NAME BSAVE, BLOAD Statements SYNOPSIS BSAVE filespec$, offset%, length& BLOAD filespec$[,offset%] o filespec$ For BSAVE, a file to which an area of memory (a byte-for-byte memory image) is copied. For BLOAD, a memory-image file created by a previous BSAVE. o offset% For BSAVE, the offset of the starting address of the area of memory being saved. For BLOAD, the offset of the address where loading starts. o length& The number of bytes to copy (from 0 through 65,535). o The starting address of the memory area saved or loaded is determined by the offset and the most recent DEF SEG statement. DESCRIPTION BSAVE copies the contents of an area of memory to a file. BLOAD loads a file created by BSAVE into memory. SEE ALSO DEF SEG VARPTR VARSEG