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Okay another one of my absolute faves. I think we get even more of an insight into Daniel than usual. he doesn't have to worry about what he's saying so he can just be completely honest and doesn't have to edit his thoughts. so on with the episode.
The episode starts with SG1 viewing footage from a MALP. We see a huge pryamid, well over 1000 metres high, according to Sam. Daniel asks Sam to zoom in on something and it appears to be a Crystal Skull, identical to one that Daniel's grandfather discovered in Belise.
In a briefing Daniel is explaining that the crystal skull is strange because it shouldn't have been able to be created with the technology of the time. He also tells us about his grandfather "The great explorer, the not-so-great grandfather, Nicolas Ballard. He prefered being called Nick even when I was a kid."
They go to explore the pyramid. Daniel is pretty amazed by it saying "you could fit every pryamid on Earth in this thing and still have room to spare". Sam is babbling about how something inside the pyramid which can slow neutrinos will change the face of physics. Daniel has now turned his awe at the skull: "It's like a living thing!" Jack is concerned with something a little different "I wonder how far down that is!" LOL
Daniel still obsessing over the skull looks into it's eyes and gets consumed by some sort of energy field. Teal'c shoots at the skull (the Guardian Angel strikes again). The field disippates. Daniel is lying on the floor but the rest of SG1 don't seem to be able to see him. Sam faints due to the radiation so they have to leave without Daniel. Just before Teal'c walks away, we get what for him is a very worried glance!
On coming back through the gate General Hammond asks: "Where's Dr. Jackson?" jack doesn't answer but just puts his head down on the ramp. Awww how familar must this be coming through the gate without our beloved!
In the infirmary Teal'c tell Dr. Frasier and General Hammond about Daniel disappearing. The General uses the MALP's IR sensors to see if they can find Daniel, they come up with nothing.
Teal'c decides he needs to go back to the Pyramid to get the skull so they can study it. He insists he's well enough despite what Janet thinks (awww!) And then we get a really cute Teal'c moment, okay these are kinda rare so I have to mention it (forgive me Danny babe!) Hammond: And if that think Zaps you to where ever it sent Dr. Jackson? Teal'c: Then I will have succeeded in locating him. (LOL!!)
So Teal'c goes to the pryamid. His coming back brings Daniel back to consciousness. Poor babe is a little confused "What happened? Where is everybody?" Teal'c doesn't hear him. He picks up the skull packages it and turns around to leave, walking straight through Daniel in the process! He comes through the gate with Daniel following. The wormhole is destabilised pretty soon after Teal'c gets through almost killing our poor Danny!!!
General Hammond tells Teal'c that Rothman is waiting to study the skull, he doesn't seem to be able to see Daniel either.
Teal'c: Major Carter will also want to study it.
Hammond: As soon she's fully recovered.
Daniel: Recovered? From what?? What happened?? (aww even when Daniel is going through such a HUGE crisis himself, he's still more worried about his team/friends!)
In the infirmary, Teal'c is updating Jack on what's happening. He tells him that Rothman is working on the Skull. Jack's response: "Rothman couldn't figure out an ashtray. The guy we need working on that skull is Daniel." This receives quite a surprised look from Daniel. (trust danny to not release how amazing he is, and how we all think so!! Bless him!)
Teal'c and General Hammond go to the lab where Rothman is working. Daniel is with them. General Hammond asks him for a report. Daniel, being daniel, couldn't resist helping so he tries with "Okay Robert, you can do this. I know you can. Focus on the Myan legends, the lost Pyramids of Belise, the Ballard Skull. That's where the answer is."
Robert: Well....it's a crystal skull!
The next bit is just as productive. Teal'c decides to throw him a bone.
Teal'c: We believe it to be a teleportation device.
Rothman: You serious?
Daniel: That's good Robert, be skeptical.
Hammond: We were hoping your archeological expertise could help provide insight into where he was sent.
Rothman: *sniffs on a hayfever thingy (awww how very Daniel!)* It's a skull!
Daniel: Not that skeptical!
General Hammond gets in his best command mode and orders Robert to have a full report completed by 1200 hours. After they've left Robert looks a little frustrated and asks Siler (who just conviently happens to be there) "Teleportation device! Uh what do you think?"
Siler: I think you're gonna get fired!
We then see Teal'c in Kelnoreem. He seems to sense someone is present in the room so asks: "Is someone present?" Daniel replies with "Yes it's me!! I'm right here! Just don't *Teal'c doesn't see or hear anything more so walks straight through Daniel to get back* walk straight through me. It's very disconcerting!"
Sam and Janet walk into the lab where Rothman is supposed to be wroking. Daniel is there too. Rothman has his eyes glued to the skull (eyes glued to skull...lol!! I didn't mean it literally!). Sam shouts at him to stop. Daniel, who is looking very frustrated, comments that he's been trying to tell Rothman the same thing. But our sweet little junior Daniel is trying to prove a point...he really doesn't think the skull did this. Sam tells him to get lost. Well okay she actually says she'll take over.