CCCC HH HH EEEE A TTTTTTT C HH HH E A A T C HHHHHH EE A A T C HH HH E A AAA A T CCCC HH HH EEEE A A T FAQ 1.1 THE *UNOFFICIAL* CHEAT FAQ This is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for cheat codes ONLY. This is not a... Secrets FAQ (Use FAQs for certain games) Universal Hint file (Use UHS) TABLE OF CONTENTS ================================================================== iv. NEW TO THE FAQ 1.1! 1. DESCENT [1A]: Shareware codes [1B]: Registered codes 2. WOLFENSTEIN [2A]: Shareware codes [2B]: Registered codes [2C]: Codes for both 3. DOOM 4. DOOM II 5. JAZZ JACKRABBIT 6. HERETIC 7. BLACKTHORNE (PASSWORDS) 8. REBEL ASSAULT (CHEAT AND PASSCODES) 9. MAGIC CARPET 10. MINDSWEEPER 11. TERMINAL VELOCITY 12. QUEST FOR GLORY II 13. SIM CITY 2000 14. SIMCITY CLASSIC 15. RISE OF THE TRIAD [15A]: General Codes [15B]: Safety Codes [15C]: Powerup Codes [15D]: Environment Codes [15E]: Weapons Codes [15F]: Miscellaneous Codes 16. DARK FORCES 17. WARCRAFT 18. WING COMMANDER, WING COMMANDER SECRET MISSIONS 1 & 2, WING COMMANDER 2, WING COMMANDER 2 SPECIAL OPERATIONS 1 & 2 19. POLICE QUEST OPEN SEASON (CD reqired) 20. CORRIDOR 7 21. OUTPOST =========================================================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =========================================================================== iv. What's New to FAQ 1.1 Welcome to the unofficial cheat faq 1.1! Many things have been changed to make it easier to hordelessly cheat like only bad, evil people would do. Changes to 1.1: -codes for: Star Wars: Dark Forces +Sim City Classic +Warcraft +Outpost +Police Quest Open Season +Corridor 7 +The Wing Commander Games - Updated Rise Of The Triad cheat codes - Now CHEAT codes for Star Wars: Rebel Assault - Saved as .FAQ and now .WRI for easier use for searching for Windows Please, please, PLEASE if you have cheat codes for other games, corrections, etc. mail them to me on AOL at NO hints for games, or seperate passwords. Passwords will be accepted as long as they come with cheat codes. And now, our feature presentation! =========================================================================== 1. DESCENT- Parralax Software A lot of people already know the cheat codes for Descent by Parralax Software. Well, I say those people only know SOME of the cheats! Included here are 6 cheat codes not listed in the Official Descent FAQ! Enjoy knowing something others don't! NOTE: Codes with * mean that they are codes not in the FAQ, and codes with ** mean they can only be used in the Registered/Commercial Descent. Registered codes are not in the official Descent FAQ. NOTE NOTE: GABBAGABBAHEY takes your score to 0. [1A]: Shareware Codes CHEAT DESCRIPTION ============================================================================ GABBAGABBAHEY = ENABLE CHEATS RACERX = INVINCIBLILITY SCOURGE = ALL SHAREWARE WEAPONS, 100 ENERGY TWILIGHT = 100% SHIELDS GUILE = CLOAK FARMERJOE = LEVEL WARP MITZI = ALL KEYS *FLASH = MAKES A PATH OF POWER-UPS TO THE EXIT *BUGGIN = TURBO MODE TOGGLE *AHIMSA = ROBOT SHOOTING TOGGLE *BIOPSYTOYS = DESTROYS REACTOR ALT-F (IN MAP MODE) = FULL MAP [1B]: Registered codes =========================================================================== **BIGRED = REGISTERED WEAPONS, 100 ENERGY **BRUIN = EXTRA LIFE ============================================================================ 2. Wolfenstein- Apogee First of all, here is the simplest code: while you are in the game, press L,I, and M simultaneously. You will have 100% health, maximum ammo, all weapons, and both keys, but your score is down to 0. This was to bear you for the codes that follow, for they are tricky. PLEASE don't use the registered code with the shareware version, or vice versa, or Wolfenstein will really screw up. [2A]: Shareware code Instead of typing just Wolf3D, type WOLF3D -NEXT. Start a new game. While in the game, press the TAB, CTRL, and ENTER keys simultaneously. [2B]: Registered Code At the prompt, instead of just typing WOLF3D, type WOLF3D -GOOBERS. Start a new game. While in the game, press the SHIFT, ALT, and BACKSPACE keys simultaneously. [2C]: Codes for both Both times you will get a message stating that debugging keys are available. Now, press TAB and any of the following keys simultaneously: CHEAT DESCRIPTION =========================================================================== G = GOD MODE TOGGLE I = EXTRA ITEMS X = EXTRA STUFF S = SLOW MOTION TOGGLE B = CHANGE BORDER COLOR V = ASKS HOW MANY EXTRA VBL's W = WARP TO ANY LEVEL, 1-10. 10 IS THE SECRET LEVEL. T = WINDOW POPS UP WITH ENTRIES FROM THE GAME Q = BOMBS COMPUTER P = PAUSES THE GAME WITHOUT THE "PAUSED" WINDOW C = MORE ENTRIES FROM THE GAME O = SHOWS A VERY CONFUSING MAP OF THE CURRENT LEVEL ============================================================================= 3. DOOM- Id Software Most of you know the codes for Doom already. Here they are anyways. Codes with a * are also in Doom II. CHEAT DESCRIPTION ============================================================================ *IDDQD INVINCIBLILITY *IDKFA 100% HEALTH/ARMOR, ALL KEYS/GUNS, MAX AMMO W/O BACKPACK -------------------- (UNLESS YOU ALREADY HAVE IT) IDSPISPOPD NO CLIPPING (WALK THROUGH WALLS) *IDDT (IN MAP MODE) TYPE ONCE- GIVES FULL AUTOMAP. TYPE TWICE- KEEPS -------------------- FULL AUTOMAP AND USES GREEN ARROWS AS ACTORS, ETC. *IDBEHOLD TYPE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING LETTERS WITH THIS: *R RADIATION SUIT *I PARTIAL INVISIBILITY *V TEMPORARY INVINCIBILITY (SCREEN WHITE) *A FULL AUTOMAP *L LIGHT AMPLIFICATION *S BESERKER MODE IDCLEV (1-3) (1-9) A WARP, WHERE 1-3 IS EPISODE, 1-9 IS LEVEL *IDMYPOS GIVES CURRENT POSITION *IDCHOPPERS PRINTS "DOESN'T SUCK- GM" AND GIVES YOU CHAINSAW *IDFA SAME AS IDKFA ONLY WITH NO KEYS ============================================================================ 4. Doom II- Id Software The codes listed for Doom1 that are also in Doom II will not be listed here, for those codes have a * next to them. Here are codes not in Doom, but in Doom II: CHEAT DESCRIPTION ============================================================================ IDMUS ## MUSIC CHANGE, WHERE ## IS A LEVEL TO CHANGE MUSIC FROM IDCLIP NO CLIPPING (IDSPISPOPD WILL NOT WORK IN DOOM II) IDCLEV (1-32) A WARP, WHERE 1-32 IS A LEVEL OF YOUR CHOICE ============================================================================ 5. Jazz Jackrabbit- Epic Megagames Here are the codes for the rip-roarin' game, Jazz Jackrabbit: *NOTE*: All codes must have DD in front of them in the registered version. Example: DDGUNHED CHEAT DESCRIPTION ============================================================================ GUNHED RAPID FIRE + AMMO BOUF FULL HEALTH + INVINCIBILITY SABLE TOGGLES HIGH SPEED AND JUMPING CSTRIKE TOGGLE AIRBOARD (TURN INTO BIRD IN BIRDLAND) APOGEE APOGEE MODE (REALLY SLOW, SLOPPY GRAPHICS) DOOM ENEMIES SPEED UP AND TAKE MORE HITS KEN QUIT TO DOS HOOKER GUARENTEE TRIP TO BONUS LEVEL MARK KILLS YOU BAD TOGGLES BIRD LAMER SKIP LEVEL HOCUS TELEPORT (WARNING: SOMETIMES KICKED ME OUT OF --------------- THE GAME OR FROZE UP.) CHECK DISPLAYS SYSTEM INFORMATION ON STATUS BAR ARJAN DISPLAYS MESSAGE "HAHAHA" GREETZ DISPLAYS GREEZ (SOME KIND OF INFO) TIM DISPLAYS MESSAGE "AWESOME" ============================================================================= 6. Heretic- Raven Software Here's Heretic's codes: CHEAT DESCRIPTION ============================================================================ QUICKEN INVINCIBILITY TOGGLE RAMBO ALL WEAPONS, BACKPACK, AMMO KITTY NO CLIPPING TOGGLE GIMME (A-J) (1-9)GIVES YOU STUFF (SEE BELOW FOR A-J) 1-9 IS QUANITY A INVINCIBILITY RING (TEMPORARY, SCREEN BROWN) B SHADOWSPHERE (PARTIAL INVISIBLILITY) C QUARTZ FLASK (ADDS 25% HEALTH WHEN DOWN TO 0%) D ???????????? (ADDS 100% HEALTH NO MATTER WHAT) E TOME OF POWER (DOUBLES POWER OF WEAPONS TEMPORARELY) F TORCH (LIKE LIGHT VISORS IN DOOM) G TIME BOMB (IT GOES OFF FAST) H MORPH EGG (TURNES EVERY GUY IN FRONT INTO CHICKENS I WINGS OF WRATH (LETS YOU FLY) J CHAOS DEVICE (STARTS YOU BACK AT THE BEGINING OF THE LEVEL SKEL ALL KEYS RAVMAP (IN MAP MODE) SAME AS IDDT CODE FOR DOOM PONCE 100% HEALTH SHAZAM TOMB OF POWER ON/OFF ENGAGE (1-3) (1-9) WARP, WHERE 1-3 IS EPISODE, 1-9 IS LEVEL MASSACRE KILLS EVERYONE ON LEVEL BUT YOU COCKADOODLEDOO TURNS YOU INTO A CHICKEN TEMPORARELY ============================================================================= 7. Blackthorne- Blizzard Entertainment There are no cheat codes for Blackthorne, but there are passwords to get to the other various levels. The first or second passwords are available in the shareware version. LEVEL PASSWORD ========================================================================== 1 STRT 2 FBWC 3 QP7R 4 WJTV 5 RRYB 6 ZS9P 7 XJSN 8 CGDM 9 TJ1F 10 GSG3 11 BMHS 12 Y4DH 13 HCKD 14 NRLF 15 J6BZ 16 MJXG 17 K3CH ============================================================================= 8. Rebel Assault- LucasArts (Cheats and passcodes) For Star Wars: Rebel Assault, there are the passcodes, and the cheat codes that not many people know about. Here are the cheat codes: *NOTE*- You must have a joystick for this to work. To activate cheat codes, at the LucasArts figure and world screen (with the Death Star in the backround), do this with your JOYSTICK- Up & fire, down & fire, left & fire, and right & fire. You should here the word LucasArts. Load or start a game. Any time in the game, press SHIFT-+ to heal all damage. Press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,A,B,C,D,E,F, or G to warp to different chapters. Now here are the passcodes- Easy: Medium: Hard: Level 4- Falcon Level 4- Biggs Level 4- Ackbar Level 7- Anoat Level 7- Kaiburr Level 7- Fornax Level 11- Yuzzem Level 11- Mynock Level 11- Bespin Level 15- Brigia Level 15- Dagobah Level 15- Kessel End Game- Greedo End Game- Mimban End Game- Organa ========================================================================== 9. Magic Carpet Here they are- Bring the carpte to a complete stop. Then press "I" and type "ratty". Cheats- ALT-F1 :GIVES ALL SPELLS ALT-F2 :GIVES MORE MANNA ALT-F6 :HEALS YOU ALT-F7 :KILLS ALL CREATURES SHIFT-C :COMPLETES LEVEL at prompt, type instead of just plain old CARPET: CARPET -LEVEL # (Where # is a level # e.g. 1, 2, etc.), warp =========================================================================== 10. Mindsweeper As soon as you start WINDOWS Mindsweeper, type XYZZY and press the RIGHT Enter key and the LEFT shift key. Then everytime you have the cursor on a covered square with a mine, a pixel (very small) at the top right corner of the screen will be black. ========================================================================== 11. Terminal Velocity Here are the cheat codes for Terminal Velocity: CHEAT EXPLANATION =================================================================== TRIGODS INVINCIBILITY TRISHLD REPLENISHES SHIELDS TRINEXT WARPS TO NEXT LEVEL TRIHOVR HOVER PAD MANIACS NO COCKPIT, AFTERBURNERS ON (LIKE TURBO MODE) TRSCOPE ? (PROBIBLY SCREEN SHOT, P PAUSES GAME) TRIBURN AFTERBURNERS ON TRFRAME FRAME RATE 3DREALM SMOKIN' TRIFIR1 WEAPON #1 TRIFIR2 #2 TRIFIR3 #3 TRIFIR4 #4 TRIFIR5 #5 TRIFIR6 #6 TRIFIR7 #7 TRIFIR8 #8 TRIFIR9 #9 TRIFIR0 #10 ========================================================================= 12. Quest For Glory II NOTE- The list was way, way, WAY too long to put in this text file in the next year's time (708 teleport locations alone), so see QFG2_SBF.TXT for Quest for Glory II cheat codes. ========================================================================= 13. Sim City 2000 CHEAT EXPLANATION ========================================================================= FUND GET A $10,000 LOAN CASS $250 (IF USED 3-5 TIMES A DISASTER COMES HECK MESSAGE "HEY! SAME TO YOU, BUDDY!" DARN DAM" (" IS AN "N") VERS DISPLAYS CURRENT VERSION OF SC2000 MEMY RUNS A MEMORY CHECK TEST FIND OUT VERDION AND OTHER STUFF PORN SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM THE PROGRAMMERS SPOKEN ========================================================================== 14. Sim City Classic CHEAT EXPLANATION ========================================================================== FUND GIVES YOU $10,000 UP TO 8 TIMES ($80,000) ========================================================================== 15. Rise Of The Triad NOTE- Like Quest For Glory II, the list of cheat codes is way too long to list (Just look at the subtitle list in the table of contents), so see ROTT.TXT for the Rise Of The Triad cheat codes. ========================================================================== 16. Dark Forces- LucasArts These are cheat codes for Star Wars: Dark Forces. There might be more. CHEAT EXPLANATION ========================================================================== LAPOSTAL ALL WEAPONS AND AMMO ADDED LARANDY WEAPON SUPER CHARGE (TEMPORARY) LAIMLAME INVINCIBILITY TOGGLE (STILL DIE BY FALLING) LAUNLOCK INVENTORY ADDED; KEYS, IR GOGGLES, ICE CLEATS, ETC. LACDS MAP MODE TOGGLE LAREDLITE PONDERING MODE; ALL ENEMIES FREEZE LANTFH TELEPORT TO START POINT LAPOGO HEIGHT CHECK TOGGLE; SCALE BUILDINGS IN A SINGLE -----------------------------BOUND! LASKIP FORCE COMPLETION OF CURRENT MISSION LADATA DISPLAY X, Y, Z COORDINATES LABUG INSECT MODE TOGGLE; GET CLOSE TO WALLS? LASECBASE WARP TO MISSION 1 LATALAY "" "" 2 LASEWERS "" "" 3 LATESTBASE "" "" 4 LAGROMAS "" "" 5 LADTENTION "" "" 6 LARAMSHED "" "" 7 LAROBOTICS "" "" 8 LANARSHADA "" "" 9 LAJABSHIP "" "" 10 LAIMPCITY "" "" 11 LAFUELSTAT "" "" 12 LAEXECUTOR "" "" 13 LAARC "" "" 14 ============================================================================= 17. Warcraft Here are the codes for WARCRAFT: NOTE- Press ENTER before typing any of these codes. CHEAT EXPLANATION =========================================================================== YOURS TRULY TAKES PLAYER TO VICTORY SCENARIO SEQUENCE CRUSHING DEFEAT TAKES PLAYER TO CURRENT LOSS SEQUENCE IDES OF MARCH TAKES PLAYER TO FINAL SEQUENCE FOR CAMPAIGN POT OF GOLD 10,000 GOLD AND 5,000 TREES EYE OF NEWT UPGRADES MAGIC USER WITH ALL SPELLS IRON FORGE UPGRADES ALL TECHNOLOGY IMMEDIATLY SALLY SHEARS UNCOVERS ALL MAP HURRY UP GUYS ALL BUILDINGS, UNITS AND UPGRADES ARE BUILT -------------------------------AT A FASTER RATE THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE ALL UNITS ARE INVULNERABLE EXEPT FOR A DIRECT -------------------------------CANNON HIT, INFLICT 255 POINTS OF DAMAGE PER -------------------------------HIT ORC10, HUMAN9, ETC. TYPE RACE AND LEVEL TO JUMP TO A SCENARIO ============================================================================ 18. The Wing Commander Games These cheat codes for the Wing Commander series are different than most cheat codes, in the way of activating them. Origin- This cheat will let you destroy any ship, even a friendly ship, by pressing , first targeting the ship. You can destroy your own ship by pressing . EXAMPLES-Tyoe these at the prompt instead of the normal. Wing Commander 1- WC-wc Origin Wing Commander 1 Secret Missions 1- SM-z1 Origin Wing Commander 1 Secret Missions 2- SM2-sm2 Origin Wing Commander 2- WC2-wc2 Origin Wing Commander 2 Special Operations 1- SO1-so1 Origin Wing Commander 2 Special Operations 2- SO2-so2 Origin NOTE- All letters must be lowercase but the "O". The "O" must be capi- talized. No go to a mission, you would type, say, if you wished to be at the third mission of the fourth series, you would type s4 m3 WC-wc Origin s4 m3 SM-z1 Origin s5 m2 SM2-sm2 Origin s1 m4 WC2-wc2 Origin s4 m2 SO1-so1 Origin s5 m1 SO2-so2 Origin s1 m1 l (lowercase L)- allows you to proceed directly to the launch sequence (NOTE- AFTER FINISHING THE MISSION, IT WILL RETURN YOU TO DOS) EXAMPLE- WC-wc Origin s4 m2 -l -k (Dash and lowercase K) Gives you invincibility from damage from asteroids, guns, missiles, and mines. So, to review, let's say you wanted to load the third mission of the sixth series in Wing Commander 2 and proceed dircectly to the launch sequence and kick evenyone's butt while being invincible, this is what to type: C:\WING2>wc2-wc2 Origin s6 m3 l -k Although I haven't tested these codes, and you might only have to do this: C:\WING2>wc2 Origin s6 m3 l -k =========================================================================== 19. Police Quest Open Season (CD required) Here are the directions to warp wherever you want in Police Quest: Open Season. 1. Enter into Windows 3.x. And go to your Police Quest Open Season icon. 2. Be sure the CD is NOT (notice the word) in your CD-ROM drive. 3. Click on the icon. 4. When the error message comes up, click on CANCEL at least 5 times. 5. Then put the CD in. 6. Click on RETRY until something happens. 7. Choose what you want, and you will be *WARPED* to the selected place. 8. Have an exellent time! ============================================================================ 20. Corridor 7 A zero score cheat- Press and hold W,A, and X to recieve nine weapons, full life, proximity mines, and a score of zero. When you start a game, type C7 PRESIDENT to randomzize the levels. When you start a game, type C7 LEVEL1DIAGNOSTIC to enable the following cheat codes: G :GOD MODE ON/OFF W :WARP N :NO CLIPPING R :PUTS A SKULL IMAGE IN FRONT OF YOUR CHARACTER I :INCREASES YOUR SCORE ============================================================================ 21. Outpost Here are some cheat codes for Outpost: CTRL-F12 :ADJUST MORALE, EDUCATIONAL LEVEL OR CRIME LEVEL CTRL-F11 :UNLIMITED RESOURCES CTRL-F10 :DISASTER TIME! CTRL-F9 :IF YOU ALREADY BUILT A MASS DRIVER CTRL-F8 :FORCE PEOPLE TO CHEER FOR YOU ============================================================================ In short, Enjoy cheating, you scumbuc- I mean, players. Thanks for downloading this! -------- ------- ----------- ------------ ------------ - - / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------- - - - - / - - - - - - / - ---------- --------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ - - - - - - - - - - - \ - - - - - - - \ \ - - - - ------------ ------- - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- ASCII art by Kitt t 1995. (For the visually impaired, it says KITT T)