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The Adventure Begins..........

  As the story begins, you are greeted by a robotic humanoid as you enter his house. Earlier, you'd received a phone call with an anonymous tip that he might need help...

"Hello! My name is Delta Knight, but you can call me DK for short. I'm a robot/human hybrid. Confused? No problem."
(Please don't mistake me for Masked Mega Man. He is my good friend. Join him in his adventures at:"

"MMM - The Pathway to Adventure..."

"My history goes waaayyyy back..." He begins to speak,"ready for a really long story?"
You shrug.
"If not, here it is anyway," Delta Knight laughs.
He clears his throat and begins.

"In the early 21st century, the United States was in political turmoil. Terrorists had attacked the country by surprise, killing thousands of people in the process. The US Armed Forces were slowly, but steadily weakening. My father (Professor Mokto) knew that, if nothing was done to aid the United States, it would surely fall to another world power.
In an attempt to prevent this, my father went to work constructing a "super soldier" that could aid in the protection of the American people. His life's work in cybernetics and biology now had a purpose.
Each soldier was a techo-organic symbiot, in short a combination of genetic (human) material and robotic components.

They were brilliant. Every soldier came out looking as powerful as ten men. Each one was able to perform almost any task...but only when commanded to do so by my father. Although they were robot/human hybrids, their robotic portion kept them from experiencing human emotion and becoming self aware. My father pressed on, confident that he could succeed in creating a super soldier that could think on its own and make personal judgement calls and have all the other benefits of a human existence in a half human body. He wanted to create a soldier that was more human than robot...a...a life. He constructed more super soldiers, but to no avail. Weeks later he still had not succeeded."

He pauses to take a breath.

"One morning, as he ate breakfast and watched the morning news in his favorite chair, he heard a door open from behind him. Without warning, a hand tugged on his shoulder. He turned around in his seat expecting to find his neighbor asking to borrow a power tool or something. Instead, he came face to face with his very first super soldier - Megaman!"

DK pauses in thought, then continues.

"My father was shocked at first. How could Megaman have activated himself? His thoughts shattered as Megaman spoke. 'Where am I?' Megaman let out slowly. My father realized Megaman was talking without being prompted. Somehow Megaman was thinking on his own! His blue chrome/titanium armor glistened in the morning sun as father answered,'You are at home. I am your father.' Megaman smiled. He has emotion, my father realized."

"Later that day, my father figured out what had led to Megaman's self awareness. What my father hadn't done, was let the super soldiers sit and grow. Most of his super soldiers were recycled after a few uneventful days, but he neglected to scrap Megaman because of the blue armor that made him look so cool. After a few months, Megaman's techno-organic brain finally became fully functional. All it had needed was time to develop!"

Dk beams, as if proud of his father's accomplishment, then continues.

"Months later, many more super soldiers came to life, respecting each other as brothers. My father was estatic! He had made a scientific break-through!"

"My father had many things to do now that he had achieved the creation of a life (of sorts). Finally, I was created and left to grow. I became the fourth in a series of what my father called 'GT Knights' (grand techno). My special heavy-duty, forest green armor gave me better defense than older robots like Megaman (his armor was lighter and more flexible, making him more agile than I'll ever be)."

DK pauses for another breath.

"Well, now my father was happier than before, but he wouldn't stop there. He knew that each one of his soldiers was unique, individual in their own ways. He wanted to be able to reproduce any particular soldier (each one had certain special qualities). If one was destroyed or had a quality worth reproducing, my father wanted to be able to do just that. So he decided to clone a super soldier. He wasn't sure who to clone, so he made a random choice. Me."

DK seems to shudder at the memory.

"His first attempt failed miserably - the clone exploded after creation for unknown reasons. Then, the second clone grew unstable and melted into a pile of genetic goo! My father became frustrated, but made a third attempt. All went very well. The third clone didn't explode or melt, so my father let him grow like a normal soldier."

"After a couple of weeks, he became self aware and was named D2 Knight. He seemed normal enough, but being my twin, he was sometimes mistaken for me. It annoyed him, and he even told me once that he wished he weren't a clone. I'd shrugged off his comments - a little too long, I'm afraid."

DK frowns as he reflects on the past.

"One night before my father deactivated my clone for his nightly charge up - the super soldier version of sleep - he set a wake-up timer. Two hours later he reactivated, and used my father's equipment to make himself longer a replica of me. His skin color went from a smooth peach to a rugged red-orange. His forest green armor was reduced to a nearly translucent shade of blue-black. He 'borrowed' some of my father's newly invented jet-boots (basically rocket-propelled roller blades) and left our home, never to be seen again..."

DK pauses again, but quickly resumes.

"And...well...we haven't heard from him since. Now...most of my brothers have gone, some serving in the US Elite Forces, and the rest simply helping fight crime in cities all over the world. My father went the extra mile to ensure that all of his super soldiers would fight for the good of mankind. He succeeded with all but D2 Knight."

DK perks up. "Now a little bit about myself."

"Ok, my name is Delta Knight (as you already know). My body is covered by my titanium aloy exo-armor. I have three simple but effective weapon/utilities. A Batman(TM) style grappling hook that launches from the bottom of my left wrist is the first. The second is an auto-cannon (known as the Mega-Buster) built on my right arm which fires a number of things. It is simliar to MegaMan's mega-buster, although it has a much longer range of fire. Finally, the third weapon/utility is a multi-use mini computer (MUMC) that pops out of the top of my left wrist. It is connected to my nervous system so I can control it with my mind, like you control your hands or arms. It can, to put it simply, scan my surroundings for specific readings or objects. MUMC can also emulate a number of handy tools such as a screwdriver, toothbrush, watergun, or flame-welder, to name a few. None of MUMC's tools are meant to be used as weapons, but I've had to make some exceptions in the past. When you're a super soldier, life is always bringing you troubles...and now you know all about mine."

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