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Disclaimer: Paramount owns Janeway and Chakotay, etc...I just borrowed 'em.

"Taking Care of The Captain"
by Kaitlina Ramey

It was just past 0130, and Captain Kathryn Janeway was in her quarters, reading a book by dim light. Over the past hour she'd slid halfway down in her maroon easy chair, and now only her one arm wrapped around the headrest held her in place. Her foot rested on her table, next to her coffee, which had grown cold.

The door chimed. "Come in." Janeway said, barely tearing away from her book to glance back at her door.

The door slid open, and Commander Chakotay walked in. "Commander." Janeway said, setting her book down on her knee. "What brings you here?"

Chakotay smiled at her and held out PADD. "Crew evaluation reports...a few hours early, but I just finished them now. I thought I'd hand deliver them."

Janeway took it from him. "You spoil me." she informed him, and he chuckled.

There was a moment of silence, and then Chakotay said, "If you don't mind me asking, Captain...what are you doing up so late?"

"I might ask you the same thing." Janeway shot back playfully.

"Ah...but I'm not the one who has 0700 shift in the morning." Chakotay pointed out.

"Noted." Janeway acknowledged. "I was reading this book...very interesting, about the cultural history of Ireland..." she yawned. "I'm almost finished it..."

Chakotay leaned forward and picked it up off her knee. The book was two-thirds done. "You aren't going to finish this tonight." he almost admonished her. "It will take you hours."

Janeway tried to protest but she was overcome by another yawn. Covering her mouth with one hand, she sat up and snatched the book back with the other.

"Kathryn..." Chakotay began. "Do something for me. Just...go to bed. Right now. Don't even get changed, just sleep in your uniform. You can still get five good hours of sleep."

"I appreciate your concern, Chakotay." Janeway said, leaning back in her chair. "But I'll be all right."

Chakotay knelt in front of her, touching her knee. "You have a lot of responsibilities on this ship and you can't function without rest. it for me." he urged.

Janeway looked down at him, her eyes slightly glazed. He looked so serious and sweet, his dark eyes looking almost pleadingly into hers. "All right." she agreed finally. "Just one more cup of coffee." she said decidedly, getting up from her chair.

Chakotay stood up quickly, blocking her way. "The last thing you need is coffee." he told her.

"Half a cup." Janeway amended. "Then I'll go to bed. All right?"

"You promise me?" Chakotay said, not moving from her path.

Janeway almost rolled her eyes. "I promise, Commander." she said. "But you sure drive a hard bargain."

He smiled and stepped out of the way. "Personnel is part of my duty." he said simply. "And that includes the Captain."

Janeway smiled back at this, and she touched his arm as he turned to leave.

True to her word, Janeway went straight to bed after her half-cup of coffee. She as well slept in her uniform, falling asleep so quickly she didn't even have time to consider whether or not it was comfortable. 0700 found her on the bridge, at least quasi-rested for a change. The morning passed by uneventfully, and she went into her ready room to replicate lunch for herself. It was then that she received another visit from Chakotay.

"I took your advice-"she said, holding up her hand to silence him as he walked into the room. "I went to bed as soon as you left. Are you happy now?"

Chakotay smiled at her. "Almost." he replied. "But there's something else I want you to do."

Janeway narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't push it, Commander...what is it?"

Chakotay asked, "Do you have the evening free?"

"Yes," Janeway said, suspicion edging into her voice.

"Good." Chakotay said decidedly. "Meet me on holodeck 2 at 1700. Be prepared for a game of Velocity."

"My shift doesn't end till till 1900." Janeway said, shaking her head. "It'll have to be a bit later."

"Doesn't Harry have the night shift?" Chakotay asked her. "Get him to start his shift a few hours early. You know Harry...anything for more time on the bridge. He'd be thrilled."

Janeway looked at her first officer as if he were crazy. "You want me to get Harry to finish my shift so I can go play a game of Velocity?! Chakotay, I don't think so!" She was again shaking her head as she took a spoonful of soup.

"Velocity is only a part of the plan." Chakotay said, making a quick recovery. "This is a night for you, Kathryn."

Janeway almost laughed. Chakotay never acted mysterious like this. "Commander, what have you got planned?" she exclaimed.

Chakotay looked at her, his eyes twinkling. "I guess you'll never know unless you come to the holodeck at 1700." he teased.

Janeway sighed. "Okay, I'll do it." she said, finally. "Tell Harry." she instructed. Chakotay nodded, and turned to leave. "And Chakotay..." Janeway added. He turned around. "This better be good." she warned him. Chakotay just smiled at her.

At 1700, Janeway was heading for the Holodeck. She was dressed in gym clothes: black pants, a loose red shirt, and running shoes. She met up with Chakotay a few feet from the door. He was wearing a T-shirt and sweat shorts. "You ready?" he asked her.

"To kick your tail, you bet I am," she said good-naturedly, though only part in jest.

They entered the holodeck together, and picked up their Velocity phasers. Janeway walked to the far side of the room. "Computer, begin!" she instructed, getting into position.

They played the best of seven rounds, and Janeway won by the narrowest of margins. The excercise did her good, her lungs felt clear and she was pleasantly exhausted as she walked towards Chakotay to grab his hand after the match. "Well done, Commander." she said, shaking his fist.

"Same to you." Chakotay responded. "Now...why don't I meet you in your quarters in half an hour...I'll send over dinner." he said.

Janeway cocked her head at him. "Sounds good." she replied. "I'll see you then." They parted company, and Janeway went off to have a shower and get ready.

Janeway would've preferred a bath after the intense match she had with Chakotay, but due to time constraints a sonic shower would have to do. So she stood in her shower compartment, feeling the air clean away all the sweat and dirt of the day, leaving her feeling smooth and refreshed.

She dressed in her silky blue pantsuit and a flowing buttoned camisole. She brushed her hair 'til it was smooth, and she applied just a bit of makeup. She didn't need to impress Chakotay, she knew. She nodded at her reflection in the mirror, and went out to her living room.

Meanwhile, Chakotay had finished his sonic shower first and had sent dinner instructions to the Captain's replicator. He then left his quarters and quietly let himself into Janeway's. He heard the sonic shower still going, and he began to set her table as he received food from the replicator. It was a healthy meal: lean beef with red potatoes, asparagus, corn, whole-wheat rolls, and salad. And white wine to drink...not coffee. He was just putting the finishing touched on the display when Janeway walked into the room.

"Commander..." she breathed, seeing the table. It was adorned with a dark green tablecloth and covered in attractive bowls of steaming food. Two white candles stood in the center of it all. "Computer...dim lights." Chakotay said, and the candles appeared to burn even brighter.

"Chakotay, it's lovely," Janeway exclaimed softly. "You did this for me?"

"It's about time you had a good meal and some time to relax." he informed her.

"Oh, Chakotay, you shouldn't have..." Janeway murmured, sitting down at one side of the table. He graciously helped her push in her chair, then went to sit at the opposite side of her.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" he asked her. She smiled at him and reached for a roll.

"So, what do you think of Seven's new idea of refitting the old warp coils to shave a few years off our trip?" Chakotay asked her as he spooned corn onto his plate.

Janeway took a sip of wine. "I think that if we can get B'Elanna to let her into Engineering for any length of time without killing her, it just might work." she conceded.

Chakotay smiled. "B'Elanna's coming around," he reminded her.

Janeway nodded. "You're right." she said. "I was beginning to give up on those two...but they are doing better." She shrugged as she began to slice up a potato. "A lot of it is Seven, too...she doesn't antagonize B'Elanna as much anymore."

"You think so?" Chakotay asked. "You think Seven actually went out of her way to irritate B'Elanna?"

Janeway shrugged again. "Why not? I'd swear she does it to me."

"That so?" Chakotay said, chuckling at her. "Just like a child, huh?" Janeway just rolled her eyes at him and took a bite of her potato.

The two continued their dinner banter, discussing mostly personnel issues and tactics to avoid an upcoming nebula. They talked long after they'd finished eating, and Janeway enjoyed the intimate conversation she was engaged in with her first officer. She was pleasantly full from dinner, and the candle-lit room was very relaxing. The wine she still sipped made her even more tranquil.

Eventually, the conversation came to a lull and it was then Chakotay asked her, "So, Captain...are you ready for what's next?"

"What is next, Commander?" Janeway asked playfully.

"A soak in a warm tub with chamomile." he informed her. "It'll calm your spirit, make you very relaxed."

"I don't think I could get much more relaxed that this," Janeway said, stretching comfortably in her chair.

"Just you wait." Chakotay teased her. "I'll go run the bathwater."

Janeway waited as her first officer retreated, and she heard the bathwater start. She shook her head in amusement. He was making her have a bath! That, she hadn't expected. Still, idea of a warm bath...she could never refuse one. She stood, and headed for the bathroom, one hand unbuttoning her camisole.

The bathroom already was scented with soothing chamomile, and Janeway passed Chakotay on her way in. "This is wonderful, Chakotay, thank you." she murmured. He simply pressed a hand to her back in response as he left.

Janeway finished undressing in the bathroom, and then climbed into the bathtub and sank down into it's liquid warmth. She swept up the back of her hair with her hands and leaned her head against the cool white porcelain of the tub. She closed her eyes, feeling the water gently rise up on her belly and then her breasts. She sank down a little deeper and warmth engulfed her whole body. She inhaled the scent of the soothing herb, hearing the soft rush of water from the tap. Janeway felt extraordinarily contented and very much pampered.

She could've stayed in the bath for hours upon hours, and indeed she called for the computer to reheat the water once. But knowing that Chakotay was still in her quarters-and wondering what else he possibly had planned-Janeway decided to limit her stay to twenty minutes or so. She had just decided on two more minutes when she heard a soft knock at her door.

"Kathryn?" Chakotay called gently through the slightly ajar door. "Can I come in?"

"Yes, come in," Janeway said, a little puzzled. In the name of modesty, she sank down in the water.

"Don't worry, I can't see a thing," he assured her, as if reading her mind. He set the door ajar again so only a crack of light entered the room, playing on the bathroom counter. He advanced towards Janeway in the bath, and knelt down beside her. "Come here, " he said softly. "I'm going to wash your hair."

"Chakotay..." Janeway said in surprise, but really she was rather intrigued. Complying, she turned her head towards him, and she felt him grasp it in his hands. At this, she relaxed, and let him support the weight of her head.

She heard him turn on the tap, and slid down a little so her head was under it. She relaxed again, and it was with great care that she felt her first officer begin to wet her hair under the tap. She closed her eyes and let herself float in her mind, knowing only the warmth and the feel of Chakotay's hands massaging her scalp. A soft sigh escaped her lips, and she mentally chastised herself. She thought it would be inappropriate for Chakotay to know how much she was enjoying herself, what he was doing to her and the physical closeness to him. As he washed her hair she could just vaguely see his face and smell his scent, mingled with the scent of her shampoo.

He washed her hair gently and carefully, and then gave her a lengthy rinse, squeezing out the short end. With care he lifted her up by her shoulders, and Janeway put a hand on the side of the tub to steady herself. "That was lovely, Chakotay, thank you." she told him. She couldn't see but she could sense him smile.

"I'll be outside," he replied, rising and leaving the room, leaving a temporary crack of light in his wake.

Janeway regained her bearings in the steamy darkness, and then slowly rose from the tub. She order the computer to drain the water and reached for her towel. She managed to find her nightgown and robe in the dark and dress in them. They were both a creamy white, the gown being almost floor length and having spaghetti straps. The robe added a bit of modesty. Janeway tied the sash, then combed out her hair before she went out to her room.

Her bedroom, to be precise. Chakotay had her bedcovers pulled back, and Janeway raised her eyes in amusement. Wasn't there some kind of regulation against interfering with the Captain's bed?! But he had the room dimmed again, another candle was so inviting. And besides that, she wanted to know what possibly was coming next. And she had an idea, memories of a night on a deserted planet from years ago began to surface...

New Earth.

"It's lavender." Chakotay murmured as his hands touched her back. Janeway could smell the soft scent as he hands began to massage the oil onto her back. She lay on her stomach, her head on her pillow. She'd removed her robe, allowing Chakotay a generous amount of skin to work with. The nightgown dipped rather low in the back, and the straps were like nothing. She'd brushed her hair up from her neck, but she could feel some oil had already gotten to her hairline. But a neck massage from Chakotay with more than worth it.

She sighed contentedly. Chakotay's hands warmed the oil, and she could feel her muscles shift and slide under his ministrations. He kneaded along her backbone, and Janeway felt like she could melt right into her bed. "Chakotay..." she murmured inadvertently. "It feels so good..."

"It's supposed to," Chakotay informed her, his hand on her shoulder blades. "I'm glad you're enjoying it."

"Oh, yes..." Janeway breathed. Her eyes shut involuntarily, and as Chakotay continued to rub and caress her back, she slipped into a state of relaxation so deep it was as though she were asleep. "Chakotay..." she murmured occasionally, a sound of gratitude or a little plea to continue.

And he did, continue to massage his Captain's bare back and her neck for a long, long time. Janeway's back felt like jelly by the time his hands ceased working over her, and she was glad when he finished he gently turned her over onto her back. Janeway watched as he went to blow out the candle's flame. Returning, he knelt by her bed and reached for her covers, pulling them up to her chin. In her mind Janeway wanted to make some crack about him tucking her in, but she was absorbed in simply gazing into his face framed by the dim light, just inches from her own face.

"Thank you, Commander." she said finally, managing to find her voice. In response, Chakotay leaned in and gave her a lengthy and sweet kiss to her soft cheek. Janeway reveled in the momentary act of affection, and when he withdrew she took his face into her hands and pulled him back. She kissed him, full on the lips. After a second she felt him respond, kissing her back. They parted, and Chakotay looked down at her, saying in slight wonder, "I wasn't expecting that." Janeway just laughed lovingly.

"Goodnight, Kathryn." he said finally, rising up from the bed.

"Goodnight, Chakotay." Janeway said warmly. She heard rather than saw him retreat, the door sliding open and closed. With a little sigh, her body and soul rested and renewed...Kathryn Janeway rolled over onto her side and quickly drifted off to sleep.

And her dreams that night were so very sweet...


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