My Intergalactic Pets

Here is where you can see all of the pets that I have. Currently I own three; Jacen has about five or six right now, though. But that's okay; we all share.

Rebecca and Robby

These two are twin ewoks--and utterly inseparable. They are very special because they were born with a lot less fur than most, and they are smaller than average. I found them abandonned on Endor, and I was allowed to take them home and care for them myself.

They are three years old and love to play. Both crave attention. Robby is the nature freak and enjoys exploring nature and teaching his sister all about different plants. Rebecca is sort of the ring leader; she takes charge a lot of the time and loves to entertain.


Christian is a Hyronikaya from the planet Hedron. He is one year old and very adorable. Unfortunately, he was abused and that is why I have him now. You can still see scars, but Christian doesn't seem to notice anymore; he is a very happy baby now and is adjusting to his new home very well.

My E-Tree

Actually, Jacen told me about e-trees; he took me to see a whole bunch of them out in the Y'Anarija forests on Coruscant! He suggested I adopt one and I agreed. Jacen showed me how to make the special sugar the e-trees eat; they cannot make their own food. Though this e-tree won't get very tall, I enjoy watching it grow.

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