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Read below to hear about the latest things happening in the world of oxynet


Oxygene 13 posts an update, read below.

Stuart Vice

Hey there guys. Its been a VERY long time since the last update. A year in fact. In this year what has happened. Let me tell you.

Copies of the album 'seVen' were made and a few sold here and there and spread about. It feels like so long since I wrote that CD! Summer 2002 I did some small live performances in the north of England. These were received very well and were a good learning experience as it was the first time where I had played and sang a whole performance on my own with no band or other musicians, thanks go out to those who saw them.

Around July last year I made a new track called Havoc, am still very pleased with it and am currently re-recording it using my new studio setup (Cool effects and delays).

What has really put the music on halt has been my moving to university. I moved to the city of Birmingham to study at Aston University. My new student lifestyle and schedule along with earning money meant that there was less time to record the songs ive been writing. In January I met up with a songwriter with a view to having him write lyrics for me to do music to, however this died out due to lack of time on my part. Last Autumn I upgraded my studio setup in both software and hardware meaning that I have the facility to control and edit alot more aspects of sounds and also have less crude sampling means. With this I am slowly learning production all over again with this new system, it can only bring good things. I have started on a few new tracks and I hope to bring these to you as soon as I can.

By December I hope to be well on the way to a new CD or collection of songs also as my degree course has improved my web technique and programming I hope to design a new site. Also the branding may change, over the past year I have been involved in many areas with many people where I have used my real name. In particular my photos including ones took of pop group Dead or Alive. These were put on many fansites where viewers were directed to this site. To keep things consistent I may rebrand and use the name beNcooKe from now on and centralise everything through this site.

On the social side of things I have been around all over the place meeting all sorts of people. Around easter I met a few of my icons including Boy George while he DJd at DV8 in Birmingham. The next night I was in London for a Dead or Alive Gig where I met Martin Degville of Cyber Punk group Sigue Sigue Sputnik, one of my style idols. Also there was Princess Julia, model and the first female DJ (Bit of a fact there lol). I also met Massive Ego, an artist I had been following on the internet who is big on the London electro pop scene. I may at some point put the pics up here. Ive also met a hell of alot of interesting characters on the Birmingham club scene, including 'Lord' Paul StebentonMarks, singer, gothic, vampire and frontman of the 'Beautiful Deadly Children' group. Quite a character I assure you!

Keep in touch with me for information and tell me your views on the things. I will always listen.

oXygeNe13 / beNcooKe 30th June 2003, 03:30



The video for shatter is ready from today, below is what Oxygene13 had to say.

Stuart Vice

From today you can view the music video for my song Shatter. click here for information. Below are two screenshots from the video. you can click on them to find out more about the video and to view it. I hope you like what you see and would be pleased to hear a response. Thank you.




Oxygene13's track 'Shatter' is now available for realaudio stream or download from the vitaminic site. (click here or go to The song was completed in January. A music video made in February will be available here soon. This is the first Oxygene13 track to be accompanied by a professional music video.

Artwork for the track is shown below, the track was written about escaping from a partner at the end of a relationship. This is featured in the video with shots of Oxygene13 on trains and in stations. This theme is continued in the art below as it is based off of the design of a bus ticket. Email with your thoughts here.

Stuart Vice



As of today Oxygene13 will be withdrawing from activity. Recent events in his personal life and social relations have shaken things a little making concentration on material and media low priority for the time being. Until further notice the remodelling and management of this site (scarcely active as it is) will be executed by the Air Assembly, a group of designers and minds usually kept behind the scenes. We wish him all the best.

Stuart Vice

07/02/02 - MUSIC VIDEO!!!

On saturday February 2nd we did some filming for a music video for the next oxygene13 single. The single is still to be named properly after having many different working titles. The video is being produced completely using digital media. The filming and editing is all being done using apple imac software and digital camera equipment. After the final version is approved I will make efforts to publish it here most likely in an apple quicktime format, low quality, for any people who are interested.

Filiming was done in a variety of urban and rural locations from a small train station to a messed up grimey pedestrian subway in the town of Grimsby, North Lincolnshire! I have every confidense in the artist who is overseeing the product and I hope that once it is published here it is liked.



At present we are getting worried for the whereabouts of fellow musician and contributor, Leon g Blank. he has not been in touch with Oxynet for nearly a month now and has not been seen around his hometown for an even longer time. If anybody has information please contact me: as usual.




the Air Assembly 2002