Sexual Assault is No Laughing Matter.

Restore The Innocence

Thank you for taking the time to view this page. I know no one enjoys hearing the words sexual assault/abuse, but it is one of the dirty truths in our world today, centuries before--but hopefully not for centuries to come. It has happened, and will happen, to people. And children.

If you have any helpful information on groups, websites and such about this topic, please don't hesitate to e-mail me and tell me. Whether you are a victom of sexual assault/abuse or you're just interested in finding information on these matters, you are most welcome here.

Thank you again for taking some time out to visit. Unfortunately, this sort of thing is going on right now, and has been going on for centuries. Won't you help stop this madness from continuing for centuries to come? Join the mailing list for now, visit the links for more information, and hopefully I'll find a better way to get this message across. And please join the campaign; help fight against sexual assault!

May the Force be with you. Ezie

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Informative Links

Australian Child Abuse Survivors Page
Sexual Assault Information Page
Facts About Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment: Myths and Realities
Partners And Allies of Sexual Assault Survivors Resources List
PCAR Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape
Sexual Assault Throughout the U.S.
Sexual Trauma Institiute
If Someone you Love Has Been Sexually Assaulted....
Anti-Child Pornography
Child Abuse Newsgroups
P.A.N.D.O.R.A.'s Box- Stop Child Sexual Abuse
An Attitude Adjuster for a Well-Known Child Molesting Liberal
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