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wild, untamed platypus tour

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How you can help the platypus
, from Platypus World:

• Start by making other people aware of the platypus, and their likely habitats. It is important to realise that litter in the streets will end up in creeks and streams via storm water drains.
• Platypus need logs, stumps and snags in their habitats. They will live in a man-made environment if it is linked to a natural water body by a channel.
• Replant native vegetation growing along water courses. Loss of vegetation causes soil to erode the banks of rivers and creeks. Stable banks are essential for secure burrows.


Threats to the platypus:

  • • Floods can kill platypus, but they also help by opening up the stream and creating a greater feeding area.
    • Known predators of the platypus are foxes, domestic cats and dogs, goannas, Murray cod, carpet pythons, crocodiles and birds of prey.
  • Fishing nets left unattended in a stream can trap and drown platypus. Although platypus can spend up to 14 • minutes underwater at a time, they are air-breathing mammals.
  • • Rubbish and litter can become tangled around a platypus, causing injury or death.
    • The greatest threat to the platypus is deterioration of its habitat. Because it is specially adapted to a freshwater environment, the platypus depends on the availability of its habitat.

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