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Do you ever wonder if you have a greater purpose?

If you do, you are correct.

I, myself am a deep thinker. When I was young I use to ask myself,"Why was I put on this planet? I have virtually no special talents or abilities. So what is my purpose?"

When ever I thought about it I always came to the conclusion: I was put on this earth to do something special, something I would have to figure out later on. Until then I would continue to do what I always did at that age: Have fun all day long.

Then one Sunday as I went to my church, it hit me in the face like a ton of bricks!

I was put on this planet to serve God, my Lord, by spreading the Word. I needed to tell people that God was the answer to all their problems! This was a revelation to me, so I set out on my quest!

It was then that I realized that all the other Christians like me were trying to do the same thing. That is why I hope, by reading this small segment of my life, you will realize that if you do not know God, you really need him. Not only will you have eternal life, but you will also feel safe all the time.

Thank you for your time.

#1 - Gods Rules

Some people think Christianity is just a bunch of rules to keep you from having fun. In fact, I used to think that myself until I realized what it was all about. God wants you have fun, more fun than you can even imagine. But, He doesn't want you to be sinning in the process. Take partying for example. The Lord says not to get drunk. By drinking tons of Budweiser at a certain party, you would be getting drunk obviously. So limit yourself to one bottle. Beside that, the law prohibits minors to drink anyway. If you arn't a minor then you should stick with the one bottle plan, but as minor you should know its illegal, and not do it anyway.

#2 - #1 continued

There are so many things you can do without sinning, and yet still have fun. If you arn't sure whether what you are doing is a sin or not then read the Bible to find out.

Try Genisis and Exodus first. Ecspecially helpful is the Ten Commandments. Check those first in ---;...-.-.-.-.-.!

If you can't find anything on your problem then ask yourself and truthfully answer back.

#2 - #1 continued

In conclusion, I sincerly urge you to consider accepting the Lord, God, our Savior into your heart. I mean, hey, what have you got to lose? He'll comfort you through hards times, ecspecially if you pray for him to do so, and if you become truly spiritual you feel the Lord's goodness surgin' through your heart and soul! And on top of that you'll be guarnteed to go to Heaven and be granted eternal life as well!

Well, Let God be with you! Talk to ya, later.

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