Not much is known on the enemies because they have descided to scrap the N64 version and release it exslusivly for the CUBE (old news) but heres what I do know, may not be totaly factual.
These have been in every and all RE game and that will never change, but these are suposadly stronger and faster than befor.
There the same as in previous games maybe a little faster.
I belive they make an appearence in the game.
This was confusing because I got a lot of differant info on this, it is either like the giant spiders in RE2 or like the baby spiders most frequently seen in RE1 billiard room. They look tough, just imagine that gigantic stinger lunged into your torso, OUCH!
At the moment those are the only enemies I know of, there is sure to be a tyrant or maybe not this is the prequal to the first so you may not see a tyrant.
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