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PLAYER Name Unknown

On a night like any other on Earth in the year 3141, with your one-hundred story apartment complex buzzing with activity even late at night, you sit and listlessly stare at the holo-vision screen. Commercials for love and happiness implore you to spend money for effortless emotional fulfillment.

But you're a cynic. Anyone who's got the blinders off knows that the reality is rule by distraction. The global governments control the media and pour so much illusory utopia through the entertainment outlets that nobody thinks to question the validity of the reports. Check the facts.

As this is all swimming through your mind, almost subconsciously since you're practically asleep on the couch, a sudden blast of light sends a shock through you.

Vertigo. Blindness.

When your eyes adjust, it's very dark. And you aren't in your living room anymore.


Whatever these beings are, they never speak and they seem more like robots than sentient humanoids. Some are "doctors" while others are soldiers. Far fewer are prisoners like you.


The only free-thinking beings in all the prisons you've come across, these Telurians are usually friendly. Most are desperate and scared like you, looking for a way to survive or escape the confines of the immense worlds that make up the Habitat.


There are rumors of a human like yourself living in one of the Habitat prisons. Who he is or how he affects you cannot be revealed, but he is important to your survival.


As it becomes possible to reveal more information about various characters in the game, we will update this page. We don't want to give away too much, though, because mystery is part of the appeal of the story.

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