Weakest Link – The Revenge!

Weakest Link – The Revenge!

Author: Lady Elwing

Anne: Welcome back to the....Weakest Link. All the contestants are from SGA military base, please introduce yourselves.

Sam: Major Samantha Carter, USAF

Teal'c: I am Captain Sam Davis, Jr.

Anise: I am Anise, which means "Noble Strength"

Daniel: I'm Daniel, it means "God is my Judge"

Jack: Hey! Not this again!

Anne: Do not speak out of turn.

Janet: I am Dr. Janet Fraiser and I am going to win.

Anne: Really.

Davis: I'm Major Davis from the Pentagon.

Seven: Seven of Nine, tertiary adjunct of unimatrix01 and what am I doing here?

Anne: You are on the weakest link.

Seven: I am not weak.

Apophis: Where did you get your eyepiece? It looks better than mine.

Seven: Yours requires cleaning.

Anne: Please refrain from unnecessary conversation.

Apophis: I am here to gain your currency before destroying your planet.

Jack: Not if I have anything to say about it!

Anne: *cough* We will begin with a series of questions. Do not forget to bank. Samantha. What water bottling company was founded in 1924?

Sam: Oh Calistoga!

Anne: Correct. Sam Davis, What Sci-Fi movie hit the theatres in 1977?

Teal'c: What is the significance of this question?

Anne: Anise, what breakfast food is supposed to give you incredible strength?

Anise: I do not know, however, the armbands of the Ateniks....

Anne: Incorrect. Daniel, what children's show involves "Time Force"?

Daniel: Well I recently set one off myself involving earth in a time loop...

Anne: Your time is up and you only banked 100$. You are pathetic. It is time now to vote off the first.....Weakest link! In the first round, Samantha was the strongest, the only one to answer correctly.

Sam: I voted for Anise, she takes too long on her answers.

Teal'c: Apophis.

Anne: He did not even answer anything.

Anise: Apophis. He gets on my nerves.

Daniel: Jack. Get him off before he starts annoying everyone.

Jack: HEY!

Janet: Seven. She creeps me out.

Davis: Sam Davis, they shouldn't have given him my name.

Seven: Anise. She does not appear to have a grasp of species 5618.

Jack: Anise. Before she accidentally kills someone.

Apophis: Teal'c. He betrayed me!

Anne: There is no-one here by that name. The overall votes were for Anise. You are the weakest link. Goodbye.

Interview Room: Anise: They have a point, I am not familiar with earth's popular culture. Besides, I have an experiment I left unfinished before I left. _____________________________

Anne: Welcome to round two of.........the Weakest Link!

Apophis, who plays Sidney Fox on the tv show "Relic Hunter"?

Apophis: Whoever it is will die.

Anne: Uh, incorrect. Jack, where is the mythical "Avalon" located?

Jack: Catalina island, loved those beaches!

Anne: Incorrect. Seven, what musical is "Every Little Nothing" from?

Seven: Little Mary Sunshine.

Anne: Correct! Davis, where is Harlech?

Davis: Is that some new kind of motercycle?

Anne: Correct. Janet, where is the Sesamoid bone found on the body?

Janet: A sesamoid is not a bone.

Anne: Time's up. That was terrible. You now have only 200$ in the bank. Seven was the strongest link. Please vote now for the weakest link.

Sam: Janet.

Teal'c: Apophis. He wishes to destroy your planet.

Anne: I don't think that is relevant right now.

Daniel: Apophis, he stole Sha're.

Janet: Davis. We don't need people from the Pentagon telling us what to do.

Davis: Excuse me? Anyways I voted for Apophis.

Seven: Janet has proved herself to be flawed.

Janet: I knew I didn't like her...

Jack: Uh, I think everyone here hates Apophis........

Apophis: YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! I will enslave your people and....

Anne: Ya ya, who did you vote for?

Apophis: Teal'c will be the first to die.

Anne: Uh huh, you are the strangest group I've had in a while. Apophis, you ARE the weakest link.......goodbye.

Interview Room:

Apophis: I will crush your planet to the core, and erase all trace of your existance. Oh, and Seven, visit my new mothership soon...I look forward to meeting you again.


Anne: This is the third round. You have only banked $200, you have to potential for much more. Samantha, who is the only Bonanza cast member still alive?

Sam: Uh...wasn't that some western show?

Anne: Incorrect. Sam Davis, where is Tuscany?

Teal'c: It is a location on the planet Earth.

Anne: Pathetic. Daniel, what is the writing of Ancient Egypt?

Daniel: Everyone always gets this one wrong. For the last time it is not called "hieroglyphics" it is refered to as either Hierog...

Anne: TIME! You take too long on your questions. You have not added anything to the bank.

Samantha: As much as I like Sam Davis, I'm afraid he has to go.

Teal'c: I agree with Major Carter, however, I vote for O'Niell.

Daniel: I have to say Major Davis.

Janet: Samantha Carter.

Davis: Sam Davis, he doesn't know what he's doing.

Seven: Sam Davis. His logic is flawed.

Jack: Sorry Tea...I mean Sam Davis but "bye bye"

Anne: Captain Sammy Davis, Jr. you ARE the weakest link. Goodbye.

Interview Room:

Teal'c: I do not comprehend this "game show". I wish the others luck, although I know not what they wish to accomplish.


Anne: We are down to six contestants now. Try to do better this round. Jack, who wrote "The Two Towers"?

Jack: Um...the two builders?

Anne: Incorrect. Seven, which side of the church are the bride's parents seated?

Seven: Which species do you refer to?

Anne: Uh...Davis, what does "Vader" mean?

Davis: Father as in "Luuuuukeeee I aaaam Youuuurrrrr Faaaaatheeeer"

Anne: No theatrics necessary.

Janet, what is "Tessa Alverado's" alterego?

Janet: The Queen of Swords. I'm totally gonna win this!

Anne: Correct. Daniel, what do spanish ladies wear in their hair?

Daniel: um....I only studied ancient cultures....a comb I guess.

Anne: Correct. Samantha what is the Dallas football team?

Sam: Aren't they some western theme?

Anne: Time's up...well you are improving. You managed to get all the way around.

Sam: Why do I always get the weird questions? Okay I vote off Seven.

Daniel: Jack, the two towers was by J.R.R. Tolkien

Janet: Seven. What's with that weird hand device?

Davis: Janet, she is creating a sticky situation.

Seven: Janet. It is difficult to function in her vicinity.

Jack: Janet, go have some fruit loops.

Anne: Janet, you ARE the weakest link. Goodbye.

Interview Room:

Janet: They are COWARDS. They knew I was superior and would win. Well, the next physical I will revenge myself upon them.


Anne: Round five of the worst contestants ever to disgrace this show.

Jack, what does "GIF" stand for?

Jack: Great I'm Failing?

Anne: Incorrect. Seven, where is "Petaluma"?

Seven: It is in California, on Earth.

Anne: Uh, okay....Davis, who wrote "Barchester Towers"?

Davis: Mr. Barchester?

Anne: Incorrect. Daniel what play is "we few we happy few" from?

Daniel: The great Shakespeare composed this as a sort of sequel to the popular play about Prince He...

Anne: Get to the point.

Daniel: Uh....Henry the V. It is the speech just before the battle of .....

Anne: TIME!

Jack: Daniel quit rambling.

Daniel: Well at least I knew the answer.

Anne: Time to vote off the next contestant.

Sam: Jack. He really isn't good at this. Sorry, sir.

Jack: Sure you're sorry.

Daniel: Jack. Before I start throwing priceless artifacts at his head.

Davis: Daniel. He wastes to much time on his intellectual answers.

Seven: Davis. His answer was flawed.

Jack: Davis. His answers are as bad as mine.

Anne: There is a tie. The strongest link is Seven.

Seven: I already gave my opinion.

Anne: Davis, you ARE the weakest link. Goodbye.

Interview Room:

Davis: I knew this would happen. Everyone here at the Pentagon gets picked on. Nobody understands how important this job is to the welfare of the *edited by military* Program.


Anne: There are now only four contestants left. You have banked $700. Jack, how many Star Trek series are there?

Jack: let's see....that one with spock...uh then deep space nine, wait did I forget one..

Seven: Are you implying I am just a tv show character?

Anne: SHUT UP people. Okay Samantha, what is the average rainfall in the amazon basin?

Jack: This is a cliche.

Anne: AAAAAUUUUUGHHHHH TIME! This is a mess. How can you people work together?

Jack: We manage.

Daniel: That's debatable.

Anne: Okay vote someone else off so we can end this!

Sam: Jack, he keeps interrupting me.

Daniel: I agree with Sam.

Seven: Jack requires assistance.

Sam: I believe the phrase is: "He needs some serious help"

Jack: Well not that this matters but I voted for Daniel. He keeps making fun of me.

Interview Room:

Jack: Well I know I'm not as much of a brain as Carter and Daniel...okay and Seven, so, I guess I kinda deserved to be voted off. Can I be in Survivor III?


Anne: We are now down to three contestants....the bank is at $700, can you raise it this time? Samantha, what is a feline?

Sam: A type of cat...that was easy.

Anne: correct. Daniel, who is Elvis Presley?

Daniel: Uh....I donno I only studied history up to the 1700's.

Anne: Incorrect. Seven, what is "RGB"?

Seven: A colour gamut "red green blue".

Anne: Correct. Samantha, what is another name for a waterfall?

Sam: A Cascade or in scientific terms....

Anne: Correct. Daniel, which side was Robert E Lee on in the Civil War?

Daniel: On which planet?

Anne: Seven, what is a "BMW"?

Seven: A means of transport found on earth.

Anne: Correct. TIME! You managed to bank $1100, raising your amount.

Sam: I voted for Daniel. He just wasn't getting the questions right.

Daniel: I voted for Sam, she is too good to compete with.

Seven: Daniel. He is not in touch with this species culture.

Anne: Daniel, you ARE the weakest link. Goodbye.

Interview Room:

Daniel: What I want to know is who Seven is, is this a crossover or something? It wasn't fair. If I had gone up against Lt. Tyler or something I would have won.


Anne: Welcome to the last round of............the Weakest Link! We have here Seven of Nine and Major Samantha Carter. Tell me what you do in your spare time.

Sam: Well, I like working so I usually just go and putter around in my lab.

Seven: What is "spare time"?

Anne: You both need to get a life! Let's play "Weakest Link". Samantha, what is the art of writing?

Sam: Calligraphy?

Anne: Correct. What olympics is Fencing in?

Sam: Summer.

Anne: What opera was the character "Liu" found in?

Sam: I have no clue.

Anne: Seven, what was the answer to the last riddle in the opera Turandot?

Seven: Blood.

Anne: What bird found in the arctic cannot fly?

Seven: Penguin.

Anne: What animal is on the Welsh Flag?

Seven: What is a welsh?

Anne: Okaaaay, we are at a tie. Here is the final question. Samantha, how many hooked rug methods are there?

Sam: Uh two I guess....

Anne: Correct.

Seven, what is the artist associated with "Come Fly With Me"?

Seven: What does painting have to do with a song?

Anne: Seven, you ARE the weakest link. Goodbye. Sam, you will now leave with $1100 dollars. What do you plan to do with it?

Sam: Oh I donno. Maybe I'll use it to publish my book on "Wormhole Physics".

Anne: You couldn't find a publisher?

Sam: No more than Daniel could for "Love Loss and What Pyramids I Visited".

Anne: Good Luck. Thankyou for playing "Weakest Link".


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