Transitional forms occur
in the human brain:
awareness occurs as a gradual state, ranging from focal
awareness (that which we are most focused on and acutely
aware of)
down to fuzzier awareness (things that
are on the tip of the tongue, peripheral vision)
deeper down to the murky depths of the subconscious
(dreams and nightmares),
and then deeper still to the basic limbic
level, the level which regulates breathing and the autonomic nervous
sytem and heartbeat.
We are always constantly conscious on many different levels.
study of the physiology of the human brain is fascinating, because you
learn that the human creature is a mind-bending mix of different:
brain halves (right
brain, which is abstraction, and left brain,
which is analytical and ordered),
lobes (Wernicke's Area, which allows you
to comprehend language, and Broca's expressive area,
which deals with speech production, and many others)
then there's the:
limbic system
(the primitive part of the brain which deals with base instincts, and
which is the most animal-like)
the neocortex
(the most recent part of the human brain, which allows for detached awareness
and abstraction and advanced intelligence and science....)
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