Basic Obedience Class taught by Larneis Dec. 5, 2000

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undefined Perky yips and bounces! yay! Maybe dark-girl will have a treat his time! She jumps forward, nearly leaping onto Myana's chest, toungue lolling.

Now why did that brownrider have to drop her off over in Ista? Surupa grunbles as she wanders in trying to calm her three frantic firelizards. Herders are given a warm smile as she serves herself a mug of klah and settles down on the couch. Perhaps if she waits awhile around here she'll get the ride back to Keroon. Sigh. Apprentice gives Myana a quick wave and smile as she recognizes the Istan Herder from long ago.

Myana cires, "Perky, /down/!" Pushing the canine off of her firmly- she never seems to learn!

Sieryn gives the room a thorough glance, running her eyes over each and every object before, hesitantly, moving onward in from the Stables.

Myana waves to Surupa, pulling Perky down firmly- again.

Atreya walks in from the Stables.

Seif walks in from the Stables.

Faelyn walks in from the Stables.

Sieryn wanders in, exhaustion evident on her features as she flops, rather uncerimoniously, into a chair. "Hey, guys.."

Perky whines, and backs down, sitting, her tail thumping on the floor.

Larneis watches as the apprentices gather into the lounge "Ok, I need people to help me push the furniture out of the way!" she says as she gets up off her bum to aid in the process. It would probably be much easier just to hold it in the courtyard, but nah....that just spoils the fun!

Deje blinks in from ::between::!

Surupa sips the warm klah as she waves towards... Keroon Herders? What might they all be doing here in Ista? Still, a shoulder is shruged and the greetings are given a smile as Apprentice finds a meatroll to rip up equaly amoung her firelizards. "Push the furniture out of the way?" Asks Rupa as she quickly hops up onto her feet and obeys, moving couch away and settling back down.

Atreya tromps up the stairs and into the lounge nods are given all round though she doesn't notice her twin as she's being so quiet in the corner. She groans slightly as she realizes she's walked in on something then shrugs, learning stuff's a good thing after all even if moving furnitures not. Hand's quickly lent as she starts to shove a chair she'd been bout to flop into to the side.

Istra strolls leisurely in from the Stables.

Istra drops Akari.

Seif clambers in, untangling stray shrapnels of hay from his clothing, before nodding compliance to Larneis. "Sure thing." With one wistful glance at the nearest chair, he begins to push it out of harm's way with a sigh and a muffled grunt of miniscure effort.

Akari barks, muddy paws slapping the stone floors as she races toward the familiar face of Sieryn, jumping and leaping excitedly.

Larneis loudly announces, after standing on a table that is "Ahem! For all of you who don't know, I'm teaching a basic obedience stuff, I promise! Now help me move this stuff already!" she says with a grin as she jumps off the table.

Sieryn greets Akari with a rub and a pat on the tummy, giving Istra a brief smile before turning her eyes to Larneis, and rising to help her.

Faelyn drops Voyager.

Myana rolls up her sleeves, and puches her favourite chair to the back of the room, Perky following all the way, her nose constantly getting in the way as she begs for a treat.

Larneis doesn't like to waste time when it comes to classes, as many of her students probably have come to realize "Ok, great...let's get started...everyone have a canine or a buddy with one at least?"

Surupa should have dragged along Shia or Shai with her from Keroon and yet sadly... Didn't. Other Herders are given a pitiful glance and Rupa suddenly approaches Myana. "T'is alright if I partner up with you and your lovely canine?" Grin.

Atreya disappears downstairs for a few minuts then runs back up a rather sleepy looking dog in her arms. She keeps the elderly graying canine in her arms, "got a canine," she replies, least she thinks it is one wouldn't know from how still it is.

Faelyn pats Voyager on the shoulder, and walks, with him more or less at her side, to the crowd at the center of the room. The hound-like canine gives a small harrumph, and plants his bottom firmly on the floor, looking around almost dumbly at the assembled Apprentices. The other canines are given a pleading glance from his big, pitiful brown eyes, and his tail thumps contentedly on the floor. Thump, thump, thump.

Myana nods, and Perky takes that as permission, leaping up to greet Surupa canine way, with a big, slobbery kiss- fortunately, just on the hand. A glare from Myana finds Perky sitting down again, and Myana could swear she was grinning!

Akari whaps her tail firmly against the floor, giving Voyager a curious look as she does so.

Iaryl glances up as she realises that the furnature is moving around here. Giving a quite auidible 'eeeeppp' she gets up as well and moves the chair out of the way before sitting back down. Canine? what's wrong with felines...

Seif also briefly thought of bringing Shia or Shai along, but it's a little late for that. Those canines aren't his favorites anyways-- to obnoxious.

Spotting Rupa, he flashes a smile and a small wave, before peering about the room in search of a partner. Ah. "You open for a partner?" The boy chides Sieryn mildly, a charming smile curving his lips by way of persuasion.

Surupa smiles and watches the canine, so cute! Well, Class should be starting and with a grin towards Myana, Apprentice mutters a, "Thank you." As she stands beside the pair and watches Larneis. Hopefully the class would be short, if not, she'd never catch that dragonride back to Keroon!

Sieryn looks up at Seif, hand moving down to restrain Akari's head. "Oh, that'd be fine...Akari here needs to get used to people, don't you, Aki?" The dog looks as if she believes the girl crazy, yet turns her head and remains staring at Voyager.

Larneis grins as she pulls out a twisted piece of metal "Ok, this is the most common type of collar used in canine obedience training. It's called a choke, or training collar. And before ya'll say anything, it doesn't choke the canine unless you use it unproperly." she holds up the metal piece in a P shape "This is how you want to slip it on the canines head. Everyone understand?" she asks as she demonstrates. "If you don't have one now, don't worry bout it..."

Myana examines the pice carefully- okay, that's how it goes. Eventually, when she's done harding marks, she'll buy one, too, for Perky.

Akari turns her head as Sieryn's fingers draw her chin upward, other hand reaching downward to fetch a collar and attempt to slip it on. But the canine does not like this, and barks sharply.

Surupa blinks a few times, P-shape and slip on, she's got that. Grinning she gives her fingers a flick as amber orbs trail off before returning to look at teacher.

Atreya winces slightly as she sees the metal, doesn't look nice to her after all. She sits on the floor letting the sleeping elderly canine down onto her lap and he doesn't move from how he happens to get put down by her. She doesn't notice her sister still as she peers forwards watching Larneis.

Perky sticks a cold nose in Myana's hand, practically laughing in a canine way when Myana jumps, then drops her heada to Perky's head. Silly pup! But what a young lady she is! See- she puffs her chest out proudly, nose int he air- still somehow managing to accept the carresses condescendingly.

Voyager glares slightly at the collar, and flips Faelyn's hand with his muzzle, hoping she forgot about the choke collar hiding under his main leather one.

But, alas, the apprentice slips her fingers under the collar and realigns the metal one to be over the leather. The hound is given a reassuring pat on the shoulder, but he whines slightly, and his tail stops its thumping routine. Magentica swiftly and delicately comes from ::between::!

Iaryl quickly stands up and sidles in next to someone with a canine, the grey feline staying hidden under her lackluster hair. Mumbling something under her breath only those close by might be able to understand, and only the closest would hear the mew in response.

Seif rests both hands on Akari's shoulders and rubs them softly, hopefully calming down-- as well as weakly restraining-- the canine for the moment. Under his breath, though, he's pulling that memorize by repetition trick, mumbling just *barely.* "Thassa' good girl, Akari..." Attempted placating.

Larneis pulls the collar up, gently from Darby's neck to show the correct way it should be "See, you want to make sure that when the collar is on, the part that is attached to the leash is on the opposite side that you are on, which is the left. Now we'll get started...the proper positioning for the 'heel'.." she stops, looking around "First, who can tell me what the heel is anyway?" Istra volunteers, although she is not a herder, nor really taking the class. "The part which chokes?"

Magentica chirps and lands near Myana on a perch, who is the only one in the room she knows, she eyes the canines around the room.

Ummm. Seif shrugs leisurely, focusing jade green orbs on Larneis for the moment, rather than the canine in front of him and his partner. "Yeah, what she said.." Probby mumbles in agreement wit Istra, unsure of the answer. But that doesn't matter; he's here to *learn*, isn't he?

Surupa doesn't really volunteer's much in classes, *especially* when she doesn't exactly know the answer to the question. So maybe she had questioned the runner classes and ferret classes but this is *basic* canine... Baah...

Sieryn frowns deeply, shaking her head to-and-fro, and flashing a brief grin at

Seif for his handling of Akari. "I don't know either...ugh."

Atreya sits quietly scratching the top of the greying canine's head peering over though not volunteering anything. She frowns after a bit and starts to wiggle just a bit.

Faelyn bites her lip slightly, and scratches Voyager's ear. They didn't teach that at her daddy's kennel. Sit? Yes. Come? Yes. Down? Yes. Heel? No. With a small shrug, she clips her canine's leash onto the metal collar, and pats his shoulders again.

Larneis tries to muffle a slight giggle "Uh, no...nice try though. Actually, we're past the collar part...we're going onto the exercises now. The heel is the positioning of the canine on your left side. It's the proper position for walking a canine, especially when you have a training collar on, because if you were on the other side, the canine would, well, choke!"

Istra chuckles. "Well, if I were a herder!" She sits, and focuses intently on Larneis. "Maybe I can learn something!"

Iaryl mumbles a little more under her breath as she watches, but mostly keeping quiet, trying to pretend that she really is partenered to the person next to her. Reaching on hand up she blushes as a loud mew can be heard from her shoulder.

Choke? Ack... that doesn't seem too good for the poor canine. Rupa glances down towards Myana's Perky before glancing to all the other canines around.

Faelyn has disconnected.

Atreya blinks as she hears the loud meow and peers over towards where she heard the sound, she grins widely still wiggling some. She waves quickly to her sis then looks forward again towards Larneis.

Magentica swiftly and delicately disappears into ::between::!

Myana shrugs- it almost makes sense- the canine won't let itself choke, and it'll learn fast that way...

Larneis nods "Indeed, that's what you're here for, all of you. Now, for the heel, what it basically means is that the canine stays at your side no matter where you are, unless the exercise is something not requiring it. But, to do the heel, you step off with your left leg, and giving the command to heel, verbally. I'll demonstrate for you first, then I want you to all give it a hand. If your canine lags behind, give it a quick jerk on the leash, not a long one, really quick...and tell the canine 'no, heel', or 'hurry'...don't tell it in a questioning voice because you want it to know who's in charge, that being you, the handler."

Iaryl sidles over a few people closer to her sister, until she is standing next to her, she has a canine, maybe that way Iaryl won't have to deal with the canine and Atreya can do all the work. "sush now Fimus, we're supposed to be earning about canines not about you." she says a little louder than intended.

Seif momentarily returns Sieryn's grin with his own jocund one, before tilting his head oddly to peer back at Larneis. Remember, *left* side. Leftleftleft. It would be bad if he chocked the canine. Really bad. And so, he continues to watch Larneis intently, waiting for her demonstration. Akari snorts loudly, head ducking downward, ears tossing.

Atreya grins at her sis and her feline chuckling slightly, not that she likes canines much better then Iaryl or Fimus either but oh well. She wiggles the canine off her lap hoisting him up as she stands still watching the teacher. Canine's held like a baby and she rocks him just slightly in a jostling rock whilst the lump just well is there.

Faelyn paces around her canine, almost sheepishly, so that she's on his left side. Voyager, obviously a bit confused, gets to his feet and groans, in an almost questioning tone. The big hound nuzzles his owner's hand roughly, pleadingly, until she scritches his ears some more. "Calm down, big guy, no need to get excited," she mumbles, with a bit of a chuckle aimed at her canine.

Surupa can remember this, sure. It's easy! Left leg... Heel... Questioning voice... in charge... Just like Khaelyn, she'll remember this easily!

Larneis calls Darby to her side. Yeah, he's already a pro at this stuff. Piece of cake. Sitting attentively at her side, Larni firmly gives the command 'Darby, heel!' as she steps off with her left left. Darby immediately jumps into a stance, trotting along side her until she reaches the end of the room, takes a pivot step and walks back in the opposite direction, coming to a halt about halfway. Darby settles his rump to the ground, big canine eyes staring up at his handler "Now don't worry if your canine doesn't do it perfect...Darby here has been working on this for turns...he's a pro.."

Iaryl glances at her sister with a screwey look on her face and then to the canine, giving a shrug she returns her attention to the teacher. "what do you think Fimus, think you could heal?" wincing as a short his can be hurd she hurridly speeks again "Okay, okay, I was wrong, you don't need to."

Myana takes her mental equivalent to notes. As if the canine can understand everything, she looks at Perky, and Perky looks back. Okay, we got it. She sneaks a quick peek at Rupa- everything good there, too?

Seif peers over at Sieryn, blinking quizzically. "Um, you can try, I guess.

It's your canine an' everything, so it'll probably be better." Um, yeah. Whatever. He smiles disarmingly, 'brows quirked oddly.

Faelyn says, in a quiet, inquiring tone, "So should we, uh, try now?" She smiles sheepishly, and pats Voyager's shoulders again.

Atreya shrugs slightly towards her sis at the glance then grins at her, "bet yer feline could heel better'n this thing," she comments before looking back to the teacher. She glances round to wait for others to start trying it before she too does.

Larneis motions to the center of the room "By all means!"

Istra raises her hand, grinning. "I'll bet whatever marks I have that a canine can do better!"

Iaryl takes a step back from Atreya, not sure the reach on Fimus's paw... "Doonnn't't say ththat." she stutters out as quick as she can. "Fimus mimight gegett offefended."

Sieryn shrugs. "I don't have any marks, but I'll be a weeks stall cleaning that a canine can definitely do better!" She adds.

Myana shrugs, and looks at Rupa- "D'you want to try with Perky? That's one thing I can already do with her... Say, Larneis, how do you teach a puppy to heel?"

Surupa shakes her head slowly as she listens attentively, honest. "I'm more of a runner and ferret person so I'd just watch this..."

Larneis grins "The same way basically...just with a bit more let's get going?" she says, motioning for her students to take turns.

Iaryl glances over at Atreya, the look the same, really Larneis won't notice if only one of them goes right?

Faelyn nods to Larneis and moves into a bigger space. "Voyager, heel..." She says, obviously not as forceful as she could have, and steps off with her left leg. A small, quick jerk is given to the leash, and Voyager grumbles to himself, but does pick up his pace a bit, trotting along quietly with Fae's rushed stride. When she tries to turn around, though, the canine simply looks at her, mockingly, and sits down to scratch his ear. "Okay, maybe not..." She starts, before jerking on his leash again, "Voyagerrr! C'mon!" With a pleading look to Larneis, she inquires, "What now?"

Myana step forward, calling "Perky, Heel!" She doesn't even need a leash!

Atreya grins slightly hearing comments bout marks, "maybe a normal canine but not likely this'un," she says motioning to the canine in her arms as voice trails off slightly. She glances over at Fimus and Iaryl an shrugs, "it was a compliment not insult to the feline," she says. She glances towards the center of the room waiting for her turn, perhaps even if they're wearing diff clothes only one'll have to go after all she rather doubts femus likes felines after all...

Akari barks, tugging on her leash, sharper barks issuing forth as Sieryn looks pleadingly upward. ""

Perky trots forward, moving to the left of Myana. See how good I am?

Larneis scurries over to assist Faelyn "Ok, if the canine is being stubborn like that.." she reaches into her pocket, taking out a small piece of a treat

"Voyager! heel!" she hands the piece of treat to Faelyn, nudging her to continue "Just a distraction of what they love most will do..."

Seif watches Akari and Sieryn closely, before gesturing at Larneis. "Um, help, please?" Eee. He always seems to get suddenly shy when it comes to classes, forgetting how to keep that debonair, suave persona intact.

Larneis hands a piece of the treat to Sieryn as well "Do the same as I just instructed Fae, ok?"

Larneis runs over quickly and hands Seif a piece of the treat "Here, use it as a lure..."

Atreya sees a bunch of people trying to get their animals to heel and holding the canine with her left hand she crouches low then gets on her knees and shimmys along on them. The sleeping canine's feet drag along the ground to her left just slightly and she hurridly goes round the room ducking to the sides of people so she's not too visible then gets back over to where her sis is.

Seif nods, stepping up beside Sieryn and the canine, wiggling the treat as a lure-- as directed. "C'mon, Akari. Heel for Sieryn.." Wiggle wiggle of the treat, and an unallayable grin.

Faelyn nods to the instructer, and repeats the phrase. "Voyager, heel!" Her tone is /much/ more demanding, if not quite forceful. The canine starts to drool, eyes locked on the treat. When his leash is given another sharp jerk, his focus is still on the treat, and he idly gets to his feet and dances up to her side. After a few more steps, the treat is tossed gently in the canine's direction, and he catches it in one big snap of drool and teeth.

Fimus slowly stretches, while still standing on Iaryl's shoulders, brown hair drapes over the grey fur quickly moves as Fimus drops to the floor and saunters next to Iaryl's side tail fully erect as regal as she can look. Iaryl glances down and stiffles a giggle, well feline's... canine's ... it's just an obediance class... Starting a step forward, the feline follows, quickly going about the room, feline at her heals every step of the way, until the last step when a leap is given to Iaryl's shoulders again.

Sieryn sighs, holding the treat tightly in her fist, and glancing down at Akari. "Akari..../heel/!"She snaps, not-so-kindly. "Come, on, /heel/!

Larneis settles herself in the front of the class and does her best *ahem*...that not being enough, she does her atempts at one of those really cool whistles, only to wind up with nothing more than drool dribbling down her chin. Ok, that's not working either. Maybe just a loud voice "Ahem! Ok, I see

you are all doing a great job! But we must go on! Now comes the sit. Basically, with your canine at the heal position, standing, you are going to say 'sit' while you, the handler, pushes the canine's rump down to the ground at the very same time. If the canine is unwilling, hold a piece of treat to their nose, moving it back as you push their rump down in the meantime."

Seif whistles sharply, still waving the treat vigorously. "Come /on/, Akari! Heel!" Hiiiiiss. Now he understands why runners were always more appealing than canines. Sigh.

Iaryl giggles and leans against, the wall, being carefull of Fimus's tail that is draping down her back. Fimus is already sitting...

Atreya having stayed on her knees nods her head as she watches Larni quietly canine still held with legs dangling then glances over towards the canine, sit? Well should be able to...

Myana gives another one of those communing looks with Perky. "we've done this before, hey girl.." Wait a sec! Where's Surupa? *sigh* Oh well.. She raises her hand sharply, saying "Sit!" Perky sits. "Goooood giiiirl!" Yep, and good scratch behind the ears.

Faelyn pats her young hound's shoulder. "Well, this is something we know, right boy?" She smiles down to him and says the quick command: "Voyager, sit." Her

hand is set lightly on his rump, and he obediently sets his bottom to the floor. "Good boy!" The apprentice says quickly, scritching the canine's ears again.

Akari raises her eyes at Voyager, who seems to be doing exactly what....what's this? Can't be shown up by this canine! No, sir! She snaps the treat and sits, perfectly, haunches down firmly on the floor.

Fimus just scowls down at the canines from her lofty perch ontop of Iaryl's shoulders, Canines...

Deje chirps sharply at Fimus, eyes whirling in contempt. Enough..

Larneis hears Faelyn's motivation after the canine sits and ooh's "I almost forgot! No matter what, always motivate your canine after a job well done! This can be done by a good chest rubbing, a 'good boy/girl' them their favorite toy...just...whatever works!"

Myana grins at Perky, and nods, giving the canine a finaly pat. Taking that as a yes, she stands up again, and looks pleadingly at Myana. I did a good job, why don't /I/ get a treat?

Seif grins down at Akari, rewarding the canine with a coaxing: "Good girl!" A pat is also delivered to her head, along with a smile up at Sieryn. "I'd say we're having better luck with this command, eh?"

Atreya uses her hands to mold the sleeping canine into a sitting position then scratches behind his ears... he's being good after all not moving out of the sitting position.

Sieryn laughs. "Seems that way...if I didn't know any better, I'd say this little dear has her eye out to be better than that one over there." She points, unsure of the canine's name. "What'd she call him...Voyager?"

Akari barks at hearing another name, head raised to eye Sieryn. What's this? Paying attention to someone /else/? Oh, this will not do...

Seif nods, chuckling softly. "I'd have to agree. Yeah, I think it was Voyager or something." Twin 'brows are waggled slightly. When did canines become competitive? Kinda like Shai and Shia. Bad reminder. At hearing the bark, the Probby quickly resumes the stroking of Akari's head. "Good girl."

Larneis looks around the class at all of the rustle and bustle "So, has everyone gotten their canine to sit? Are we able to go on...or do we need more time?" She questions no one in particular.

Atreya stays kneeling beside the 'sitting' canine as she waits for the next step quietly, "i'm ready," she calls out hearing larneis queery.

Sieryn glances down at Akari, whose head is temporarily restrained at the moment. "I think we're fine!" She calls, moving her own hand to cover Akari's trembling snout. "Enough, you."

Iaryl tries to piviot her head without nocking over the feline to look at the perched sitting feline and stutters out "II'mm rereaddy." course it's a feline not a canine, but oh well? Myana cals, "I'm ready to move on!"

Faelyn nods to the instructer.

Larneis nods "Great! Then the next is the down. While you canine is in the sit position, take a treat in one hand and move it forward and towards the ground in front of the canine while with your other hand, gently tug down on the leash towards the ground---all in the meantime giving the command 'down'. Now, if that doesn't work, if you place your arm behind their front legs and apply pressure on their back, that should work..."

Atreya raises an eyebrow peering to her left at the canine. Finally she shrugs and lets the canine down onto the ground beside her, he immideately rolls onto his back legs in the air continueing to sleep.

Myana nods, watching, and wonders how on Pern she got Perky to respond without as much of this? Maybe that's why it took so long.. oh well! WIthout a word, she turns to Perky, and does the sharp, 'sit' hand motion, then turns her hand palm down, and curls her fingers in.

Seif takes up the job of placing the treat on the ground in front of Akari, looking up at Sieryn for approval.

Perky sits obediently, and reluctantly lays down when she's commanded to. Hwoever, her ears 'perk' up when she sees Myana's hand going to her pocket..

Myana reaches into a pouch, and pulls out a piece of yummy- to a canine, at least- dried meat, and gives it to Perky, who is still laying on the ground, patiently.

Sieryn blinks her exhaustion, watching Akari intently. "Seif, you're certainly handling her better than I am.."

Myana says, "Goood Girl!" And gives Perky still more love and atention.

Iaryl rolls her eyes at the canines as the feline on her shoulder stays quite firmly perched, now this she will not stoop to. "Fimus? Okay, you don't have to. Yes I know, I'm sorry, but you were the one that chose." she mumbles mostly to herself but audible to most.

Akari reaches for the treat, stretching her neck at the sharp command of 'down', issued from a rather tired looking Sieryn. Seif gives Akari a mild reprimend as she reaches for the treat: "/Stay/, Akari."

Larneis smiles. Wow, the canines are /actually/ getting this easily! Darby was so stubborn before, nothing could get him down "Looking good guys! Looking good...tell me when you're all able to move on, ok?"

Faelyn kneels down beside Voyager, muttering an encouraging, "Don't worry boy, we know this!" before jerking downward slightly on the leash and commanding, "Voyager, down!" The canine slides his front feet foreward until he's in a "down" position, and recieves a pat on the head and a scratch on the ears from Faelyn, along with a happy, "Good boy!"

Myana feeds Perky another treat, kneeling beside her for a few minutes. "I'm ready when you are!"

Atreya calls out, "read t'move on," after a small glance up to her sister to see if Fimus was going to lie down. She did everything else better then the canines really after all...

A haven is a haven, and Sieryn is, albeit reluctantly, forced to leave hers and bundle up against the harsh realities of Real Life.

Larneis nods "Ok, you look all set. The last thing we are going to do is /attempt/ the, for now, all you're going to do is turn your body so that your right leg is " she pauses "Well, first put them in the sitting position, or whatever position suits you, /then/ place your hand in front of their snout, and place your right leg in front as well. Tell them to stay, and take a step or two back. If they get up, start all over again, giving them a slight correction each time."

Seif goes home.

Atreya blinks as she listens to larni then frowns ever so slightly and then glances at the canine. Shrugging she leaves him in the 'lying down position' and back away. He stays put of course still sleeping away both eyes lightly lidded over.

Iaryl tries to fade back off intot he background, not having a canine to work with and her feline refusing to cooperate again. Unfortuenatly her tall frame, even hunched over as she is standing, does not do well for blending into walls.

Faelyn, still kneeling, places her hand infront of the canine's face. He cocks his head at her questioningly, as she slowly rises to her feet and backs up a step, still holding her hand out like a shield. The hound-like canine rises to a sitting position, or at least half way between the floor and sitting, but moves no farther than that. Faelyn walks back to her 'puppy' and scritches both of his ears. "Good boy!"

Larneis smiles "I can see that for the most part, this exercise worked out well. Anyway, that about does it for basic obedience...if you want more in depth, then I'd be happy to teach another training class, focused more on showing exercises and such on a later date...other than that, once we get this furniture back and all the hair and drool cleaned up, then the class is dismissed." she says with a grin, and a wagsnaf directed at the sleeping canine. And she thought students were bad!

Myana motions Perky up. "Thanks muchly, Larneis! next time I'll do it properly!' Yep, she's gonna have a herd of canines!

Iaryl pauses a moment as she melts away from the wall for a moment "Mmaa'mm, arre ththere susuch a thining as feline obbedienence classes?" before she quickly tries to retreat back again, almost squiching Fimus's tail in the proces.

Myana begins cleaning up, good girl that she is.

Larneis grins "ok, who's gonna help me move this stuff back? Hopefully those who want credit! And theirs much canine stuff to be cleaned up as well!"

Myana quickly grabs her favourite chair, stufing it in the best corner before anyone can stop her, then starts to shove the others in place.

Atreya leaves sleeping canine to lie where she is as she shoves the chair she'd moved back and a few others. A rugs pulled back too then she glances out the window and sees the two other herders she'd come with on the blue dragon outside already, "gotta run" she calls out grabbing the sleeping canine and slinging him over her shoulder on the way.

Voyager has left.

Atreya goes home.

Larneis crawls on all fours, grabbing canine hair and wiping drool with a rag.

Eww...gross. One bad thing about having so many canines in one room at once, that's for sure!

Iaryl pushes 'her' chair back in place as well as helping another apprentience move a couch and a Klah table back onto the rug.

Larneis takes a quick glance around. Well, it certainly won't ever be back to the condition Lesana had made her make it the last sevenday, that's for sure.

Oh well, it's good enough for her. For now, she plumps herself down on her favorite sofa with a big sigh.

Iaryl plops down into the seat Fimus quickly relocating to the back of the chair, her twitching tail draping over IAryl's shoulder.