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Welcome to the Security Team Manifest. Here you will find those people who serve during your assigned work shift. There are currently billets for twenty five security members on the Lancelot. These Security Officers are split into three teams. The Alpha-Shift Team is on duty from 0500 to 1300 and is called Security Team Alpha. The Bravo-shift Team is on duty from 1300 to 2100 and is called Security team Bravo. The Charlie-shift Team is on duty from 2100 to 0500. And is called Security Team Charlie. You will notice that this does not corrispond with the normal shift change on the USS Lancelot. This is for a reason. This gives the Security team a chance to become established before the rest of the duty shifts turn over, there-by minimising the possibility of surprise schenanagens during shift change. You will also notice that each shift has a "Shift Lead". These Leads are to act as Chief of Security for minor matters of Security. Please contact them rather than Lieutenant Drake for routine security matters. Lieutenant Drake will, however, remain on call 24 hours a day. All emergant matters are to be brought to her immediately. If you have a doubt, go to Lieutenan Drake. Below you will find a detailed shift schedule.

If you have any Questions or concerns please contact Lt.Commander Drake.

A-Shift Team
Name Position Rank
Robert Drake Chief of Security
Kat'Tar (NPC) Master at Arms
VACANT Security Officer* vacant
*Position open to new players! No asterix means position not available or closed.

B-Shift Team
Name Position Rank
Paul Toddman Deputy Chief of Security
Erin Hamilton (NPC) Master at Arms
VACANT Security Officer* vacant
* Position available to new players. No asterix means position not available or closed.

C-Shift Team
Name Position Rank
VACANT Shift Lead* vacant
VACANT Master at Arms* vacant
Stonne Caris (NPC) Security Officer*
*Position open to new players! No asterix means position not available or closed.

During a Red Alert all off duty Security Officers will form into the SERT unit. (Special Emergency Responce Team). This will be Captained by Lieutenant Drake. This unit will be a roving responce force that will coordinate with the Marines in eliminateing possible intruders, or perform emergency assistance such as damage control. A Security Officer is never off duty on this ship during a Red Alert. Failure to report is a violation of the USS Lancelot's Security General Orders.

If you are interested in any of the above positions, e-mail Lt.Commander Drake. or go to Tangofleet.

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