NAME SHARED, STATIC Statements SYNOPSIS SHARED variable[()] [AS type] [,variable[()] [AS type]]... STATIC variable[()] [AS type] [,variable[()] [AS type]]... o variable The name of the module-level variable to share or variable to make static. Variable names can consist of up to 40 characters and must begin with a letter. Valid characters are A-Z, 0-9, and period (.). o AS type Declares the data type of the variable (INTEGER, LONG, SINGLE, DOUBLE, STRING, or a user-defined type). DESCRIPTION SHARED gives procedures access to module-level variables. STATIC makes a variable local to a function or procedure and preserves its value between calls. Example: The program REMLINE.BAS illustrates using the SHARED and STATIC statements. To view or run this program, load REMLINE.BAS using the Open command from the File menu. SEE ALSO COMMON DIM REDIM