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  Screen Modes

  The following table summarizes screen modes:

  ----------MDPA, CGA, Hercules, Olivetti, EGA, VGA, or MCGA Adapters-------
  SCREEN 0: Text mode only
      _ 40 x 25, 40 x 43, 40 x 50, 80 x 25, 80 x 43, or 80 x 50 text format,
        8 x 8 character box (8 x 14, 9 x 14, or 9 x 16 with EGA or VGA)
      _ 16 colors assigned to any of 16 attributes (with CGA or EGA)
      _ 64 colors assigned to any of 16 attributes (with EGA or VGA)
      _ Depending on the text resolution and adapter, 8 video memory pages
        (0-7), 4 pages (0-3), 2 pages (0-1), or 1 page (0)

  -----------------------CGA, EGA, VGA, or MCGA Adapters--------------------
  SCREEN 1: 320 x 200 graphics
      _ 40 x 25 text format, 8 x 8 character box
      _ 16 background colors and one of two sets of 3 foreground colors
        assigned using COLOR statement with CGA
      _ 16 colors assigned to 4 attributes with EGA or VGA
      _ 1 video memory page (0)
  SCREEN 2: 640 x 200 graphics
      _ 80 x 25 text format, 8 x 8 character box
      _ 16 colors assigned to 2 attributes with EGA or VGA
      _ 1 video memory page (0)

  ---------------------Hercules, Olivetti, or AT&T Adapters-----------------
  SCREEN 3: Hercules adapter required, monochrome monitor only
      _ 720 x 348 graphics
      _ 80 x 25 text format, 9 x 14 character box
      _ Usually 2 video memory pages (0-1); 1 page (0) if a second color
        display adapter is installed
      _ PALETTE statement not supported
      _ Invoke the Hercules driver MSHERC.COM before using screen mode 3
      _ Supports Olivetti Personal Computers models M24, M240, M28, M280,
        M380, M380/C, and M380/T and AT&T Personal Computers 6300 series
      _ 640 x 400 graphics
      _ 80 x 25 text format, 8 x 16 character box
      _ 1 of 16 colors assigned as the foreground color (selected by the
        COLOR statement); background is fixed at black
      _ 1 video memory page (0)
      _ PALETTE statement not supported

  -----------------------------EGA or VGA Adapters------------------------
  SCREEN 7: 320 x 200 graphics
      _ 40 x 25 text format, 8 x 8 character box
      _ Assignment of 16 colors to any of 16 attributes
      _ If 64K EGA adapter memory, 2 video memory pages (0-1); otherwise,
        8 pages (0-7)
  SCREEN 8: 640 x 200 graphics
      _ 80 x 25 text format, 8 x 8 character box
      _ Assignment of 16 colors to any of 16 attributes
      _ If 64K EGA adapter memory, 1 video memory page (0); otherwise,
        4 pages (0-3)
  SCREEN 9: 640 x 350 graphics
      _ 80 x 25 or 80 x 43 text format, 8 x 14 or 8 x 8 character box
      _ 16 colors assigned to 4 attributes (64K adapter memory), or
        64 colors assigned to 16 attributes (more than 64K adapter memory)
      _ If 64K EGA adapter memory, 1 video memory page (0); otherwise,
        2 pages (0-1)

  -----------------EGA or VGA Adapters, Monochrome Monitor Only------
  SCREEN 10: 640 x 350 graphics, monochrome monitor only
      _ 80 x 25 or 80 x 43 text format, 8 x 14 or 8 x 8 character box
      _ Up to 9 pseudocolors assigned to 4 attributes
      _ 2 video memory pages (0-1), 256K adapter memory required

  -----------------------------VGA or MCGA Adapters------------------
  Screen 11 (VGA or MCGA)
      _ 640 x 480 graphics
      _ 80 x 30 or 80 x 60 text format, 8 x 16 or 8 x 8 character box
      _ Assignment of up to 256K colors to 2 attributes
      _ 1 video memory page (0)
  Screen 12 (VGA)
      _ 640 x 480 graphics
      _ 80 x 30 or 80 x 60 text format, 8 x 16 or 8 x 8 character box
      _ Assignment of up to 256K colors to 16 attributes
      _ 1 video memory page (0)
  Screen 13 (VGA or MCGA)
      _ 320 x 200 graphics
      _ 40 x 25 text format, 8 x 8 character box
      _ Assignment of up to 256K colors to 256 attributes
      _ 1 video memory page (0)

  SCREEN Statement