There but for the Grace of God

There but for the Grace of God

Okay this is one of my fave EVER danny eps, yeah i know they’re all my faves but this is a fave fave. Just thought I‘d warn you about all the opinionated babble about come your way.

We start off with SG1 on P3R 233. Teal’c thinks that it’s the site of a Goa’uld attack but not recently. Daniel supports this theory by adding “no bodies!” but being the eternal explorer we also “wonders what’s behind curtain number 2.” Jack responds with: “Take Carter and check it out.” That’s not really fair is it? Even on an abandonned planet Jack won’t let Daniel play by himself! LOL What is behind curtain number 2 depends on your POV. It’s either “A tresure chest from diverse human cultures” or a “souvenir shop”!! Basically a whole bunch of tagged artifacts, possibly being studied.

Teal’c finds a Goa’uld symbol which means that the entire of the surface of the planet is radioactive so Jack decides leaving might be a good idea. He comes in to call for Sam and Daniel and isn’t prepared to listen to any arguments. Daniel gets ready to leave packing us many of the artifacts into his bag as he can, when he touches a little pink and blue device. He looks up to see a shimmering in a slab of rock with the middle missing (which he seems to insists is a mirror!) so (being daniel!!) he touches it! He decides that they have to take this back so goes to look for SG1 to help him carry it but there’s no-one there! He doesn’t seem too worried but a little annoyed saying “Ohh I really hate it when this happens!” Hey Jack, how many times to you leave our darling little daniel behind?? and how come you won’t trust him alone in a different room but will leave him on a planet!?!

So Daniel dials Earth and comes home to find a whole bunch of scary looking soldier guys pointing their guns at him!! He tells them he’s “Daniel Jackson, SG1.” That doesn’t get them to move their guns and then General opps sorry Colonel Hammond shows up asking Daniel “Who the hell are you?”

They think Daniel is a Goa’uld so they (someone not Dr. Frasier) injects him with something sedative like and stuffs him in an MRI. just before he passes out, he manages to find out that Jack O’Neill is a General. He wakes up in a locked room and bangs on the door until Catherine Langford appears. She doesn’t seem to know him okay she kinda does

Daniel: Catherine

Catherine: You know me.

Daniel: Of course, You don’t know me?

Catherine: Dr, Daniel Jackson, linguist, ancient Eypgtian historian. Better known for some of your more radical ideas. At the minute I’m more interested in how you came through my Stargate.

Daniel: Your Stargate?? What the hell is going on here, Catherine?

Catherine: I’d prefer you address me as Dr. Langford.

Urrgh!! Actually it gets stranger, she also tells him that Sam isn’t in the military but has a PhD in Astrophysics. Once he starts talking about Ernest Littlefield though, she decides to take him seriously and introduces him to General O’Neill. Interesting little ‘first’ meeting, thought I’d transcribe it.

Daniel: Jack?

Jack: Look we’re in the middle of a situation right now. I don’t know who you are but Dr. Langford says you might be able to help us.

Daniel: Okay this is starting to get a little bit spooky. Now a few hours ago everything about this palce was different. Well not everything, you’re still you......sort of.

Jack: What can you tell me about the Goa’uld (see not even this Jack has time for Danny’s babble!)

Daniel: What??

Jack: The Goa’uld. You know who they are??

Daniel: Uhhh yeah.

Jack: Tell me what you know.

Daniel: Okay maybe i’ve completely lost my mind but as far as I am concerned, we knnow each other very well. You know everything that I know. Look I’m a member of SG1 with you Captain Carter and Teal’c. Where where is Teal’c?

Jack: *looks confused*

Daniel: Big guy, gold embelm on his head, Goa’uld in his stomach. You can’t miss him.

Jack: A Jaffa?

Daniel: Yes he’s our friend.

Jack: Get this man outta here, right now!!

Okay I think at that point Jack is EVEN more annoyed with Daniel than he normally is! But Daniel does do something useful and gives Catherine the address to Chulak. And then Sam walks in (with REALLY pretty hair).....

Daniel: Sam!!!

*A long pause* Sam: Who is this??

Sam tells us that we’ve ‘lost’a couple more cities and then shows Daniel a map of all the cities which have been destroyed, there were A LOT, including mine! LOL

In the next scene Daniel and Catherine are discussing the objects he found on P3R 233, including the mirror when he notices that they’re sending a bomb through the gate, being the ever diplomat that he is, he has to try and convince Jack to stop. Another rather cute moment.

Daniel: You’re sending a nuclear weapon to Chulak?? *he sees the piece of paper on which he wrote the address.

Jack: You got a problem with that?

Daniel: The Jaffa aren’t you’re enemies, they’re just slaves.

Jack: Okay try to comprehend what’s going on here. We estimate the death toll to Earth as 1.5 billion. Who do you think is flying those ships trying to blow up our world? You give me ONE good reason why i shouldn’t be striking back.

Daniel: *A longish pause* They have no choice.

Jack: Send the bomb.

Ahhh poor Daniel just seems to get more and more confused no wonder he starts muttering a chant “This isn’t happening. This is nuts. This isn’t happening.” Now this seems to help because he suddenly realises what all the audience knew about 5 minutes in. “Is it possible that the Stargate malfunctioned or went haywire and I came into a totally different screwed up version of Earth?” Sam agrees that it’s possible but the Stargate would not have caused that, Catherine suggests that maybe it was the mirror on 233. At which point, the stargate becomes available (The Goa’uld have been keeping it open from the off-world) and everyone becomes busy, leaving daniel just standing there. He uses a conviently located computer to search for Jackson, Daniel. All he gets is the last known place of residence was Eygpt. He sees that most of Eygpt is blocked in red on the map leading to a really, really cute scene.

daniel: Uh oh!

Sam: What?

Daniel: I think I’m dead!!

LOL ONLY Daniel could stand there and say he was dead!!

Anyway the war with the Goa’uld seems to get worse and worse, with an enemy ship coming straight for them. It could have fired and wiped them all out but that would have been waaaay too easy so it lands instead.

Sam decides that it might be a good idea for Daniel to hear a message they picked up near P3R 233. He translates it as ‘Beware the destroyers. They come from 3, 32, 16, 8, 10, 12.’ They decide that this must be “like a Goa’uld homeworld!” But need the alien stargate, which Daniel has on tape! Hey, go danny, go danny!!

Jack walks in saying that they’re losing....badly. He sees Sam, our Sam (short hair) on video and asks “What the hell is this?” Daniel replies with “My reality” sounding quite proud. hmm!

Daniel decides that if he could get the Goa’uld homeworld address back to his Earth, we would still have a chance. It takes some doing (and a VERY Jack like Jack quote ie “Let me get this straight. You want us to give up what might be our last chance to strike back at the Goa’uld, so we can save ourselves in an...what??”) but Daniel gets Jack to agree. In order to do so however, he has to buy some time off Teal’c, who is still the First Prime of Apophis! That doesn’t work too well Teal’c kills Jack, using a really BIG version of a staff weapon! Oh BTW Jack and Sam were engaged! I wonder what’s happened to Sha’re?

Catherine is getting ready to send Sam and Daniel through the gate, she’s supposed to follow later, but they realise that Daniel might need the remote control thing so Sam goes to get it. Daniel thanks Catherine but she brushes him off with “You helped reunite me with Ernest in your reality? Well I guess in the grande scheme of things we’re even.”

Colonel Hammond gets shot while engaging the Goa’uld. Sam blows herself up with a hand grenade but takes a room full of Jaffa with her. And Catherine gets shot by Jaffa whilst still trying to send Daniel through the gate. Teal’c does catch up with our beloved Daniel but....and maybe this is just in my imagination, I think he waited a few seconds before firing so maybe Jack didn’t die in vain. Teal’c DOES however shoot hurting Daniel arm. Well it wouldn’t be Staragte withouut Danny whumping right?? Oh and the autodestruct kills Teal’c and everyone else left in the base!

See that is the cool thing about AUs. Anything goes. EVERYONE (minus OUR Daniel) dies! Sam and Jack are engaged. Hammond is a colonel. Catherine is back and Teal’c has hair!

Back in our reality SG1 are still looking for Daniel and when they find him he’s understandably intense. The closing words said with considerable pain and gritted teeth “Jack, we’re all in VERY big trouble. They’re coming......they’re coming!”

And so starts a three part arc with even more danny whumping!! I’m not going to do the Great moments for this ep because every momnet was so great!

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