NightStar's Lair
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Welcome to my Lair

You walk through a deep forest at night. The full moon above casts faint shadows on the forest floor as it filters through the canopy. Crickets chrip and a gentle breeze rustles the leaves softly. You enter a clearing lit dimly but the silver moon. There is a tiny pond of crystal clear water in the center of the small clearing. Sitting beside it you see a beautiful woman, her appearance so magical and enchanting you think you are dreaming. Her skin is soft and only faintly tanned, her dark blood red hair flows down her back to her waist, and her silken black dress gently caresses her slender, delicate body.

She holds a dark, blood red rose in her soft hand as she turns to look at you. Then you see her eyes. They are a misty grey-blue with a rim of bright gold around the pupil. You get a chill down your back as you look into those piercing eyes. You know you are now looking upon a creature not of the mortal world, but rather, a maiden of magic. A being of the supernatural. It is the Night's Star, the Silver Shadow, the Mistress of Flame... She stands up slowly and looks at you. The woods suddenly grow a freezing cold and you break into a sweat. Suddenly the woman's body melts and shifts. Her hair melts into her expanding body as does her black dress. Giant shimmering wings sprout from her back and a long reptilian tail from behind her. Her neck lengthens as her body grows and razor-like spines grow down the ridge of her back and a pair of curving silver horns grow from the back of her head. Those misty eyes remain, now tinted with the faintest hint of a red fire, slitted and reptilian surrounded by scales of firey crimson that are rimmed with shimmering silver. Her massive wings are also crimson, though the skin between the "fingers" melts into silver as well,glistening in the moonight.

The great dragon looks down upon you, then suddenly thrusts her wings down, forcing air out all around her and lifting herself up off the ground, vanishing into the night. Looking past where she stood, the pool is gone, replaced by dark woods. There are four paths leadding away from you, and the one by which you entered is gone. Which path shall you choose?

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