NAME WRITE Statement SYNOPSIS WRITE [[#]filenumber%,] expressionlist o filenumber% The number of an open sequential file. If the file number is omitted, WRITE writes to the screen. o expressionlist One or more variables or expressions, separated by commas, whose values are written to the screen or file. o WRITE inserts commas between items and quotation marks around strings as they are written. WRITE writes values to a file in a form that can be read by the INPUT statement. DESCRIPTION Writes data to the screen or a sequential file. Example: CLS OPEN "LIST" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO INPUT " NAME: ", Name$ INPUT " AGE: ", Age$ WRITE #1, Name$, Age$ INPUT "Add another entry"; R$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(R$) = "Y" CLOSE #1 'Print the file to the screen. OPEN "LIST" FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS PRINT "Entries in file:": PRINT DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, Rec1$, Rec2$ 'Read entries from file. PRINT Rec1$, Rec2$ 'Print the entries on the screen. LOOP CLOSE #1 KILL "LIST" SEE ALSO INPUT LINE INPUT OPEN PRINT LPRINT