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Polar Lights Enterprise Review Continued

Painting was the fun part but I wanted to spray the main section (Saucer & Secondary Hull with Engine pylons) separate from the Nacelles but by doing this it was difficult to keep the ship balanced while working. I suppose everyone has their own way of supporting the pieces to be sprayed. I used the stand that came with the kit because it was convenient. If you tape down the base to the work surface you should be alright.

Gloss Coat...

After the top coat of Light Grey I waited 24 hours then I sprayed the Enterprise with a clear coat, this was so the decals didn't silver. The number one kit didn't get a clear coat and even with the decal set solution I had plenty of silvering. The entire model will be sprayed with a Testors Dullcoat after the decals are applied. I left the Nacelles off until the decaling was finished. Again this was to avoid difficult support while working.


The decals turn soft fast and I found out that applying them over a clear coat can be a bit tricky.

The decals start taking off on you and slide like crazy. The flat coated model that I built had silvering, but the decals sat right where I wanted them to sit. The decal sheet was crowded with all the options and made cutting them out a nightmare. I always like to have excess paper between the decals for holding and sliding. I was well prepared with the list below before I started.

  • Tweezers
  • Setting Solution
  • Cotton Swabs
  • Damp Paper Towel
  • Toothpicks
  • Exacto Knife
  • Water
The best way to decal any model is to cut the graphics that you are going to apply with a very sharp knife or scissor so that the edges will be as flat as possible. This will help the decal slide off the paper without any obstruction to throw off the placement. Let your water sit and become room temperature.

Use your favorite decal setting solution and moisten a cotton swab with it, then swab the area to be decaled. Take your nice clean edged decal and hold one end with a tweezers while using either your finger or a toothpick to press the leading edge onto the placement area. Pull the end with the tweezers while holding down the leading edge with your toothpick and continue to slide until the decal is set on the model. If your decal is slightly off the mark then just use a wet cotton swab to drop a bit of water or solution back onto the decal and move it into place. Press the decal by using a pretty fast motion on the edges working outward. Press lightly first and continue to add some pressure as the decal begins to adhere. Once you have any bubbles or silvering eliminated you can swab a small coating of set solution back onto the decal and wait about a minute then pat with a damp paper towel.

Use a thick (1-Ply) bathroom tissue folded roughly into a 3” x 3” square and dampen it. Do not soak the tissue because this may move or pull the decal away.
