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July 19, 2001 We'll be unveiling a completely new website soon, and therein you will be able to find details about the next evolution of Prison Infinity. Coming soon!

June 29, 2001 The design of PI Multiplayer is coming along very nicely. However, it looks like we're probably going to switch engines and license a modified Tribes 2 engine from Garage Games because we can more readily find team members and because the design of PI Multiplayer is well suited for the feature set of that engine.

We're also completely rebuilding the website and will find a good host ASAP. More news as it happens.

June 2, 2001 We've got a really unique multiplayer game shaping up here. Very soon we'll be revamping this website with a bunch of information about the multiplayer design.

May 26, 2001 Prison Infinity has undergone something of a rebirth. We have decided that in order to facilitate quicker progress, we're going to produce a multiplayer Prison Infinity experience before tackling the ambitious single player Prison Infinity.

But this isn't your typical deathmatch bland Prison Infinity. Far from it. It's best described as a FPS/RTS hybrid with teamplay. The maps and scenarios will be related to the storyline of the single player game, so it's all interwoven.

We'll put out more info as things develop further.

May 18, 2001 The project lives and, in fact, is making progress. Sycada and Screaming Jesus are working diligently on the design, but the art team is lagging a bit. We might have a weapons and enemies list to put up once some artwork is done for it. Hold tight, we're working on it!

May 5, 2001 Added links to team member previous projects in the Gallery.

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