A World within a World

A World within a World: Chapter 3

Author: Maria

Category: Crossover

Disclaimer: SG1 doesn’t belong to me. Buffy doesn’t belong to me. “Sniffles the geek boy” is something I read in a fanfic, one involving Kawalsky I think, but can’t quite remember. Anyway that doesn’t belong to me either. (it fits though LOL!)

Author’s Notes: Thank you to everyone who reviewed chapters 1 and 2. Sorry Matrix, the last chapter was didn’t have much of Spike. Hope this makes up for it! But remember this takes place just after Oz leaves. Spike hasn’t realised he’s in love with everyone’s fave slayer, just yet.

Characters personal thoughts are denoted as ‘place thought here’ whilst their statements are in speech marks “like so”.....original or what!

Oh by the way you can now read all my fanfic and other general babble on Danny babe on my web page. www.angelfire.com/scifi/mainlystargate

SG1 stood very still, shocked in place. ‘Damn’ Jack thought ‘All that military training and I get caught by a teenager!’ Daniel was about to introduce himself, ‘after all, she is fighting for Earth, just like us. She’s one of the good guys!’ But before he could carry it out Teal’c shot the Zat that was still poised in his hand. Buffy writhed in pain for a second, before she ended up unconscious on the ground.

“Teal’c!!??! Why did you do that. She asked perfectly reasonable questions!”

“DanielJackson, it seemed like the most simple answer her questions. May I remind you we are ‘undercover’.”

“Huh?? You can’t go round......”

“Danny-boy, leave it. Teal’c is right. We can’t actually tell her who we are. You said she has some kinda supernatural powers right?”

“Not *powers* Jack! She’s not Supergirl 2 or anything. She’s just chosen to fight vampires and has what may be considered ‘supernatural’ strength.”

“Right great, if she’s so strong one Zat gun shot can’t do much harm. So I suggest we pack up and leave before Teal’c is forced to shoot her again!”

“We can’t just leave her here!! Were you listening *even less* than usual. She’s a slayer, i.e. she goes around slaying vampires and worse. Do you know how many *things* must want her dead! If we leave her defenceless, chances are she’ll never regain consciousness!”

“Oh enough of the melodrama Daniel!”

“No sir, I think he’s right”

“Not you too, Carter!!” Jack said giving her his best Colonel look. She returned it with the one that says ‘you know Daniel is right!’ “Okay, okay. Daniel, Teal’c you’ve been spying on her you know where she lives...”

“Oh sure. We’ll just knocked on the door of the dorm she shares with the friend who figured out the SGCs security code and say sorry we happened to shoot your friend with a Zat. Hope she’s okay in the morning!”

“Sir whatever we do, we’d better do now. The effects of the Zat will start to wear off soon.”

“Fine Carter, we’ll take her back to the hotel. You don’t mind sharing a room tonight do you?”

“With a teenager who has super powers and puts pieces of wood through people’s hearts? No problem. Let’s go!” Teal’c following Sam’s instructions threw Buffy over his shoulder, with absolutely no regard for how inappropriate that looked and started walking back towards the hotel where they were staying. Jack, Daniel and Sam, a little more worried about appearances, started talking very loudly about how their friend had just been hurt and what they could do to help.


Spike had just paid a visit to the store. His supply of fags and booze had just run out. ‘Damn I should restock before they’re all completely gone. Being dead is hardly a good reason to stop enjoying life. Of course it’s not all enjoyment I *am* returning to Giles’s place. Okay so I’ve sunk pretty low but at least I get pig’s blood on occasion. And verbally bashing the whiny little slayer and co is always fun. Hey, a guys gotta get his kicks somehow’.

“Okay what is all the shouting about!!” he muttered after hearing Jack and Daniel arguing about the best way to carry their ‘friend.’ He looked in the direction of the noise hoping that he’d find a few demons he could pummel. Instead he saw a group of humans, one of whom had Buffy slung over his shoulder. ‘Huh?? They don’t look like part of the *Scooby gang.* The big guy definitely doesn’t. What are they doing with Buffy?.....hmm maybe I should go try and rescue her. Nah I can’t hurt them. I wouldn’t stand a chance, I’ll just go *give* this info to Giles. Maybe I should follow them, so I can see where they take her, at least. Again gonna go with Nah, the bitch isn’t worth my neck. Anyway, don’t want the beer to get warm.’ And Spike went discretely past SG1 and to Giles’s place.


SG1 arrived at Sam’s hotel room, just as Buffy was begining to stir.

“Okay kids, anyone got a convincing story we can tell her?”

“How about the truth?” Daniel suggested.

“The truth? As is the actual truth?”

“Sure, she is a force for good you know!”

“Good on this planet, how abouts we leave it that way?”

“Sir, we’d better think of something fast.” Sam stated the obvious as Buffy regained complete consciousness again.

“We may as well have Teal’c shoot her again” Daniel muttered bitterly and then sneezed 3 times in rapid succession ‘great I must be allergic to the awful polyester stuff this blanket is made of!’

“Oh don’t even try it!” Buffy shouted whilst struggling to get free of the strong grip Teal’c held her in. “Let me go!”

“Why don’t you loosen it up a little.....Murray” Jack ordered.

“Murray?? Funny coulda sworn I heard Sniffles the geek-boy here call him Teal’c” Buffy said whilst gesturing at Daniel.

“Sniffles the geek-boy? So you fight evil *and* insult humans who try and help you!” Daniel said trying not to sound hurt.

“Help me? Normally being shot and then kidnapped isn’t considered help!”

“Hey....we haven’t kidnapped.....” Daniel started and then broke off when he realised that’s exactly what they’d done.

“Look, we work for the Government. And we know that a friend of yours accessed some files that she shouldn’t have. We’re just here for damage control. We don’t want to hurt anybody.” Jack continued, deciding that telling her the truth might not be such a bad idea, well not the whole truth of course. An edited version would probably do.

“You mean that what Will found out is true?”

“That would depend on what it is she thinks she knows.”

“She said something about *aliens*”

“Aliens, yes. We deal with illegal aliens that cross the border.”

“Right, of course you do!! And the Stargate??”

“The Stargate is the code name for the project of designing a new reactor which can directly tap in to the power of a star to provide energy. Its maximum theoretical efficiency is over 300% more than the average heat engine used in reactors at the moment.” Sam answered, knowing that normally if she delivered physics speeches to lay people with enough confidence, they tended to believe whatever she said. Buffy paused for a second, not quite sure what to think ‘okay where’s Willow when you really need her!’

Jack sensed her hesitation and added “Look I don’t know much about your friend. But isn’t it possible that she read fragments of records and put it together in the most amazing way she could think of.”

Buffy again hesitated ‘Will has been really cut up over Oz, maybe she let her mind play tricks on her. She always was the imaginative type...........’ “Hold on a sec, I saw you guys dust a group of vamps and you still haven’t explained what that strange Gun thing you used was!”

“Were you not listening? We work for the Government, the military to be precise” Jack started ‘she probably already knows that anyway, telling her can’t do much harm’ “We get all the latest weapons. This one is really very simple and I’d love to show you how it works but that’s classified. As for the vampires, well they came at us, fangs at ready. Lucky we had Sniffles the geek-boy to tell us what to do. He studies strange things like mythology.”

“Yes and vampires have been referenced in many different cultures. The Babylonian Ekemu, the Chinese Quang Shee, the Hebrew Motod Stam, the Mormo from....”

“Yeah whatever. One Giles is more than enough. Thankyou.”

“Excuse me?” Daniel asked getting a little annoyed with this *slayer* girl!

“Nothing. Not important! So who are the Goa’uld?”

“Okay that’s enough questions from you. Don’t you think it’s our turn. You seem pretty comfortable with the idea of vampires yourself. Who are you?” Jack asked just to give his team a little breathing space.

“Hey, I’m not answering anything while this guy is squeezing me half to death!” Buffy exclaimed and then made another attempt at releasing herself from Teal’c. This time Teal’c was more relaxed (following the earlier order from Jack) and with her slayer strength, she managed to pull away from him. However, in the process, she knocked off his cap. Teal’c rushed to get it but Buffy had already caught sight of the gold tattoo on his forehead. “Okay what is that!”

“It is....” Teal’c began.

“A tattoo” Daniel finished for him, not quite sure what he was gonna end with. “Again gold tattoos have been very common in cultures all around the world throughout history. The Ancient Egyptians used to...” Sam smiled as Daniel continued his speech. ‘Hey he’s caught on to the dazzle them with jargon idea!’

“That’s really fascinating, honestly it is! But tell me what is a guy like you, who knows lots of stuff on a whole load of dead cultures, doing working with the military to design strange weapons and new power sources? And for that matter, what about ‘Mr. I rarely talk but have a strange gold tattoo on my head from some dead culture’?”

“Well your ‘Mr. rarely talks’ is one of our best weapons experts. He just doesn’t get much chance to socialise. As for Daniel we need him to......”

“Daniel? Did you say Daniel? As in Daniel Jackson? He who spent a year living with one of these dead cultures. And I really coulda sworn Dr. Jackson called the big guy Teal’c. Isn’t he the ‘Jaffa’ who used to serve the outer space kind of aliens called the Goa’uld but has now switched to the human side. Which means our physicist friend must be Major Sam Carter and you are the infamous Colonel Jack O’Neill; married and divorced; leader of SG1 and a ‘pain in the Niktah’ I believe.” Okay now Buffy was really glad that she taken the time to listen to the rest of Will’s rambling, after that first patrol, rather than fall asleep as she had wanted to at the time.

‘Damn!!’ Jack thought ‘she knows a lot more than we suspected. Oh Maybourne is going to love this!’

“Oh okay so you know who we are. Not a big deal, Ms. Vampire Slayer” Daniel was a friendly guy, normally easy to get along with but his patience with Buffy was wearing thin. You’re Buffy Summers. The chosen one. You fight evil, right here in Sunny Dale, your personal hell mouth. Willow Rossenberg is the girl who hacked in to our computers. She’s also a practising witch and for a while dated a werewolf. You’re friends with a vampire called Spike, who can’t hurt humans anymore. Your mum is called Joyce. Your father left you when you were young. At your previous school the Mayor turned into a giant snake on Graduation Day. The school before that, you burned down the gym! Need I go on?” Daniel said as smugly as he could manage. ‘Okay I’m glad I did do the recon now. I guess it wasn’t just Jack’s way of getting me and Teal’c out of the way!

Minutes passed and no one said anything. There was really nothing left to say.


At Giles place, Spike was far from speechless. “Okay Rupert, I already told you this a few hundred times. You know for a smart guy, you can be so bloody dense. Something bad’s happened to Buffy and if you want to know what you’ll have to empty your wallet.”

“And why should I trust you?”

“Why would I lie, when you’re giving me money!” Giles still looked a little unsure, still a little convinced that this was just a Spike plot to get money out of him. “Fine, if the slayer isn’t worth a couple of hundred bucks. Not my problem. I’ll get my money somehow else!”

“A couple of hundred? I’ll give you one. After you’ve told me what it is that’s happened.”

“$170 and no way am I gonna tell you before I get my money”

“Fine in that case $120.”

“$160. I do have expenses you know!”

“$150. And that’s my final offer. You’re information is probably not worth it.”

Spike thought about this a while ‘hey he may have a point. After all I don’t know who they were or where they took her. Yeah I can do with $150.’ “Yeah go on then. But only cos I like you so much!” Giles got out his wallet and reluctantly started counting out bills.

Just then Will burst in. Her cheeks red in exhaustion and frustration. “Giles! Something terrible’s happened! Buffy’s in trouble!! We have to assemble the gang! Help her quickly!!” She shouted, very out of breath. Wildly waving her arms around.

“Hey, that was my gig!” Spike protested.

“Look Spike, we don’t have time for games.”

“Fine. Willow, calm down and tell me from the start what happened.” Giles said.

“Okay don’t be mad but I did a locating spell. We know that the alien member of SG1 is actually two entities so I searched for any binding energy that seemed out of sync with the rest of us. And I actually found something!”

“Willow, you shouldn’t try such powerful magics by yourself......”

“Can the lectures please wait? Buffy needs help. I followed the spell to a hotel room. And when I looked in through the window, Buffy was unconscious and surrounded by people who looked a lot like pictures I saw in the personnel reports of SG1.”

“But you said they were good guys!”

“I thought they were. But they had Buffy unconscious, so I guess I was wrong.”

“Okay you call Xander, I’ll get the weapons.”

“Hey what about my money?” Spike complained.

“What money? Willow told me everything!”

“But I knew it. I risked my neck following these guys! Don’t I deserve some kinda compensation?” Giles and Willow both gave him a look that said ‘Yeah, sure you risked your neck’ and neither of them bothered with a reply!


About 20 minutes later Giles, Willow and Xander had arrived outside the hotel. Giles was carrying a crossbow. Xander had a rifle, one he hoped he could still remember how to use after his own *time* with the military. Willow was carrying a pouch containing some powder: the last ‘witch experiment’ she had been working on before Oz, if it worked it should freeze whoever it was sprinkled over.

Giles did a final check to see if they were all ready. It was not usual to not have Buffy here. Willow and Xander promised to know what they were doing so they all burst through the door of Sam’s hotel room, their respective weapons at the ready.

“Uhhh hey guys. What are you doing here?” Buffy asked cautiously.

“Umm we’re here to rescue you!” Xander said feeling really stupid, actually more stupid than usual. Buffy was having coffee and chocolate biscuits with her *captors*!

“Rescue me?” Buffy echoed, a little amused.

“Uhh yeah......I saw you unconscious with these guys....!” Willow added.

“Yeah it’s a long story, but you were right Will. About ALL of it!”

“I knew it! You’re SG1, right?”

“Yep, that would be us” Jack replied.

“Wow and you *actually* go through a stargate?”

“Yep and you’re *actually* a witch!” Jack replied again

“A *witch* who cracked our security system!” Sam added.

“Uhh yeah. Sorry about that! Ohhh I have about a billion questions, I don’t even know where to start!” Babbled Willow. Feeling a lot better and more excited than she had done in a long time.

“Well how about you start by answering one of ours?” Daniel asked gently.

“Sure, anything!”

“Well we’ve been discussing this and the SGC is always looking for talented people and Sam could probably do with some help on.....”

“What my friend, Sniffles the Geek-boy, is trying to say is would you come work for us once you’ve finished college?” Jack finished.

“Ummm” Willow looked towards Buffy, who nodded her approval. “Uhh Okay yes. I’d love to!”

“Good” said Sam “And maybe in the meantime you can tell us how you hacked in to the system, so we can make the necessary changes.”

“Yeah sure, but when I tried to re-enter I couldn’t, I think you managed it by yourselves. I will check again though, just incase.”

“Thank you.”

“So kids, I guess we’d better be on our way! It’s a busy Universe!” Jack said, eager to get to Gate travel to different planets. Something a lot more normal than this private little world within our very own.


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