TITLE: I Scan the Skies For You
AUTHOR: little scully
E-MAIL: starbuck92@yahoo.com
DISTRIBUTION: Xemplary, Spookys, and anywhere else so long as my name and email stay attached.
SUMMARY: Post-Requiem look at believing.
COMPLETED: May 21, 2000
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Mulder, Scully or any of the other X-Files characters, and all of my money is going to college right now so please don't sue.

Author's Notes: Almost embarrassingly enough, I thought of this little piece while zoning out in church thinking about the finale. As soon as I got home, I jotted it down, and it's the fastest story I've ever written. Sorry for any mistakes, but it hasn't really been read over by anyone. Hope you enjoy.


I Scan the Skies For You
little scully

When I was a child, I scanned the skies, looking for God knows what. Was there intelligent life out there beyond our own, or were we truly alone? A mere speck in a universe so infinitely vast that no one dare tries to encompass its grandeur. As a youth it is easy to subject one's self to believe so readily in that which our developing minds cannot entirely speculate on.

          When you're five, it's easy to believe.

When I became older and my interest in science and medicine intensified, I no longer believed in such things as bogeymen, monsters under the bed or, God forbid, little green men. I learned to accept that science could explain everything and answer all the questions that are posed. Cold, hard facts were the basis of my belief in what existed on our world. There was nothing more, nothing less.

          When you're twenty-three, you ridicule those who believe.

When I met you, I was amused at your willingness to believe. I was sent to you to make sense of your outrageous theories and ground you back down to earth.   But you had something important to tell the world, and I was the only one there who would listen.

          When I became your partner, you wanted me to believe.

When I fell in love with you, I do not know. But now, I am lost without you. Do I have the strength to continue on now that you are gone? You have been ripped away and half of my soul and all of my heart go with you. I scan the skies every night looking for some sign. Are you watching over me?

          I believe. End (1/1)

Please send any feedback to starbuck92@yahoo.com. Thanks for reading.

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