeway, though, even as her body relaxed and Janeway just hugged her her so she wouldn't slip away.

Janeway enjoyed the closeness to Seven and was deeply aroused already, and it was with reluctance she drew her head away from the intimate embrace. "Seven, I was going to have a bath." she told her lover, who sat straddling her leg. "Why don't you come in with me?"

Seven nodded, going back to kissing Kathryn. Kathryn had to shuffle her into the bathroom and physically tug her off of her body. "Water, 26 degrees." she said. She poured a little bubble bath under the running water, then she began to pull off her already mussed-up shirt.

As Kathryn undressed she could feel Seven watching her, and as soon as she slipped off her pants Seven came over to her, putting her hand on Kathryn's sex and feeling her. Seven closed her eyes and moaned, and Janeway felt like doing the same. Still probing her with her hand, Seven pushed her vulva up against Kathryn's hip and started stimulating herself. Kathryn was struck with the dual sensation of being touched while at the same time having her lover masturbating on her. She could see Seven's eyes were glazed with pleasure, and she was caught up in the arousal of the moment. She closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure.

It didn't last, though, because Seven's tactic wasn't proving to satisfy herself quickly enough. She let go her hold of Kathryn, and fell to the floor. She lay on the white bathmat and began to rub herself to climax. Kathryn opened her eyes and watched her in fascination. Her young lover was full of lust and untamed.

At her peak, Kathryn dropped to her knees over Seven and began to kiss her tummy lovingly. "What are we going to do with you..." she murmured. She eventually looked up at Seven. Seven's face was sweaty and she breathed hard. Despite her own arousal at what she'd just witnessed, Janeway felt absolutely endeared to Seven, just as she always had. And it was that powerful feeling that lead her to gather Seven up in her arms and just hold her, rocking her close to her face and kissing her. "I love you." she murmured.

She held Seven for a few minutes like that, just reveling in the closeness. She felt Seven's breathing slow and she stroked her hair lovingly. "Come on," she said eventually, pulling Seven up with her as she stood. "The water's going to get cold. Computer, reheat water." she said for good measure, just before she stepped in. The water was luscious, warm and scented with strawberry. This was going to be very nice, Kathryn thought.

In the bathtub, Kathryn and Seven embraced, Seven put her legs up over Kathryn's and they sat tightly together, kissing endlessly. Kathryn could feel her nipples pressed against Seven's, and both were hardened. Perhaps it was the water arousing Seven, in addition to the passion between them...Janeway wasn't sure. But Seven was becoming restless with arousal, as she started to try and rub her vulva against Kathryn's.

"Seven, mmm...Seven..." Kathryn said, barely managing to tear herself away from Seven's sweet mouth. "You can't always be satisfying yourself every five minutes...this is called foreplay, honey." She extracted Seven off of her, then in the water turned Seven around so her back was to Kathryn's stomach and breasts. She herself slid back to the end of the tub, and pulled Seven with her, spreading her legs so Seven fit in closely against her. She spread Seven's legs, too, and then snaked her hands in over Seven's stomach and down to her vulva. Spreading her lips with her fingers, she began to slowly feel Seven's genitals, not stroking in a masturbatory fashion, but rather just lazily playing. "You have to learn to relax, and enjoy yourself..." she whispered against Seven's temple. She kissed her there, then focused on what she was doing with her fingers, her cheek still resting against Seven's.

After a moment, Seven began to squirm a little. "I wish to orgasm now." she said matter-of-factly, but there was an edge of panic to her voice.

"Oh, no." Kathryn murmured against her face. "Not for a while, now. We're just getting started." She began to kiss and nibble Seven's ear as she worked with her genitals. "Aren't you enjoying this?" she whispered into her ear.

"Yes." Seven said. "But I am becoming...over-aroused. I require release."

Kathryn laughed softly and kissed her again. "There's no such thing as too much arousal." she told her. "Just relax, honey, and let me take care of you."

Seven seemed to agree, she didn't protest, but that would mean objecting to what Kathryn was doing between her legs. So she let her, but leaned her head against Janeway's shoulder and turned her head so that they could kiss. Kathryn took up one hand and began to fondle Seven's breast, cupping it in her hand. Seven wished to touch her, too, Janeway realized, so she turned Seven around in the water and began to play with her from that position. That gave Seven access to her breasts, which was very stimulating for Janeway as well. It was also a pleasure just to look at Seven. And clearly, Seven felt the same way. The Borg gazed at her breasts as she touched and held them, enraptured with the rounded flesh.

The two spent a very enjoyable twenty minutes in the bath, and when they exited it Janeway took very special care in drying Seven off lovingly. Naked, they both headed for Kathryn's bed. Seven lay down on it and gazed up at Kathryn. Smiling, Kathryn got on the bed on all fours and held herself up over Seven. She began to kiss every inch of Seven's body, starting with her hairline and ending at her toes. Seven yelped as Kathryn pressed kiss between her legs. That done, Kathryn began to trail her fingers all over Seven's body, paying particular attention to her breasts. This was all arousing Seven greatly, and at one point Seven's hand moved almost desperately down to touch herself, but Kathryn caught her wrist just in time. "Patience, my sweet." she whispered. "I told you I'd take care of you." She kissed Seven's palm and placed in by her side. And with that, Janeway began to prepare for Seven's release...surely she'd tortured the Borg long enough. With a few kisses to Seven's lips and her nose, and and a deft lick to the dimple in her chin she began to make her way down Seven's body.

Pausing to suckle each breast gently, Kathryn soon reached the apex of Seven's legs. She gently pushed apart her thighs, then looked up at the Borg lying there spread-eagled, at Kathryn's mercy. Feeling an odd pleasure at this, Kathryn used her hands to spread Seven's vulva apart. She could see Seven's swollen pink clit, and felt her own clit tingle at the sight. Carefully, she put her mouth over it and began to suckle, flicking the tiny piece of flesh with her tongue. She could taste Seven's sweet nectar and feel the Borg cunvulse a little beneath her. She continued to swirl her tongue around Seven's most sensitive area.

Seven was nearly in tears at the sweet torture. "Kathryn, Kathryn..." she moaned, her hands gripping Janeway's hair. Her need drove Janeway further, and she kept at her sweet task, till she heard Seven's pleasured cry ring out.

She clambered up the length of the bed to where Seven's face was, and pushed the sweaty hair from Seven's face. The Borg was almost sobbing with pleasure. Kathryn kissed her lovingly. "Now wasn't that worth the wait?" she teased her lover.

"Yes, Kathryn, oh yes..." Seven murmured, still writhing a little on the bed. Janeway smiled in satisfaction.

Seven drifted off to sleep, and Kathryn was left to pleasure herself alone.

She didn't mind, had been extraodinarily gratifying being with Seven tonight. Thinking of all that had transpired...Kathryn's hand quickly did her justice, and she she too drifted off to sleep, holding Seven's body close.


The next night it was Kathryn's turn to be the recipient of their intimate activities. Seven was ready, of course, but again Janeway made her wait. She had Seven change into her nightgown, then brushed out Seven's hair lovingly. It was only when they were both dressed for bed and under the covers did Janeway permit Seven to kiss her. And Seven did, kiss her deeply. Janeway responded, and placed a hand to Seven's back. They kissed at length, and it was Seven who finally broke the kiss.

"I wish to pleasure you_ tonight, Captain." she said.

"I won't fight that." Janeway replied, and let Seven pull off the covers. So Kathryn lay there in her, and Seven pulled up her nighgown and spread her legs. She went down on Kathryn immediately, kissing between her legs with almost an urgence. Kathryn writhed in pleasure, and soft moan escaped her lips. She had no idea the pleasure that soft-suctioned kisses could bring her clit. It felt so good she began to tangle her hands in Seven's blonde hair, encouraging her. Seven built up such arousal in her that she came at the sensation, little ripples of ecstasy flooding her veins.

Kathryn was still recovering when Seven climbed up on top of her, straddling her. Kathryn was struck at Seven's beauty, naked and above her, and so very aroused. She was soon distracted, though, as Seven leaned down to suckle her nipples, one at a time. The nipple she wasn't suckling she rolled between her fingers. it was an odd sensation but Kathryn loved it. She could feel Seven's sex, warm and wet on her stomach, and it turned her insides to jelly. She was barely able to respond when Seven started to kiss her mouth. Seven loved kissing, Janeway reflected, even after she'd learned of sexual pleasures. Janeway was glad, was so intimate, the act of kissing. She kissed Seven back with abandon.

Having these warm thoughts, Janeway regretted it when Seven's mouth left hers. But it was only temporary, she realized, as Seven found her clit with her right hand. She began to stimulate Janeway, as Janeway had first started doing to her when their sexual relationship had began. It was incredible! Kathryn kissed back until she lost the ability to do anything but feel. Seven brought her over the edge to a dizzying orgasm.

"Seven, Seven!" Janeway cried out, feeling fireworks at her legs and a subequent calm over her whole body. "Oh, my love, oh my love..." she murmured, when her eyes were able to focus. Seven hung over her, watching her Captain and her lover, pleased she'd satisfied the woman she loved so.

Kathryn's eyes filled with tears at Seven's she cared so for another, for her. How she'd learned to love. And how Kathryn Janeway loved her back, so very, very much...

Seven's lips descended on hers again, followed by the weight of her body. Janeway put her arms up around Seven's back, pulling her closer, never wanting the kisses to end.

Kathryn Janeway and Seven of Nine had been spent 10 nights together. As they lay in Kathryn's bed that night, exhausted after a session of kissing, touching, and loving each others like lovers do, Seven spoke out in the darkness. "Kathryn..." she began uncertainly. "I am no longer afraid of sleeping...but I do not wish to leave your bed."

Janeway hugged her close and gave her a kiss. "I wouldn't let you leave if you tried." she informed her lovingly.

The End.


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