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MST3K Sounds!

Here's a few sounds I've recorded (more are coming) organized by episode.

Robot Roll Call (Joel era)

Robot Roll Call (Mike era)

Robot Roll Call (Sci-Fi Channel era)

"The Beginning of the End already?  It just started!" - Mike. (517- The Beginning of the End)

"Pull over.  I saw something." - Policemen. "If they have to pull over every time he sees something, it's gonna be a long ride." - Tom. (517- The Beginning of the End)

"We don't know." - Man. "On the count of the fact, we're not very smart." - Tom. (517- The Beginning of the End)

"And tell me, what's he doing?" - Lady. "Well that's plant food-- essential minerals..." - Scientist. "And he's eating it." - Tom (517- The Beginning of the End)

"Huh?" - Tom. "What?  Huh?" - Mike. "What the?" - Tom. "What the?" - Mike. "Hey!  This is even worse than that other stuff that we didn't know what it was!" - Crow. (517- The Beginning of the End)

"Ah, luckily the grasshopper's closed captioned." - Crow.  "Frank, would you quit clowning with that giant grasshopper!" - Tom (517- The Beginning of the End)

"This communication or call is produced by the hind legs." - Man. "Let me demonstrate." - Tom. (517- The Beginning of the End)

"Station men at three observation posts.  One in the suburbs, one near the art institute, and one on top of the downtown hotel." - Officer. "And one on top of me." - Tom. (517- The Beginning of the End)

"Hey, no problem!  Our invention is YOU!" - Mike. "I'm Dr. Clayton Forrester." - Crow. "And I'm TV's Frank." - Tom. "See?" - Mike (518 - The Atomic Brain)

"You're gonna miss the soup of the day, jerk!" - Mike (518 - The Atomic Brain)

"No, no, I'm sorry, I can't." - Man. "I'm too noodily." - Mike (518 - The Atomic Brain)

"Servo, you're gonna die in space." - Crow.  "Crow!  He might not!" - Gypsy.  "That's right Crow, now raise Weather Servo 9 into space and I'll report the weather as it happens to YOU!" - Tom (518 - The Atomic Brain)

"Uh, excuse me, there's a dog brain in my toilet." - Tom (The Atomic Brain)

"I think a Wal-Mart has landed." - Tom (606- The Creeping Terror)

"Well, it turns out, the Creeping Terror likes the frolic in the fields." - Mike (606- The Creeping Terror)

"They proceeded with their investigation." - Narrator.  "Oh, I'm the Narrator... I was just on break, I hope you don't mind." - Mike (606- The Creeping Terror)

"A puzzled Ben finally asked Martin what he made of the craft." - Narrator.  "Martin panicked and froze." - Mike.  "It's no airplane." - Martin.  "Ben never asked Martin another question." - Crow. (606- The Creeping Terror)

"Ben could not understand why the craft wasn't severely damaged." - Narrator.  "He started crying." - Crow. (606- The Creeping Terror)

"I gotta check under the movie.  Oh, yeah, there's a big mess under here, geez." - Tom (606- The Creeping Terror)

"Martin invited the alien home for supper without telling his wife!" - Crow.  "D'oh!" - Tom/Mike.  "Martin keeps his softball glove above the stove." - Mike. (606- The Creeping Terror)

"I think the Narrator got eaten." - Mike (606- The Creeping Terror)

"Come on, Rita... I've had enough of that guy!" - Lady.  "Sorry, folks, should've told you about the subplot.  You've caught me, the Narrator, off guard." - Mike. (606- The Creeping Terror)

"The Sergeant, a shaken man, returned babbling about what had happened." - Narrator.  "(Babbles)" - Tom. (606- The Creeping Terror)

"Richard Kimble: man on the run." - Crow. (606- The Creeping Terror)

"Martin's upset because the thing's transmitting bad stuff about him." - Mike (606- The Creeping Terror)

"John Carradine!" - Mike. "Was he always 100 years old?" - Crow. (619- Red Zone Cuba)

"I want to give you some idea what to expect." - General. "There's 80-thousand of them and 7 of us." - Mike. (619- Red Zone Cuba)

"Curious George goes to Cuba!" - Mike. (619- Red Zone Cuba)

"Woodstock 3 draws a slim crowd." - Mike (619- Red Zone Cuba)

"Ah, it's the nicest weather earth has ever had!" - Crow (M01- MST3K: The Movie)

"Oh, my interociter's way nicer than that one!" - Tom. "You have an interociter?" - Mike. "Sure don't you?" - Tom. "Well, come on! We can use it to get back to earth! If you got an interociter, you should tell me these things!" - Mike. (M01- MST3K: The Movie)

"Oh, now we're just seeing guys who drove by the studio one afternoon." - Crow (M01- MST3K: The Movie)

"D'oh, don't soak your map in nitroglycerin!" - Mike (804- The Deadly Mantis)

"In their last futile attempt to save themselves, they taped their plastic salad bowls to the roof of the plane." - Tom (804- The Deadly Mantis)

"What've you got?" - Man #1. "Rhythm!" - Crow. "I don't know." - Man #2. "Then why'd you call me out here?!" - Mike (804- The Deadly Mantis)

"What's the meat thermometer on my head say?" - Crow (804- The Deadly Mantis)

"Uh, should we take down that big ape on the Empire State Building while we're here?" - Crow (804- The Deadly Mantis)

"He is the Pumaman! He can get out of a car going three miles an hour!" - Tom (903- Pumaman)

"D'oh, where am I going to get another personal fire truck?" - Mike (903- Pumaman)

"So, what do you think the message of the movie was?" - Tom. "Don't watch it!" - Crow (904- The Deadly Bees)

"Bees should be in every single movie!" - Tom (904- The Deadly Bees)

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