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Weight of the Feather

Above: "Light", Mosaic Canyon, Death Valley, CA. ©1998.

Exerpt from the Chapter for Preventing the Slaughter which is carried out in Heracleopolis:

"I am he who opened a door in the sky, who rules from his throne, who adjudges those who are born this day; there is no child who treads yesterday's road, and today is mine. O people on people, I am he who protects you for eons. Are you in being, you sky-folk, earthlings, southerners, northerners, easterners, and westerners, is the fear of me in your bellies? I am he who fashioned with his Eye, and I will not die again. My striking power is in your bellies, my shape is before me; I am...[illegible]...and I ignore the wrath in your faces against me; I am joyful, and there can be found no season when he could harm me. Where is the sky? Where is the earth? Their offspring are rebuffed and they are disunited. My name overpasses it, namely everything evil, for great are the spoken words which I speak to you."

from The Book of Going Forth by Day, as translated by Raymond Faulkner.

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