Han's Holos 2

Here are a few more pictures for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy! :)

Another Argument

This is Mr. and Mrs. Solo on Hoth. I was told they argued a lot back then. It raised the troops' spirits though; Mr. Solo told me he placed a few bets on who the winner of the fight would be, himself! He also said, Mrs. Solo won a lot of the time, so he lost a lot of credits! :)

Close Call

This is Mr. and Mrs. Solo escaping from the Battle of Hoth. One of the caverns collapsed and almost crushed Mrs. Solo but Mr. Solo pushed her out of the way, saving her life yet again. I wonder what they would do if they didn't have each other...It's a scary thought!

Life Day on Kashyyyk

This is everyone (well, almost) on Kashyyyk, celebrating Life Day with Chewie's family (though they're not shown). This is not the best picture, but it was the only one I could find. It turns out that on Earth, they made a TV movie of this too, with the same people, though it's harder to tell. I heard it didn't go over very well because of certain...mishaps that took place during the making of it.

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