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  COLOR Statement

  COLOR [foreground%] [,[background%] [,border%]]    Screen mode 0 (text only)
  COLOR [background%] [,palette%]                    Screen mode 1
  COLOR [foreground%]                                Screen modes 4, 12, 13
  COLOR [foreground%] [,background&]                 Screen modes 7-10
      o foreground%    A number that sets the foreground screen color. In
        foreground&    screen mode 0, foreground% is a color attribute that
                       sets the text color. In other screen modes, foreground%
                       a color attribute or 4-bit color value (screen mode 4
                       only) that sets the text and line-drawing color.
      o background%    A number that sets the background screen color. In
        background&    screen mode 0, background% is a color attribute. In
                       screen mode 1, background% is a 4-bit color value. In
                       screen modes 7-10, background& is a color value.
      o border%        A color attribute that sets the screen border color.
      o palette%       A number (0 or 1) that specifies which of two sets
                       of color attributes to use:
                       palette%    Attribute 1    Attribute 2    Attribute 3
                       --------    -----------    -----------    ------------
                       0           Green          Red            Brown
                       1           Cyan           Magenta        Bright white
      o The available color attributes and values depend on your graphics
        adapter and the screen mode set by the most recent SCREEN statement.
      o If your system is equipped with an EGA, VGA, or MCGA adapter, use the
        PALETTE statement to change the color assignments of color attributes.

  Sets the screen display colors.

      'This example requires a color graphics adapter.
      SCREEN 7
      FOR i% = 0 TO 15
          COLOR i%
          PRINT i%
      NEXT i%