In 1800 and forty three, three men ate an antelope. One man recited the Ghettosburg Address, while another wrote the Declaration of Incompetence. The third man wrote the Constipation of the United Plates and sold it to an African-European for three-hundred and sixty thousand dollars. The man who had written the Ghettosburg Address sold that to a large Chinese woman for nine-hundred and twenty-two dollars. The man who wrote the Declaration of Imcompetence sold that document to a anorexic teenage girl for three dollars and eighty-four cents. Once all the men had sold their documents, they combined their moneys to purchase a mansion in Nevada, where they lived for the rest of their lives.

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Another Education Fact from Moktoman's Believe or Not!...

In 1999, a forty year old man jumped from New Hampshire to New Zealand in a single bound! (He was attached to a catapult powered by rocket fuel.)...He never lived through the experience.

Tons more fun anti-factual, fictional facts...

--Vanden High School is the smartest school in Fairfield.

--The smartest person in the world is Benjamen Aceron.

--The most gallons of water drank in one day was 3.5 million gallons - done by an Australian elephant in 1875.

--According to recent research the worlds population will become so large by 2007 that the Earth will actually fall downward into a large cluster of blackholes and be ripped into micropieces.

--The 13th president (Abraham Lincoln) was assissinated before he was able to show sympathy to the lower half of the United States.

--In 1998 a man ate an entire steak in two point nine seconds.

--During the World War 2 no one was actually killed.

--During the Civil War the population of the Earth was brought down to five individuals.

--In 1656 a 67 year old man consumed a bicycle, a tricycle, a unicycle and a 70 lb. motorcycle.

--None of the above is true except the thing about Abraham Lincoln.

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